Everyone knows that regular ovulation of the ovaries is a necessary condition for female pregnancy. However, in clinical consultation, the problem of "ovulation disorder" has become one of the main causes of female infertility, and this problem affects women at different ages. It

2024/06/2000:54:32 regimen 1927

Everyone knows that regular ovarian ovulation is a necessary condition for female pregnancy. However, in clinical consultation, the problem of " ovulation disorder " has become one of the main causes of female infertility, and this problem has become more common in women. It occurs in women of all ages.

Everyone knows that regular ovulation of the ovaries is a necessary condition for female pregnancy. However, in clinical consultation, the problem of

So what I want to share today is a case of assisted pregnancy using traditional Chinese medicine to treat female ovulation disorders.

This is a patient from the previous outpatient clinic who was 30 years old when she came to see me. According to her self-report, she had an abortion 10 years ago. Since then, she and her husband have not used contraception but have not become pregnant. Because I had been pregnant before, I never thought I would be infertile. It wasn't until I was nearly 30 that I started to panic.

After a test, the prolactin level was higher than the normal value. Three ovulation tests showed no dominant follicles, so I came to see a doctor.

Immediate diagnosis: The patient's menstrual periods are regular, with normal quantity and color, and there is a history of dysmenorrhea. My chest is bloated before menstruation and my waist is sore after menstruation. I eat and sleep normally, but I tend to have dry stools. I am usually afraid of cold and dare not turn on the air conditioner in summer.

Everyone knows that regular ovulation of the ovaries is a necessary condition for female pregnancy. However, in clinical consultation, the problem of

His tongue was red, his fur was thin and yellow, and his pulse was soft and heavy. Chinese medicine diagnoses infertility due to kidney deficiency and liver stagnation. A specially prepared ovulation-stimulating soup is given for treatment.

But see——

Cuscuta , wolfberry, raspberry, Liujinu , Zeelandia, Achyranthes , Bupleurum , Sumu wood , Raw cattail , red and white peony root, Ligustrum lucidum , Millettia , Motherwort .

After a follow-up visit one month later, her symptoms were much relieved, so she was asked to continue taking this prescription. It was not until the third B-ultrasound test showed that she was ovulating, and she already had signs of pregnancy in less than two months of normal pregnancy preparation. The examination confirmed that she was pregnant, and she breathed a sigh of relief. I am also very happy about this.

Everyone knows that regular ovulation of the ovaries is a necessary condition for female pregnancy. However, in clinical consultation, the problem of

Finally, let’s look at her situation dialectically. She is usually afraid of cold, which is due to congenital deficiency of kidney qi, but her main problem is that the abortion caused uterine damage to the body when she was young, causing no ovulation and thus infertility.

Therefore, the prescription is mainly based on nourishing the kidneys, nourishing the blood, and activating the blood. It can nourish the kidneys and essence, repair the uterus, remove blood stasis, generate blood, and regulate qi. That's probably all

. That's all for today. If you have any questions, you can leave a message.

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