As we enter July, the weather is about to get hotter and hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy. In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical dis

2024/06/1912:27:33 regimen 1657

After entering July, the weather is about to usher in the summer, and the weather will become even hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy.

In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical discomforts. At this time, in order to balance the internal and external balance of the body, diet becomes particularly critical. In order to comply with the solar terms, you should eat less 2 melons and drink more "3 yellows" to supplement nutrients, relieve summer heat, and make people more energetic.

As we enter July, the weather is about to get hotter and hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy. In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical dis - DayDayNews

2 melon

1, ice watermelon

In the hot summer, if you ask what is the fruit that comes to mind first, many people’s answer will be watermelon. Watermelon itself is rich in water, moisturizes the mouth and can relieve the heat. It will become cooler after being placed in the refrigerator. When you get home in the hot summer weather, you can eat a piece of iced watermelon, and it tastes so good.

However, our bodies are fragile, and such irritating food will make the body unable to bear it. Watermelon that is too cold will irritate the inside of the body, and because the temperature is too low, eating it regularly may do more harm than good.

Therefore, for the sake of our health, when we eat watermelon in the hot summer, it is best to eat watermelon at room temperature, which is gentler to the body.

As we enter July, the weather is about to get hotter and hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy. In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical dis - DayDayNews

2, raw bitter melon

Bitter melon is a very popular vegetable in summer, also known as cold melon, leprous , etc. It is named because of its bitterness. Although it tastes bitter, it is cold and cool in nature, and has the effect of clearing away heat and reducing internal heat. Suitable for consumption in summer.

It's midsummer now, and the sun is shining brightly every day. People are prone to heat stroke. At this time, if you can eat more bitter melon, it will be quite beneficial to your body.

Some people may think that bitter melon, like cucumber, can replace staple food. However, precisely because it is cold, it affects the internal balance of the body and may cause discomfort. Therefore, when eating bitter melon, you must also pay attention to specific methods and put your health first.

As we enter July, the weather is about to get hotter and hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy. In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical dis - DayDayNews

3 yellow:

1, Qingchiju

my country is the hometown of chrysanthemum, and chrysanthemum is also one of the top ten famous flowers in my country. In ancient times, literati loved to praise the chrysanthemum, which symbolized being independent and not following the crowd. In addition, chrysanthemums can also be used to make tea. They are produced in many places and in countless varieties.

As we enter July, the weather is about to get hotter and hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy. In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical dis - DayDayNews

If you want to say which kind of chrysanthemum has the best taste and high nutritional value, Qingchi Ju is definitely the one to choose. Qingchiju is grown in Kaifeng, Henan, where the climate is pleasant, and it has been used as a tribute as early as the Northern Song Dynasty. Compared with other chrysanthemums, Qingchi chrysanthemum has a larger and thicker appearance, distinct petals and roots, and golden color. It also contains inulin, vitamins, flavonoids, zinc and other nutrients, which is better than other chrysanthemums.

When brewing, if you want a more unique taste, you can add some hawthorn, red dates, etc. Now that the temperature is gradually rising and the air is very dry, people can easily get angry. At this time, drinking some Qingchi Ju tea regularly can cope with this. Condition. In addition, chrysanthemum is very friendly to the eyes and is suitable for office workers who sit at computer desks for a long time.

As we enter July, the weather is about to get hotter and hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy. In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical dis - DayDayNews

2, Wuyi Rock Tea

Wuyi Rock Tea is an oolong tea, produced in Wuyi Mountain in northern Fujian Province. It is the best oolong tea and one of the top ten famous teas in China.

The peaks of Wuyi Mountain are connected together. The climate is relatively mild, with warm winters and cool summers, and abundant rainfall. It is a typical Danxia landform. Tea trees mostly grow between rock crevices. This kind of growth environment makes Wuyi rock tea have obvious advantages in tea.

Wuyi rock tea appears green when not brewed, with red edges. After brewing into tea, it becomes dark yellow and bright. The color of the soup is like agate, and the tea fragrance reveals a strong fragrance. It is fresh and sweet, with both the sweetness and mellowness of black tea. It has the fragrance of green tea, and the lingering fragrance remains after brewing many times. It is loved by many people and sells well at home and abroad.

As we enter July, the weather is about to get hotter and hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy. In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical dis - DayDayNews

3, Qimu Kumquat Passion Fruit

With the development of tea culture, the development of tea is now more diverse. Some fruits can also be made into tea after being dried. The taste is very special. Kumquat Passion Fruit Tea is such a combination. Both are nutritious fruits. Such a novel combination not only tastes unique, but is also more beneficial to the body.

Qimu Kumquat Passion Fruit Tea is a very outstanding presence among this type of fruit tea. When selecting raw materials, we choose fresh, complete, and good-looking fruits. Through professional operation, the finished product has tight grains. , the nutrients are also well retained in it.

For daily drinking, take it out and brew it with boiling water. It has a rich fruity aroma, sweet and sour taste, and a lingering fragrance on your lips and teeth, making you feel happy.

As we enter July, the weather is about to get hotter and hotter. Not only that, the amount of precipitation will gradually increase, and affected by this, the weather will become increasingly muggy. In such a season, people are prone to getting angry or causing other physical dis - DayDayNews

In addition, in the dog days of summer, it is recommended to eat food close to body temperature, and do not be greedy for cold. In addition, you can drink more ginger tea, taking advantage of the hot weather to expel the cold air accumulated in the body and replenish "warmth". You can't avoid drinking hot water just because the temperature is high. It is very necessary to drink some hot water and hot tea to relieve sweat.

In addition, the weather is hot enough at this time, you sweat a lot, and you have less time to sleep. Under such circumstances, it is not suitable to eat too greasy food. Generally, 30% meat and 70% vegetarian is more reasonable.

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