Recently, a latest survey - the "2022 Anti-hair Loss Shampoo Data Report" shows that 65% of the 250 million people with hair loss in my country are men. Moreover, the trend of hair loss problem is becoming more obvious among younger people, with 70% of people under the age of 30

2024/06/1810:00:33 regimen 1948

Recently, a latest survey - the

When I was young, I thought that I would be poor when I grow up, but I didn’t expect that my hair would be even poorer as an adult...

Recently, a latest survey - the "2022 Anti-hair Loss Shampoo Data Report" showed that among the 250 million people with hair loss in my country, is 65% male.

Moreover, the trend of hair loss problem is becoming more obvious among younger people. Those under the age of 30 account for 70%, becoming the main consumer of anti-hair loss shampoo products.

Recently, a latest survey - the

After all, anti-baldness life starts with exquisite hair care, a handful of ginger shampoo, two drops of hair growth liquid ... As a result, there is still no hair missing, and the sewers that should be blocked are still the same. Blocking.

So is it you or the shampoo? Can anti-hair loss shampoo really cure hair loss? is here today to point out a clear path for the majority of bald people.


Your hair is carrying the weight for you


What kind of pressure does your hair bear every day?

It is said that it is not easy for adults, but hair loss is the easiest. After all, the pressure of life is like the tide, taking away not only your youth, but also your thick hair.

National Health Commission data shows that compared with the previous generation, the age at which Chinese people begin to lose their hair is also a full 20 years earlier.

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But in fact, hair loss and rejuvenation are essentially caused by the combined effects of stress problems, environmental problems, sleep problems, etc.

Irregular life schedule, even staying up late with revenge, daily dieting and weight loss, emotional stress and other life stress reactions may change the biological clock of scalp hair follicles, thus causing telogen telogen effluvium.

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And when the scalp oil is secreted in large quantities, Malassezia that is originally in the normal colonization state of the scalp may over-reproduce.

And the pro-inflammatory substances it secretes will greatly increase the lipid peroxide of the scalp, causing scalp itching and desquamation, thereby aggravating telogen effluvium.

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That is to say, when the body suffers from malnutrition, abnormal blood circulation, lack of sleep, etc., the hair will become weak and begin to be "abandoned" by the body first.

So you can imagine how much pressure our hair is under every day, and we are afraid of being abandoned every minute.


Some hair will fall out faster and faster

In addition, hair loss is also affected by the underlying cause.

Among the many types of hair loss, seborrheic alopecia (also known as androgenic alopecia, referred to as "androgenetic alopecia") is the most common, and both men and women can suffer from it. The prevalence rate in China is 21.3% among men and 6% among women.

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This top player will also cause the scalp to secrete a large amount of oil, providing Malassezia with an opportunity to reproduce.

But oiliness is not the culprit of hair loss. Because in patients with androgenic alopecia, it is mainly because testosterone will be converted into dihydrotestosterone (a kind of androgen ), causing the hair follicles to enter the resting phase in advance, and the hair becomes thin, soft, and easy to fall off.

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In other words, the more androgens a person has, the faster his hair will fall.

And androgenetic alopecia is a hereditary disease. If you suffer from male alopecia, there must be someone with the same condition in your family.

2. Can

anti-hair loss shampoo keep your hair?

Just because the number of people suffering from hair loss is gradually increasing, the anti-hair loss market has also expanded.

Major cleaning and care brands have also taken up the banner of preventing hair loss. Things like strengthening hair roots, promoting metabolism, and regenerating hair...sound very attractive.

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But why are you still losing hair after using anti-hair loss shampoo?


Anti-hair loss shampoo must be "certified to work"

With the increase in consumer demand,The State Food and Drug Administration has also implemented stricter regulatory management on anti-hair loss products.

According to the " Cosmetic Health Supervision Regulations ", anti-hair loss hair growth shampoo is a special-purpose cosmetic, which must be approved by the health administration department of the State Council and can only be produced after obtaining the "National Cosmetic Special Brand".

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However, due to the epidemic, many people now choose to buy anti-hair loss products online. However, the review of information for anti-hair loss shampoo product certification by e-commerce channels needs to be strengthened.

This time's "2022 Anti-hair Loss Shampoo Data Report" also shows that there are two e-commerce channels whose proportion of products that have not obtained "National Cosmetic Special Brand" is as high as 65% and 47% respectively.

Therefore, for the shampoo you buy, you should pay attention to whether it is a serious "certificate".

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In addition, some shampoos will exaggerate their publicity or their publicity has no basis at all.

A common situation is that they mix the efficacy of preventing hair loss and hair growth, and use terms such as "strengthening hair roots" to falsely promote and mislead public opinion.

In fact, "preventing hair loss" is not "growing hair". The real function of anti-hair loss shampoo is to maintain the health of hair roots and scalp, not to grow hair.


Simply relying on shampoo cannot prevent hair loss

Can having a "certificate" really make you grow hair?

is really not necessarily true.

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● Ginger is the most widely circulated folk saying that it can prevent hair loss and is also found in some ancient book records.

Ginger mainly contains functional ingredients such as gingerol, which are widely used in modern medicine, food, cosmetics and other fields.

But so far, there is no research on the use of active ingredients in ginger for hair loss.

Therefore, the concept that ginger can grow hair and prevent hair loss is actually mostly a misunderstanding.

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On the contrary, the active substance "6-gingerol" in ginger may also induce the apoptosis of hair follicle stem cells , prolong the resting period of hair follicles, and inhibit hair growth. Therefore, rubbing ginger on your scalp frequently is more likely to cause premature baldness.

● Silicone-free shampoo, the new favorite anti-hair loss product mentioned by internet celebrity bloggers, what’s going on?

The ingredient in the shampoo " polydimethylsiloxane " is what everyone often calls silicone oil .

Most shampoos on the market contain this substance.

It can fill the gaps in the outermost "hair scales" of the hair, smooth out frizz, and make the hair smooth and moisturized. But on the other hand, the hair will also fall down, it will appear less hair volume.

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However, silicone oil is a large molecule and generally does not cause hair follicles to be clogged or hair to fall off. If you rinse it with a lot of water, it will disappear.

However, people with hair loss have strong sebaceous gland metabolism. If they use silicone oil shampoo for a long time, it is easy to increase the damage to the hair scales, causing the oily scalp environment to deteriorate and aggravating hair loss.

Silicone-free shampoos are more about replacing silicone oil with milder alternatives to reduce the burden on the hair. only make the hair look more fluffy, but cannot really make hair grow.

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To sum up, the essence of anti-hair loss shampoo is to add some drugs to treat hair loss into ordinary shampoo, which may have a certain protective effect.

The contact time between shampoo and hair and scalp is very short, and the concentration of anti-hair loss drugs added in shampoo is generally low, so it is impossible to achieve the purpose of preventing hair loss or hair growth just by using anti-hair loss shampoo.

It is recommended that you still use anti-hair loss shampoo as a personal care product. It mainly plays a role in cleaning, removing oil, and removing dandruff.


What medicine should be used to prevent hair loss?

It is indeed difficult to make your hair grow with anti-hair loss shampoo alone, but you can use some effective ingredients to improve the scalp environment and make your hair healthier.

At present, there are two clinically recognized effective drugs for treating androgenic alopecia, namely minoxidil and finasteride .

Minoxidil is an over-the-counter drug that you can buy at a drug store. Finasteride is a prescription drug and requires a doctor's prescription to buy it.

Minoxidil is used to grow hair, while finasteride is used to inhibit hair loss. One offense and one defense, the operating mechanism is opposite.

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However, finasteride is a very famous drug for treating male hair loss and is generally not recommended for women. Especially for women of childbearing age, using it can cause abnormal fetal growth and development.

However, minoxidil can be applied to the problem of male hair loss in both men and women, so men and women with hair loss in need can take action as soon as possible.

Seeing this, you may want to ask, why not add these really useful drugs to shampoo?

This is because our country explicitly prohibits the addition of drugs to cosmetics. Anti-hair loss shampoo can only choose to be a non-drug substitute and honestly play the role of "placebo".

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Although it is not a sin to be bald, no matter how thick your hair is, you still have the right to be tired. I still hope that after reading this article, you can make your hair fall slower~

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