The picture shows the domestic operating system with the release of China's first computer system developer platform called "Open Kirin". This domestic operating system that can replace the Microsoft Windows development system finally has its own software access and security chan

2024/05/1821:40:33 technology 1883

The picture shows the domestic operating system with the release of China's first computer system developer platform called

The picture shows the domestic operating system

With the release of China's first computer system developer platform called "Open Kirin", this domestic operating system that can replace the Microsoft windows development system finally has its own software access and security channels , no longer need to look at the faces of third-party functional software developers for Windows. So, what is the use of opening Kirin? Why can it be said that his appearance can save China from having to look at the face of third-party software developers?

The picture shows the domestic operating system with the release of China's first computer system developer platform called

The picture shows the domestic operating system version of WPS

Although China has developed its own operating system a long time ago, the operating system can only be regarded as providing a suitable interaction interface between computer hardware and users. I think In order for a computer to be able to complete the tasks assigned to it, various functional professional software is completely indispensable. However, it is not easy to develop a software specifically for a brand new operating system. If there is no With an open underlying platform, only a handful of large companies with sufficient R&D capabilities will develop dedicated functional software for this new system. The lack of functional software means that people basically won’t. Choose this operating system; otherwise, they won't be able to use this operating system to do what they need to do.

The picture shows the domestic operating system with the release of China's first computer system developer platform called

The picture shows the CAD design software

. It is like a functional software like WPS. Nowadays, the code that needs to be written has exceeded 1 million lines. If it is more complex software or like 3D scene and character production, and Or it is a series of functional software that is relatively responsible for complex simulation calculations or other complex tasks. Its code functions may be higher than WPS. This means that if other domestic software developers want to start from scratch for the Kirin system Writing functional software is very difficult. This is why

has the emergence of China's first computer system software developer platform called "Open Kirin": with the help of the SDK provided by the platform, developers can save the effort of rewriting the bottom layer of the software and only need to directly call the SDK They can complete the tasks they want these software to complete, which not only reduces the difficulty of software development, but also greatly reduces the size of the software itself, thereby improving the operating performance of various software on domestic systems.

The picture shows the domestic operating system with the release of China's first computer system developer platform called

The picture shows Ubuntu Kylin operating system

Secondly, the emergence of high-performance underlying packages also means that the financial pressure on developers is greatly reduced, which will allow more people to be interested in developing new software for China’s domestic operating systems. Join the ranks of software developers to give Chinese software users more choices.

Finally, there is another benefit to separating the official bottom layer and operating software, that is, SDK developers only need to focus their attention on hardware updates, and do not need to take into account the software they need to use at the same time. Then, they It can carry out SDK development work more effectively and allow the new hardware that can be used to exert more powerful performance. Therefore, the effect that "Open Kirin" can exert is not just as simple as a platform, but It is a developer platform that can greatly increase the development speed of domestic operating systems and software.

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