People like to sweat during the dog days of summer. Eat these three high-potassium foods regularly. They are nutritious and delicious, so you can enjoy the summer easily! It's already mid-July, and we are about to usher in the "dog days", the hottest time of the year. The main ch

2024/06/1807:07:36 regimen 1460

I love sweating in the dog days of summer. Eat these three high-potassium foods regularly. They are nutritious and delicious, and you can enjoy the summer easily!

It is already mid-July, and we are about to usher in the hottest time of the year, " Dog Days ". The main characteristic of the dog days of summer is that it is humid and hot. Every morning when you get up, you will be sweating profusely. There is a saying that describes it very well: "Go out for five minutes and sweat for an hour." If it weren't for the air conditioning now, I really don't know how I would have spent the summer.

People like to sweat during the dog days of summer. Eat these three high-potassium foods regularly. They are nutritious and delicious, so you can enjoy the summer easily! It's already mid-July, and we are about to usher in the

In summer, people are most likely to sweat. Many trace elements in the human body will flow out with sweat, and the most serious loss is "potassium". If the human body lacks potassium, it will easily cause fatigue and sleepiness, and the body will feel lack of energy, resulting in a loss of appetite. Over time, the body's immunity will decrease. So the hotter the weather, the more we need to replenish the lost potassium in a timely manner, so how do we replenish it? In fact, as long as it is not too serious, we can just supplement it from our usual diet. There are many fruits and vegetables in life that are high in potassium, such as bananas, potatoes, seaweed, kelp, etc., which are all high in potassium. Today I would like to recommend some high-potassium foods to everyone, which are nutritious and delicious. Eat some regularly to help us get through the summer smoothly!

Seaweed and egg drop soup

Seaweed is one of our most common seafood. It is rich in nutrients and cheap. It is rich in iodine and potassium. It is also a high-potassium food, with an average of 1796 mg of potassium per 100 grams. Seaweed can be made into soup or served cold, but the most common way we make it is to make seaweed and egg drop soup. On a hot summer day, drinking a bowl of this soup before a meal is refreshing and appetizing.

People like to sweat during the dog days of summer. Eat these three high-potassium foods regularly. They are nutritious and delicious, so you can enjoy the summer easily! It's already mid-July, and we are about to usher in the

Break open the seaweed and soak it in water to clean out the impurities. After soaking the seaweed, take it out and squeeze out the water, and put it in a bowl for later use. Put oil in the pot, when the oil is hot, sauté the onion and ginger until fragrant, then add a bowl of water. After the water boils, you can sprinkle some dried shrimp skin to enhance the freshness, then pour in the seaweed and egg liquid, and then add some pepper, salt, and sesame oil to season. In this way, a delicious bowl of seaweed and egg yolk soup is ready.

Cold shredded kelp

Kelp is also a high-potassium food, containing 246 mg of potassium per 100 grams. Kelp has low calories, moderate protein, and rich mineral content. It is usually used to stew soup, stir-fry, or be eaten cold. The dish I recommend to you today is cold shredded kelp .

People like to sweat during the dog days of summer. Eat these three high-potassium foods regularly. They are nutritious and delicious, so you can enjoy the summer easily! It's already mid-July, and we are about to usher in the

The kelp shreds we usually buy in supermarkets or vegetable markets are raw and have a strong fishy smell. If we make cold kelp shreds, we need to blanch them. When blanching, you can put two slices of ginger to remove the fishy smell. taste. The time for blanching kelp shreds depends on the thickness of the kelp, usually five to ten minutes. At the same time, pay attention to the observation that the kelp shreds cannot be cooked, otherwise it will affect the taste. After the kelp shreds are cooked, rinse them with cold water, then drain them and pour them into a basin. Add some shredded onions and ginger, minced garlic, green and red pepper rings, minced coriander, salt, chicken essence, pepper, light soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar to the shredded kelp. Finally, pour a spoonful of hot oil over the ingredients and mix well.

Spinach dumplings

Spinach is also a high-potassium food. The potassium content in every 100 grams of spinach is 311 mg. In addition to potassium, spinach also contains vitamin C, carotene , protein, as well as iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. and other mineral elements, so spinach is also called a "nutritional model vegetable". There are many ways to eat spinach. It can be made into soup, served cold, or stuffed. The dish I recommend to you today is spinach dumplings. It is also good to eat some pasta during the dog days of summer.

People like to sweat during the dog days of summer. Eat these three high-potassium foods regularly. They are nutritious and delicious, so you can enjoy the summer easily! It's already mid-July, and we are about to usher in the

Prepare some cabbage hearts , spinach and vermicelli. If possible, you can put some rice noodles . First, soak the vermicelli in warm water until soft, wash and dry the cabbage and spinach, and then chop them into pieces to make the filling. Chop the soaked vermicelli as well, and roll the dumplings into pieces with a rolling pin, and put these ingredients together. Add minced onion and ginger, salt, pepper, salt, MSG, and chicken essence to adjust the taste, and finally pour a spoonful of hot oil, and the spinach stuffing is ready. After the filling is made, roll out the dumpling wrappers and wrap them into dumplings. Dumplings with vegetarian fillings are easier to cook, taking about ten minutes, and just "drink" them once in the middle.

The above are the dishes recommended to everyone on Dog Day, including cold dishes, staple food, and soup. I hope you like it!

"That’s it for today’s article, thank you for reading! I am a sister, and the only way to relieve my worries is delicious food! If you are interested in my article, don’t forget to like, follow, and share! You are also welcome to comment below the article Leave a comment and see you tomorrow! ”

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