On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article "Toothpaste cannot cure diseases." Functional toothpastes are divided according to their functions into anti-caries toothpaste, desensitizing toothpaste, anti-inflammatory toothpaste, anti-cal

2024/06/2920:12:33 regimen 1955

html On November 7, the State Food and Drug Administration published a popular science article "Toothpaste cannot cure diseases."

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

In recent years, with the popularization of dental protection and health care awareness, functional toothpaste has become very popular in the market. But at the same time, it also faces the tendency of concept hype.

In 2014, Crest Double Effect Whitening Toothpaste was fined 6.03 million yuan for false advertising. Previously, the attributes of toothpaste and toothpaste peripheral products, such as dental floss and toothbrushes, were very vague.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

In addition, since there are no clear regulations on toothpaste products, many brands use medical terms in toothpaste promotions, exaggerate the efficacy of toothpaste, and claim that toothpaste can treat dental diseases.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

Functional toothpastes are divided according to their functions into anti-caries toothpaste, desensitizing toothpaste , anti-inflammatory toothpaste, anti-calculus toothpaste, tobacco stain removal toothpaste, whitening toothpaste and bad breath removal toothpaste...

However, it is these popular toothpastes "Special effect toothpaste" may have various hidden dangers! Because some "special effect" additives can affect the health of the whole body and even induce cancer !

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

On June 29, 2020, the State Council announced the new "Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulations" (hereinafter referred to as the "New Regulations"), which will come into effect on January 1, 2021.

This is the first revision of the " Cosmetics Hygiene Supervision Regulations " in 30 years. Among them, toothpaste that people use daily will be included in cosmetics for supervision, which has become a highlight of the "new regulations". Wuhan Market Supervision Bureau personnel have publicly stated: "This is the first time that toothpaste is managed with reference to ordinary cosmetics."

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

In recent years, the authoritative international academic journal "Nature Communications" published a study: Some toothpastes contain a kind of The antibacterial agent triclosan (TCS) may cause damage to the human intestine, thereby inducing enteritis.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

Research shows that after exposure to TCS, under the action of human intestinal microbial GUS enzyme, the intestinal toxicity of TCS is stimulated, thus leading to the occurrence of enteritis. By targeting the intestinal microbial GUS enzyme, the harm caused by TCS to the human intestine may be eliminated.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

People with a relatively healthy oral cavity can choose ordinary toothpaste. It is best to use different types of toothpaste alternately. So how do you choose? What ingredients should we pay attention to in ?

First of all, toothpaste is not an ointment! Toothpaste stays in the mouth for a short time, and the so-called "special effects ingredients" are difficult to work in a short period of time. The basic function of toothpaste is to assist the toothbrush in oral cleaning. The most important thing in brushing your teeth is to master the correct Pasteur brushing method!

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article . Patients with oral ulcers are not recommended to use toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate ingredient (SLS/SLES) .

Medical research has confirmed that the foaming agent sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) in toothpaste can induce and aggravate oral ulcers, leading to dryness of the oral mucosa and micro-ruptures. SLS can also cause tooth sensitivity when exposed to cold. Therefore, it is recommended that patients with oral ulcers use SLS-free toothpaste.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article . Do not buy toothpaste that contains dye ingredients. The dyes that make toothpaste appear colorful have many health risks. Once swallowed by mistake, they are likely to irritate the respiratory tract or digestive tract. Therefore, white toothpaste is better.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article . Do not buy toothpaste with too thick abrasive agent. Many toothpastes add fine particles to remove stains on the tooth surface. However, the abrasive of some ointments is not fine enough, will wear enamel , and if things go on like this, the teeth will become sensitive.

The abrasives used in toothpaste mainly include calcium carbonate, silica , calcium hydrogen phosphate and aluminum hydroxide .

Calcium carbonate abrasives have a relatively high hardness and sharp-angled crystals, which have the greatest impact on the tooth surface; silicon dioxide, calcium hydrogen phosphate, and aluminum hydroxide have moderate hardness and better crystal shapes, which will cause less damage to the tooth surface. a lot of.

For children and those who have exposed tooth roots, choose toothpaste with relatively low hardness containing silica or dicalcium phosphate or aluminum hydroxide abrasives.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article . Do not buy toothpaste containing alcohol. Alcohol has antibacterial effect, but it is also a desiccant . Brushing your teeth with alcohol-containing toothpaste can temporarily freshen your breath, but dry mouth will double the reproduction rate of oral bacteria , which is not good for oral health.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article . Toothpaste containing artificial sweeteners aspartame cannot be purchased. Studies have found that long-term use of these sweeteners increases the risk of developing type 12 diabetes .

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

For example, aspartame reduces the activity of an intestinal enzyme that is usually protective against type 2 diabetes. In addition, aspartame has been linked to a certain risk of cancer.

Toothpaste may be small but it is essential for cleaning teeth. When buying toothpaste, don’t look at the name but the ingredients. Only ingredients that are truly symptomatic can solve the corresponding oral problems, protect your mouth, and save your teeth.

On January 7, the State Food and Drug Administration released a popular science article

Finally, I hope everyone is in good health! Remember to seek medical treatment in time when you feel unwell, and follow the doctor's advice~

If you have any health questions, you can follow Pufferfish Health, or you can add Pufferfish customer service, and professional health teachers will answer your questions~

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