This article is spread far and wide. "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has been popular for 10 years. If you look closely, there are still many things that are thought-provoking. For example, the queen asked Qi Guiren to wear jewelry to prevent her from becoming pregnant with a dragon fe

2024/07/0314:09:33 regimen 1416

This article is spread far and wide丨Good Mother

"The Legend of Zhen Huan" has been popular for 10 years. Upon closer inspection, there are still many thought-provoking points. For example, the queen asked Qi Guiren to wear jewelry to prevent her from becoming pregnant with a dragon fetus. , many netizens will also doubt: Can a bracelet really prevent pregnancy?

From a scientific point of view, this approach is just a film and television drama effect, but in real life, there are indeed some factors around us that affect pregnancy, such as the daily indispensable three meals a day, and eating too much of certain things. Easy to get pregnant.

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"Eli couple" failed to get pregnant after 1 year, doctor: they fell in love with 3 types of "natural contraceptives"

Xiaofang and her husband have been married for 3 years. In the first two years, they were busy working and did not consider having children. Now they are both 30 years old. Now that I am 30 years old, the children of people around me are all in kindergarten, and my mother-in-law keeps urging me, "Let's have children, we are not young anymore."

But in fact, she and her husband started preparing for pregnancy a year ago. Her husband stopped smoking and drinking, and they no longer dared to stay up late playing with their mobile phones. They even went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

As a result, one year has passed and pregnancy preparation is still unsuccessful!

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30-year-old Xiao Fang was also worried and began to visit major hospitals frequently. All the physical examination indicators were normal. The doctor casually asked them about their daily diet, only to find that the couple's daily favorite foods included Category 3 "natural contraceptive pills".

① Coffee and milk tea

The couple one likes to drink coffee and the other likes to drink milk tea . They also have a coffee machine at home, but they ignore the harm caused by these two to the body.

The caffeine in coffee can change the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in women's bodies, thereby acting as a contraceptive; most milk tea and similar strong teas contain creamer, which is not purely natural and green as advertised Food ingredients, and creamer will also affect the quality of tadpoles and hinder the smooth pregnancy process.

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② Pickled pickles

There are more and more types of pickles on the market. In order to compete, merchants have made a series of adjustments in color and aroma. adds flavors to enhance the taste and pigments to make them look better. Pickles also contain a lot of nitrite , these invisibly affect the quality of male tadpoles and female eggs.

trans fatty acids

Many fried foods contain fatty acids, such as fried snacks, baked cakes, etc. These are also the couple's favorites.

Foods containing fatty acids are extremely harmful to pregnancy and will affect the bodies of both men and women. Therefore, not only children should eat less, but adults should also control their food intake. Eating too much will prevent pregnancy.

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What should you eat during pregnancy preparation? You can eat more of these three natural "pregnancy aid" foods during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, you must have a good diet. Eat less of the above three "natural contraceptives". No matter how much you like them, you must do it for the sake of your baby. Couples preparing for pregnancy should also know about the following three natural fertility foods.

① Milk

Milk is an increasingly indispensable drink in life. It has the effect of improving sleep quality and improving the body's resistance. It is suitable for children, the elderly, and middle-aged people.

During the pregnancy preparation period, couples drinking a glass of milk every night before going to bed has the following three major benefits:

  • It can replenish trace elements such as calcium and protein;
  • It can help detoxify and detoxify; drinking milk can remove toxic and harmful elements such as lead from the body;
  • Promote blood circulation, enhance physical fitness, and improve sleep quality.

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② Beans

Soy foods are rich in estrogen , which can make up for women's own hormone deficiency and has the effect of beautifying the skin. It is increasingly popular among beauty lovers.

Soy foods can also promote pregnancy preparation, such as black beans , red beans, and soybeans are rich in protein, which can promote body metabolism. The linolenic acid oil in them can also lower blood pressure and blood lipids , but it is worth noting that if a couple If you have a cold body, you need to avoid eating cold mung beans.

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③ Vitamins

Many people know that , folic acid, and are taken during pregnancy. So why?

Folic acid, also called vitamin B9, Linchuan research found that vitamin B9 is involved in human metabolic activities throughout the process. It was first discovered in spinach leaves. Taking it from early pregnancy can effectively prevent some problems in fetal development.

If you are preparing for pregnancy, both men and women should pay attention to vitamin intake and eat more spinach, leeks, apples, cucumbers, etc. to promote the secretion of sex hormones and improve fertility.

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PS: The pictures in this article are all from the Internet, and any infringement may be deleted.

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