Summer vacation is coming soon, and many parents will take their children out to play, or send their children to their hometown in the countryside to stay for a while. At this time, they must pay attention to avoid being hurt by a type of small insects, that is, bees. What happen

2024/05/1609:18:33 baby 1909

Summer vacation is coming soon. Many parents will take their children out to play, or send their children to their hometown in the countryside to stay for a while. At this time, they must pay attention to avoid being hurt by a type of small insects, that is, bees. What will happen if

is stung by a bee?

was stung by a bee, which means bee venom . There are two common stinging bees in my country: honeybees and wasps. Bees have a relatively gentle temperament and generally do not attack people. They will only fight to the death when threatened. Because bees have barbs on their stings, they can easily fall off after stinging people. Once the stings fall off, the life of the bee will come to an end.

Summer vacation is coming soon, and many parents will take their children out to play, or send their children to their hometown in the countryside to stay for a while. At this time, they must pay attention to avoid being hurt by a type of small insects, that is, bees. What happen - DayDayNews

The wasp is different. It is also called the " killer bee ". It has a ferocious temperament and is more aggressive and toxic than bees. The well-known wasps , wasps , bumble bees , etc. can be collectively called Being a wasp, the sting of a wasp is not easy to fall off and can be stung repeatedly.

If stung by an ordinary bee, the sting will usually cause pain, redness, swelling, and numbness. Normally, it will heal on its own within a few hours. A few will have symptoms of systemic poisoning. However, after being stung by a wasp, redness, swelling and pain will appear immediately, and some may also cause dizziness, headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, irritability and other symptoms. In mild cases, they will disappear within a few hours or days, and in severe cases, symptoms will appear throughout the body. Allergic reactions are even related to organ failure .

Allergic reactions often occur within minutes to hours after being stung. They are characterized by itching of the skin all over the body, laryngeal edema, difficulty breathing, tachycardia, etc. If not treated in time, anaphylactic shock and respiratory and circulatory failure may occur. And death.

Multiple organ failure occurs, which is manifested by confusion, irritability, muscle spasms, convulsions, coma, shock , respiratory and circulatory failure, etc., and often leads to death within hours or days.

If a patient encounters the above two dangerous situations after being stung, he or she should be highly vigilant and go to the nearest hospital or call an ambulance.

After being stung by any bee , allergic reactions may occur, which may be life-threatening in severe cases. It is recommended to go to the nearest hospital for treatment. How to deal with

Summer vacation is coming soon, and many parents will take their children out to play, or send their children to their hometown in the countryside to stay for a while. At this time, they must pay attention to avoid being hurt by a type of small insects, that is, bees. What happen - DayDayNews

being stung by a bee?

The golden first aid period ranges from several minutes to 24 hours after the sting, especially within 6 hours.

The first step is to remove the stinger. Check whether the stinger remains in the affected area, and remove the stinger visible to the naked eye as soon as possible. You can use tweezers, small needle picking, tape sticking, etc. to remove the stinger. Be careful not to squeeze to avoid squeezing the bee venom into the body and aggravating the poisoning.

The second step is to clean the wound. Here you need to know what kind of bee you were stung by? Because wasp venom is weakly alkaline and bee venom is weakly acidic. Different acids and alkalis require different treatment methods. If you are stung by a wasp, you can apply some vinegar to the wound to relieve the pain symptoms. If you are stung by a bee, apply alkaline liquids such as soda water and soapy water to relieve the pain symptoms.

You can also apply ice cubes to the stung area to reduce pain and swelling. If the pain is unbearable, you can also take some painkillers.

The third step is to seek medical treatment promptly. Observe closely for about half an hour. If you have difficulty breathing, thick breathing sounds, wheezing sounds, headache, vomiting, heart palpitations, chest tightness, weakness of limbs, cold hands and feet, hematuria, etc., immediately, immediately Go to the nearest hospital to avoid delays.

Summer vacation is coming soon, and many parents will take their children out to play, or send their children to their hometown in the countryside to stay for a while. At this time, they must pay attention to avoid being hurt by a type of small insects, that is, bees. What happen - DayDayNews

How to prevent being stung by bees?

1. When encountering bees on the road, be careful.

If a single bee circles you and does not make a sound of rapid flight, do not slap or disturb it. You can squat down and slowly move away. When multiple bees attack you directly and make rapid sounds, immediately lie down and cover the exposed parts of your body with clothes. Do not run or repeatedly swat.

2. Stay away from bees and do not disturb the hive. Hives

Tell children not to provoke bees and not to approach the hive. When a bee nest is found in an active area, do not disturb it at will. The removal of the nest should be left to professionals, such as firefighters. Beekeepers should take personal protection before carrying out work such as collecting honey.

3. Take precautions when going out.

Try to wear long sleeves and long trousers when going outing. Do not wear too bright clothes. You can wear a simple anti-bee hat. If you are working in the fields or mountains, you should prepare snakeskin bags, sheets and other coverings for use in times of crisis. There are also outdoor activities. Do not play near the beehive, have picnics, and avoid eating or bringing alcohol, sweets, etc.

hopes that more parents and babies can live in harmony with humans and insects when they go out for a walk, go out happily and return home safely.

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