Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois

2024/06/1004:00:33 regimen 1360

Moisture is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and moisture will be retained in the body, slowly forming moisture that is difficult to remove.

Moisture can be said to be the root of all diseases. If there is too much moisture in the body, body functions will be affected, health levels will decline, and various diseases will occur.

Dampness harms people externally due to the rainy and humid environment and bad work and rest habits, while internal dampness is caused by the loss of yang energy in the body due to diet, resulting in increased moisture.

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews

People with heavy moisture will not be able to expel toxins and garbage in time, which will slowly affect the normal operation of body organs. They will feel that their limbs become heavy and weak, their hair and skin will become oily, and rashes will easily appear on their skin. , there will also be diarrhea, poor defecation, and stool sticking to the toilet.

If you have heavy moisture, you need to learn to regulate it and pay more attention to your diet. Fruits may be considered healthy foods by everyone and can supplement nutrition for the body. However, there are many types of fruits, and not every fruit may be helpful to health. If you are a person with excessive moisture in the body, you must know which fruits should not be consumed in excess. eat.

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews

Which fruits will cause more moisture in the body if you eat more?

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews, Mango

Mango is really delicious in terms of taste. Not only is it delicious, but its nutritional value is also very high. However, mangoes are damp and hot . If you eat too much, you are prone to allergies. It can also cause moisture blockage and edema in the body, which affects the function of the spleen and stomach in transporting moisture and qi. It can also cause digestive tract absorption disorders, so People with heavy moisture still need to keep their mouths shut and eat less.

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews, watermelon

As soon as summer comes, watermelon has become people’s favorite. Especially if you enjoy the watermelon chilled, it is really refreshing and relieves the heat.

However, we recommend that you don’t eat too much. Because watermelon is cold in nature and can retain dampness, eating too much will cause moisture stasis in the body to become blocked and cannot be discharged, resulting in abnormal transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach, thus aggravating the condition of dampness and heat.

Therefore, if you don’t want to retain moisture and keep your spleen and stomach healthy, you should eat less watermelon at ordinary times, especially iced watermelon.

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews, banana

Banana is eaten by many people as a weight loss fruit because it can laxative and promote gastrointestinal motility. However, it also has a disadvantage that eating too much will increase the production of moisture in the body. Because bananas are cold in nature, large amounts Eating it will cause spleen deficiency and water stagnation, which is not good for health.

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews, Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is also a cooling fruit . Although it has fat-reducing effect, it is not recommended for everyone to eat more. If you eat too much, it will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, causing moisture stasis in the body. Especially for female friends, if you eat too much, it will also affect menstruation.

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews. Jackfruit

Jackfruit looks like durian, but has no smell and tastes sweet like honey, so it has become quite popular in the market in recent years. But jackfruit is also a cold fruit . Eating too much will cause moisture in the body to increase. Excessive calorie intake will also cause the body to gain weight and blood sugar to rise. Therefore, everyone must pay attention to controlling the amount of food consumed.

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews

If you want to get rid of moisture in the body, do two things:

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews. Keep exercising.

Exercise can not only increase the body's metabolic rate and help the body detoxify, but also discharge moisture and promote health. Therefore, insist on aerobic exercise more than four times a week. The level of exercise is suitable for the body to sweat slightly, so that long-term persistence can eliminate moisture and make the body light.

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews

Dampness is a unique term in traditional Chinese medicine, because according to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the spleen plays the role of transporting water and dampness. If this ability of transportation and transformation is affected, a large amount of moisture and mois - DayDayNews. Drink red bean and barley tea

red bean and barley tea has a good strengthening spleen and removing dampness effect, so it is also called the king of removing dampness.People with heavy moisture in the body insist on drinking red bean and barley tea soaked in water, which can promote the discharge of moisture and toxins from the body, speed up fat burning, and have the effect of losing weight.

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