The dog days of summer will begin tomorrow, "steaming, roasting, stewing, stewing...adding water, adding fire, adding water, adding fire". Suffocating in the explosive heat, suffocating in the scorching heat, the forty unbearable days are here. July 16th to July 25th this year is

2024/06/2715:31:33 regimen 1469

Tomorrow will enter Dog Days , "steaming, roasting, stewing, stewing...adding water, adding fire, adding water, adding fire", suffocating in the intense heat, suffocating in the scorching heat, the forty unbearable days are here. July 16th to July 25th this year is the "first fall". July 26 to August 14 is "Zhongfu". August 15th to August 24th is the "last fall".

The dog days of summer will begin tomorrow,

Why are the dog days of summer the most difficult?

Sanfu is the hottest three to forty days of the year in the Central Plains. After entering the ambush, the surface humidity increases, absorbing more heat and dissipating less heat every day. When the heat on the surface layer accumulates, the weather will be the hottest. In addition, there is a lot of rain in summer, the air humidity is high, and the heat capacity of water is much greater than that of dry air, which is also an important reason for the muggy weather.

So what is a high temperature heat wave?

In my country, when the daily maximum temperature reaches or exceeds 35°C, it is generally called a high temperature. High temperature weather processes that last for several days (more than 3 days) are called high temperature heat waves (or high temperature heat waves). How hot are the Dog Days? The Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi once wrote in "Bamboo Window" that "It is the Dog Days, and the weather is as hot as soup." This is one of the classic poems describing the "Dog Days". "The heat is in the dog days", this is the beginning of the dog days. "Fu" means treasure, which reminds people to go out less to avoid the heat.

The dog days of summer will begin tomorrow,

How to prevent heatstroke during the dog days of summer?

Many people think that 16°C air conditioners and frozen cold drinks are the best way to cool down when the sun is scorching. As everyone knows, when a person is exercising or has just experienced the high temperature outside, suddenly drinks a cold drink or immediately blows on the cold air conditioner, the brain will "mistakenly believe" that the heat inside the human body has been dissipated, and then "order" to stop the heat dissipation work. In this way, it is difficult for sweat pores to dissipate heat, and waste heat accumulates, making heat stroke more likely. In hot weather, regardless of the amount of exercise, you need to increase your fluid intake. You cannot wait until you are thirsty to drink water. If you need to perform physical labor or strenuous exercise in a hot environment, drink 2 to 4 glasses of warm water (500 ml to 1000 ml) at least every hour, in small amounts and frequently.

How to give first aid after heat stroke?

The main symptoms of heat stroke are headache, dizziness, irritability, strong pulse, noisy breathing, body temperature that may rise above 40°C, and dry and red skin. Without timely treatment, a person suffering from heat stroke may lose consciousness quickly. Once someone suffers from heat stroke, they should be moved to a cool and ventilated place as soon as possible, replenished with water and salt, soak their clothes in cold water, wrap their body and keep them moist. Or keep fanning to dissipate heat and wipe the patient with a cold towel until the patient's body temperature drops below 38°C. If a person with heat stroke has lost consciousness, he should be allowed to lie down and sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

The dog days of summer will begin tomorrow,

What are the customs during the dog days of summer?

Avoid staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time in the "dog days", which will affect the normal physiological function of the perspiration system. You can choose to exercise outdoors before 10 o'clock or after 5 pm to let your body sweat a little. As the saying goes, "Take dumplings for the first time, noodles for the second time, and eggs for the third time." This is to make the body sweat more and expel various toxins in the body. "Wei's Spring and Autumn Annals" records "Soup Cake during the Fusolar Eclipse. I took a towel to wipe my sweat and my face was bright." evil". The soup cakes here are hot soup noodles. Eating a bowl of hot soup noodles and sweating can remove moisture and heat from the body.

How to maintain health during the dog days of summer? What to eat is good for your health?

Making several nutritious and delicious porridges is also a good choice for preventing heatstroke and cooling down. For example: Millet mung bean porridge , Bitter melon porridge , Corn porridge , mint porridge, lotus seed porridge , lily porridge , etc.; In addition, regular drinking of fruit juice in hot weather is also good for producing body fluids, quenching thirst, clearing away heat and detoxifying. Effect. Common peach juice, pear juice , apple juice, grape juice , strawberry juice , watermelon juice and other juices can be consumed in moderation. In addition to drinking, you should also pay attention to what you eat. Try to eat less fatty, greasy, and fishy food, and eat less spicy food. Food that is not easy to digest will bring extra burden to the body and affect the digestion ability of the gastrointestinal tract in summer.

The dog days of summer will begin tomorrow,

" Treat winter diseases in summer " It's the right time

"Treatment of Sanjiu in winter is strong, and acupuncture is busy in treating winter diseases in the third volt." Winter diseases have been treated in summer for a long time. Winter diseases refer to diseases that are likely to occur or worsen in winter, such as chronic cough, chronic asthma, allergic rhinitis , joint pain, especially cold joint pain, cold hands and feet, etc. Summer treatment refers to active treatment of these winter diseases in the dog days of summer. Treatment. This can reduce the severity and frequency of these diseases in winter. There are many ways to treat winter diseases in summer, including acupuncture , cupping etc. during the dog days. (I would like to remind everyone that treating winter diseases in the summer is a medical practice and must be completed in a regular medical institution)

The dog days of summer will begin tomorrow,

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