In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n

2024/07/0314:23:32 regimen 1688

In recent years, people have become more and more aware of health care, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health.

Exercise can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen the body, and prevent diseases. Especially now that there are many ways to exercise, many people choose running.

Running is a very simple sport with no restrictions on time and venue. Moreover, running can promote physical health. However, some people look particularly old after running. What is going on?

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews1

Running for 40 minutes every day, does it delay aging or accelerate aging? You might as well understand in advance

In fact, during the process of running, we also need to pay attention to some methods and methods. If we run correctly, we can delay aging, but if we do it wrongly, we will accelerate aging.

Running can fight aging

In fact, when people age, it starts from the brain. For women, they can do more brain exercises in daily life, such as memory, writing, etc., which can improve the activity of the brain.

By insisting on running, it can enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve the activity of the body, reduce the production of free radicals , delay the aging rate, and have a good fat burning effect.

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews

Especially for women, as they age, they are prone to obesity. Running can prevent middle-aged weight gain, improve joint flexibility, and help maintain a youthful state.

No matter which kind of exercise you choose, you should do some stretching exercises before starting or ending the exercise, so that the effect will be more obvious.

According to research, cells in the human body have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and each pair of chromosomes has 4 telomeres. telomeres can protect chromosomes, but as age increases, telomeres will shorten, so people will gradually age.

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews

During the entire process, telomerase can control the shortening time of telomeres. If telomerase can be activated, telomere stability can be ensured and aging can be delayed.

Through some high-intensity interval training and endurance training, telomerase can be activated. Therefore, running in daily life can effectively delay the aging rate of the body.

Especially running for 40 minutes a day can increase metabolism, delay bone degenerative changes, help prevent bone and joint diseases, and delay aging.

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews

In addition, running for 40 minutes can also enhance cardiopulmonary function, increase the frequency of heart beating, speed up blood circulation, and enhance the elasticity of blood vessel walls.

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews2

Why do some people get older when they run?

Failure to pay attention to sun protection

During exercise, if the skin is exposed to the outside for a long time, it will be exposed to ultraviolet rays

, causing damage to the skin's elasticity, making the skin loose, dry, prone to wrinkles, and especially easy to make people look conspicuous. old.

Losing weight too fast

During the process of exercise, if you lose weight too fast, it will also cause the skin to loosen easily, especially on the face and belly. The cheeks are easy to be sunken, and the skin color is sallow, which is especially easy to show aging.

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews

Excessive exercise

During the running process, if you exercise too much, it is easy to make people look older. On the one hand, the running volume is too large, and on the other hand, the intensity is too high.

If you run too much for a long time, the body will be overwhelmed, which will accelerate aging. Moreover, if the running intensity is too high, people will feel particularly tired, which will accelerate aging.

Because after excessive exercise, free radicals in the body tend to increase, attacking macromolecules in the body, causing damage to the body and aging easily.

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews

In recent years, people's awareness of health care has become stronger and stronger, and many people have begun to engage in various forms of exercise for their health. Through exercise, you can enhance the body's immunity, strengthen your body, and prevent diseases. Especially n - DayDayNews3

What are the precautions for running?

About running posture

People should pay attention to their posture during running. First, they should keep their heads up and chest up, swing their hands accordingly, and at the same time, they should land on the soles of their feet, which can effectively cushion and reduce the pressure on knees and joints.

About running duration

For novices, they should adhere to a step-by-step approach when running. They can last for 20 to 30 minutes at the beginning, and after a period of time, they can maintain it for more than 30 minutes.

About running speed

Try not to choose fast running during running, because fast running is anaerobic exercise and has a short duration. Most people may not be able to persist, so try to jog mainly, and you can maintain it every hour 6~9 kilometers.

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