The story of Jobs and Apple-Jobs Biography 1

2021/09/1020:04:06 technology 2842

The story of Jobs and Apple-Jobs Biography 1 - DayDayNews

Apple is about to release ipone13. It has been 14 years since Apple released the first ipone phone, the ipone 3, in 2007.

Now this giant company with a market value of more than 2 trillion US dollars, how to use a mobile phone to smash the mobile phone giants Motorola, Nokia, and Samsung.

not only slapped these mobile phone giants, but also rubbed Microsoft on the ground. Apple has had several rounds of competition with Microsoft.

In the first round, Apple dominated the PC market by relying on a single computer. At this time, Microsoft was still Apple's supplier, and it had not yet become a competitive threat to Apple.

In the second round, Microsoft relied on the open windows system to quickly reach cooperation with computer manufacturers. The windows operating system was pre-installed on the computers of all major brands when they left the factory.

quickly occupied the market, monopolized the PC operating system, and then overtook Apple, which once forced Apple to the brink of bankruptcy.

In the third round, Apple has lost its momentum on the PC track and completely lost to Microsoft.

Microsoft won in the opening of the system, and Apple lost in the closure of the system. Knowing that Apple can no longer compete with Microsoft on the PC track at this time.

So it changed the track to achieve corner overtaking. It gave up on the PC track and continued to compete with Microsoft, but switched to the track of the popular mobile terminal devices at the time, such as MP3 music. Player and smartphone.

The story of Jobs and Apple-Jobs Biography 1 - DayDayNews

Finally, with a smartphone, Apple rises from the ground, surpasses Microsoft, and sweeps all technology companies. To this day, Microsoft has not surpassed Apple.

This enterprise has a very colorful history. It is necessary for entrepreneurs to understand its glorious history, which is very dramatic.

So how did Apple develop from a small company that started in a garage to the world’s most valuable giant company today?

We will use a series of videos to talk about this giant company.

In this issue, let’s talk about the story of Jobs before he founded Apple.

Only when we understand the growth trajectory of Jobs, can we understand Apple’s culture and its series of products.

The corporate culture and products of a company are, to a large extent, the projection of the personality of the company’s founder.

Let’s talk in two parts

Part 1: Jobs’ life story





Let’s start with the first part.

1. Jobs' life experience

Jobs was born on February 24, 1955. He was abandoned as soon as he was born. His parents gave birth to unmarried children, so his grandfather firmly disagreed with his parents to marry. At that time, his grandfather was already seriously ill and was dying.

His mother is also a Catholic, Catholicism does not allow abortion, and his grandfather does not agree with his parents' marriage.

Then there is only one choice, first give birth to him, and then give it to others to raise. Both his parents were 23 years old that year.

Jobs's mother initially asked the adopter to be a university graduate.

However, the couple who adopted Jobs was not a college student, but an ordinary couple of high school students.

Based on this, Jobs's mother put forward another requirement to the adopter: that the child must be allowed to go to university, set up a special fund, and also need to sign the guarantee. Otherwise, they refuse to sign the adoption document.

In this way, Jobs was adopted by an ordinary couple from the moment he was born.

was abandoned and chosen. These concepts became part of Jobs and influenced his views on himself.The fact that he was abandoned at birth left a deep mark on him.

He internalized this experience into his own work motivation, and he regarded the product as an extension of himself.

His strong desire to completely control everything he makes comes from his personality and the fact that he was abandoned when he was born, which created his independent character.

Let’s look at Apple’s products today, from hardware to software, all are closed. He has to control the entire upstream and downstream industrial chain. His style of doing things has a lot to do with his growing environment.

The year he was abandoned, his parents were 23 years old. At the age of 23, Jobs also abandoned his children.

It is just such a coincidence that he has been abandoned before, but he has also abandoned others. In Jobs' life, there is always a theme of "abandonment".

Time came in 1972. After graduating from high school, Jobs was about to go to university. This is a promise made by his adoptive parents 17 years ago when he was adopted, that he must be sent to college.

Jobs chose one of the most expensive universities in the United States at that time, which was "Reed College." He commented on other schools and said: "They don't have any artistic cells at all. I want to go to a more artistic and interesting school."And very fascinated. Zen has a deep influence on him, which we can see from his minimalist aesthetic point of view and persistent personality.

He also knew a classmate who also liked Eastern culture, called Friedland. In Jobs' life, few people can confuse Jobs with their own charm, and Friedland is one of them.

Jobs absorbed some of his unique qualities, and for several years he regarded him as his spiritual mentor. And learned from Friedland the skills of using gaze and silence to conquer others.

His most common trick is to stare at the person who is talking to him, he will keep looking at the other person’s eyes, and then ask a question, asking the other person to answer him without avoiding his gaze. The problem.

This is the reality distortion field that Friedland taught him. Later, after his Apple company became bigger, he used this move to persuade Pepsi-Cola's global CEO Scully to join Apple.

His eagle-like eyes are very sharp and he was trained at Reed Academy.

Jobs quickly got tired of the university life at Reed College, mainly because he didn't want to go to the required cultural courses. What he really likes is art class, such as dance class, art class.

He didn't want to take those required courses, but he couldn't bear to spend the high tuition of his parents again, so he decided to drop out. In fact, he didn't want to leave Reed College in his heart, he just didn't want to pay tuition to go to those classes that he didn't like.

really dropped out and did not pay the tuition, but the director of their teaching allowed him to attend any class he liked in the school. Among them is a calligraphy class which is very attractive to him.

Later he recalled: "In the calligraphy class he learned various fonts, the combination of different letters, adjusting the font spacing, and how to make a perfect layout.

The beauty and artistic subtleties contained in it are beyond the reach of science, which makes me intoxicated.”

This once again proved that Jobs always consciously placed himself at the intersection of art and technology. In all his products, technology must be combined with perfect design, appearance, exquisiteness, feel, and humanity.

This calligraphy class has provided a series of products developed after he founded Apple, including software and hardware. Many people commented that Jobs was a very successful entrepreneur. In fact, Jobs is more in line with the label of an artist.

Every Apple product is a work of art. The concept of his product development is to integrate technology and art, which is both humane and artistic, not a pure electronic product.

In February 1974, after Jobs wandered for 18 months at Reed College, his parents helped him find a job. After a short time, he went to India to pursue his dream.

because he likes oriental culture very much,For example, in Hinduism and Buddhist Zen Buddhism, Jobs went to India mainly to seek enlightenment. He was very interested in this aspect. After 7 months of meditation in India, he returned to the United States and started Apple.

To be continued!


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