Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap.

2024/06/2303:34:33 regimen 1897

Most of the children born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections when they were children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. There was a time when butt shots were all the rage, butt shots, which are intramuscular injections in the buttocks. The gluteal muscles are thick and have no important blood vessels and nerve distribution, making them particularly suitable for intramuscular injection. But have you noticed that butt needles are rarely seen nowadays? Why?

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews

Why are butt needles so rare nowadays?

The so-called butt injection is actually an injection into the buttock muscle. In addition to this injection method, there is also intravenous injection, which can be divided into transient and continuous. Transient is what we usually see as " injection ", and continuous is infusion .

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. Pain during injections

As we all know, spanking injections are very painful, so much so that they hurt for several hours and even make you restless.

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. Problems with drug absorption

Some people are overly nervous during spanking, causing muscle contraction, which affects drug absorption; most children struggle constantly during injections, which can easily cause difficulty in injection, leading to local pain, redness and swelling; overweight or obesity Patients are not suitable for spanking injections because the fat layer is too thick and it is difficult for the needle to reach the gluteus maximus. Improper injection can easily lead to sciatic nerve damage or infection.

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. It is related to people’s choices

In recent decades, intravenous injection has developed rapidly. For ordinary people, infusion has quick effects and low pain, so intravenous injection is the first choice. Also, when spanking, you need to pull down your pants, which makes adults very embarrassed, so they refuse spanking.

Why do spanking needles hurt so much?

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. Injection method

The butt needle is inserted vertically into the flesh, about 2.5~3cm below the skin, causing a large area of ​​pain. At the same time, the spanking needle is pushed slowly and the pain lasts for a long time.

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. Drug stimulation

Some drugs themselves can stimulate muscle tissue and vascular mucosa, so strong pain will occur when the drug is injected.

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. Related to medical staff

If the nurse is inexperienced and does not have a good grasp of the depth, it may cause abnormal pain.

Why can’t the infusion be too blind?

Because the butt injection is slowly absorbed, a skin test is required before the injection, and some people may find the scene embarrassing, so it was gradually eliminated and replaced by infusion. But blind infusion can cause harm.

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. It is easy to cause allergies.

If you are allergic to the input drugs, swelling, skin itching, chills, high fever, etc. may occur in mild cases, or may cause shock or death in severe cases. Especially allergy to penicillin is the most common, so when using penicillin , do a skin test first to avoid accidents.

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. air embolism may occur

If the air is not evacuated before intravenous injection, the air will follow the infusion pipe into the vein, causing air embolism. Without timely rescue, precious lives may be lost due to suffocation .

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews. Inducing acute heart failure

Injecting too much fluid in a short period of time can increase blood volume and increase the burden on the heart. Especially for people with poor heart function, it is very likely to induce acute heart failure.

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews

, causing phlebitis

Injecting high concentration and too irritating drugs can easily induce venous inflammation and lead to phlebitis.

5. Cause infection

Disposable instruments must be selected during infusion, and local disinfection must be done before infusion. If syringes are not sterilized or shared, bacteria may enter, induce local inflammation, and even cause the infection to spread. In severe cases, it can induce sepsis.

6. Causes osmotic damage

During infusion, extravasation of drugs into the tissues around blood vessels will cause leakage damage.If the condition is not serious, it will only show swelling and pain in the hand; if the condition is serious, it can cause local tissue necrosis and increase the pain suffered by the patient.

Most of the kids born in the 80s and 90s had butt injections as children. Whether it was a cold, fever, or pain, they got better after a few butt injections. The results are quick and cheap. - DayDayNews

A message from a doctor

In fact, butt needles have not disappeared. Some drugs cannot be taken orally and are not suitable for intravenous injection. Therefore, they are administered through intramuscular injection. The common ones are progesterone , vitamin D3, D2 and vitamin A. There are also vitamins B1, B2, B12 and K1. It is worth noting that blind infusion is not allowed unless necessary to avoid unexpected harm.

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