"Doctor, I'm only 42 years old, how could I have a cerebral infarction?" Mr. Guo is 42 years old this year, and he is usually in good health. However, two days ago, while he was drinking with his friends, his mouth suddenly became crooked and his hands became weak. When the frien

2024/06/2113:36:33 regimen 1996

"Doctor, I am only 42 years old, how could I get cerebral infarction ?"

Mr. Guo is 42 years old this year, and he is usually in good health. However, two days ago, while he was drinking with his friends, his mouth suddenly became crooked and his hands became weak. When the friend saw something was wrong, he quickly dialed 120 and sent Mr. Guo to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, the treating doctor asked about Mr. Guo's situation and told him that he was initially considering cerebral infarction and that some specific examinations were needed to make a clear diagnosis. Afterwards, the doctor prescribed a head CT examination for Mr. Guo. When the examination results came out, it showed cerebral infarction. After Mr. Guo learned about his situation, he couldn't accept it for a while, so he said the sentence at the beginning of the article.

In fact, Mr. Guo’s cerebral infarction did not happen suddenly. Later, after getting to know him more carefully, I found out that Mr. Guo usually likes to drink and smoke, and he often stays up late. These bad lifestyles will accelerate the aging of blood vessels, and when blood vessels age to a certain extent, atherosclerosis occurs. Atherosclerosis is like scale attached to the inner walls of water pipes. When the scale reaches a certain level, the water pipes will become narrow. The same is true for blood vessels. When they become narrow, the blood vessels are easily blocked, thereby increasing the risk of cerebral infarction.

If you want to reduce the risk of cerebral infarction, you need to keep blood vessels young or delay the aging of blood vessels. As ordinary people, how can we keep our blood vessels young? Today, I would like to share some relevant knowledge with you.

1. Are vascular aging and atherosclerosis the same thing?

Many friends may think that vascular aging and atherosclerosis mean the same thing, but this is not the case.

When blood vessels age to a certain extent, atherosclerosis will form. To some extent, atherosclerosis is one of the manifestations of vascular aging, but the two are not completely equivalent.

In fact, the formation process of atherosclerosis is relatively complicated, and humans have not yet fully understood the mechanism. The formation of atherosclerosis requires two basic conditions, namely damage to the inner wall of the artery + lipid deposition.

Speaking of this, some friends may find it strange. My blood vessels are fine, how could they be damaged? In fact, whether it is physiological factors or pathological factors, the inner wall of the arteries may be damaged. There are many arteries in the human body. In this case, it is difficult to avoid bifurcations. When blood flows through the places where these arteries diverge, turbulence may occur and damage the blood vessels. In addition, there are many pathological factors that damage the inner wall of arteries, such as hypertension , diabetes , hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, etc.

When the inner wall of the artery is damaged, lipids will be deposited in the damaged part of the artery, causing the accumulation of inflammatory substances. After a complex series of immune reactions, plaque forms on the inner walls of the arteries. When the plaque on the inner wall of an artery reaches a certain level, the inner wall of the artery will become narrow, causing ischemia and hypoxia in the blood supply part.

2. How should we make blood vessels younger or delay the aging of blood vessels?

In fact, if we want to make blood vessels younger or delay the aging of blood vessels, we mainly focus on the high-risk factors of vascular aging. It is difficult for us to change some disease-causing factors, such as age, genetics, etc. We can only start from the high-risk factors that can be changed. The specific summary is as follows:

Control chronic diseases:

At present, the incidence of chronic diseases is relatively high, especially hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. wait. Preliminary estimates put the number of people diagnosed with chronic diseases in China at more than 500 million.

Although not every patient with chronic diseases will develop cerebral infarction, with such a large population base, it is destined that the number of people suffering from cerebral infarction will not be small.

Many people do not pay attention to chronic diseases and are even unwilling to take medicine. Take diabetes as an example. Many people think that the medicine is poisonous, and high blood sugar does not cause any discomfort at all, so many diabetic patients do not take medicine regularly. However, the damage caused by diabetes to the body is real. If things go on like this, it will increase the risk of diseases such as cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, peripheral neuropathy, coronary heart disease.

Therefore, if you want to keep your blood vessels young, you should pay attention to controlling chronic diseases, actively learn relevant knowledge about chronic diseases, and make relevant indicators meet the standards.

Regular physical examination:

The significance of physical examination is to detect potential problems early, such as hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, atrial fibrillation, etc.

Take atrial fibrillation as an example. Many people have no obvious symptoms after contracting this disease. Many people only know they have atrial fibrillation after suffering a cerebral infarction. The presence of atrial fibrillation increases the risk of cerebral infarction.

After regular physical examination, high-risk factors for cerebral infarction can be discovered in time. If these high-risk factors are dealt with in advance, the risk of cerebral infarction can be significantly reduced.

Keep exercising:

Some studies have found that regular exercise can protect the vascular endothelium. Therefore, long-term exercise can make blood vessels younger or delay the aging of blood vessels.

It is said that food is the most important thing for the people. This sentence expresses the importance of diet. In fact, if you eat well, it can also play a role in keeping blood vessels young. #Health2022#

A light diet does not mean not eating this or that, but a way of eating that is light in taste and nutritionally balanced. When eating, you should pay attention to controlling the daily salt intake within 6g, and the daily fat intake within 25-30g. You can appropriately increase the intake of high-quality protein, such as eggs, fish, shrimp, beef, etc.; you can appropriately increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. #真知新综合#


If you want to keep your blood vessels young, you should also pay attention to keeping your weight within the normal range, quit smoking and drinking, not staying up late, maintaining an optimistic attitude, and eating until you are full, etc.

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