Text/Aini The brightest thing in this world is not the sun, but your smile every day. The power of smile reaches the heart at all times. Happiness is not far away from us. The little things in life are the source of happiness. I also fell into a state of boredom for a period of t

2024/07/0300:23:33 article 1169

text / Aini

The brightest thing in this world is not the sun, but your smile every day.

The power of smile reaches into the heart at all times.

Happiness is not far away from us. The trivial things in life are the source of happiness.

I also fell into a state of boredom for a period of time. I felt that life had become a straight line with no joy. I switched back and forth between commuting to get off work, exercising, and reading every day, and my life once lost its vitality.

So, I chose to open my diary on a quiet afternoon, and carefully read through all the diaries I had written and posted to Moments over the years.

I saw the courage to make a desperate move when I started my own business; I also saw the indescribable excitement when I actually own a studio;

I saw myself learning about coffee and the surprise of making my first cup of coffee;

I saw my first cup of coffee. I had fun learning Latin dance and African drum at the same time;

These big and small challenges and the tension and excitement of trying new things constitute rich memories of the past, and because of the existence of these pasts, I believe that the future will still be the same. There will be more surprises to come.

For me, the way to gain happiness is to do things that take time and are meaningless in the eyes of others.

For example: Feeling refreshed after every sweaty workout during early morning exercise;

For example: After driving for a long time and eating snacks in an old alley with my loved one;

For example: The resonance generated by reading a good book makes me See a bigger world and a small and real self;

For example: watching a better movie on the weekend, every inner touch is a sublimation and baptism of oneself;

For example: go to your favorite movie on Sunday Have a cup of coffee and read a book in a cafe or bookstore;

For example: Take a beautiful photo in the morning and post it in a circle with your favorite text;

For example: In a quiet afternoon, make a pot of black tea or coffee by yourself, Sit at your desk and watch the clouds change outside the window;

Happiness is to do the little things you like and do the things that make you happy. At the moment when time slows down, a kind of joy will be nourished in your heart.

Only you can understand the fun of what you like.

For me, the reason why I can have happiness in ordinary life is because I can do anything without being under the eyes and gaze of others.

I am not opposed to this kind of wandering and unstable work and life, and I even feel a sense of excitement. I feel like I can afford a lot of choices.

The greatest joy in life is to have a goal and work hard for it. Find the direction you want to work on and take action for it.

When you feel that life is boring, go out of the house and buy yourself a large bouquet of flowers. Carefully trim and cut them into a vase and put them in the most conspicuous place. Let the time of depression and boredom in your heart be over. Slowly you will be happy again. Regained the vitality of life.

Do what you love. You only live once, and you have the right to make your life more joyful and brighter.

Life is no longer boring, it starts from knowing how to take responsibility for oneself.

Text/Aini The brightest thing in this world is not the sun, but your smile every day. The power of smile reaches the heart at all times. Happiness is not far away from us. The little things in life are the source of happiness. I also fell into a state of boredom for a period of t - DayDayNews

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