If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that "elite players" such as trigeminal neuralgia, labor pain, and herpes zoster can all participate, ah! Just hearing the name can make some people nervous, but the protagonist today is not them, but gout! How painful can a go

2024/05/2603:54:33 regimen 1357

If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that "elite players" such as trigeminal neuralgia , labor pain, and herpes zoster can all participate, ah! Just hearing the name already makes some people nervous, but the protagonists I want to talk about today are not them, but gout !

How painful can a gout attack be?

There is a question on Zhihu about "What is it like to experience a gout attack?" It currently has 1,135,371 views and 326 answers. The number is really astonishing. Let’s see what netizens have to say?

@Anonymous Dog: “The whole joint feels like it has been soaked in chili water. It’s so hot that I can feel the blood beating. Neither feathers nor air can touch me, otherwise I’m an adult. I can't help but cry. I can't put on my shoes. When I put them on, it's like putting my feet in a steel furnace. I can't take them off. When I take them out, it feels like a bomb is exploding on the instep. "

@Little Panda:" The past is unbearable to recall, like a nightmare. It took me more than a week to recover. When I went to the hospital, no one supported me, so I jumped by myself. The primary school students were laughing at me. I really wanted someone to knock me out. Why did I have to go through this The pain of going back and forth with steel needles and electric drills "

@sticky: "My dad is such a strong man, he didn't even cry when his finger was broken in a car accident, but when gout attacks, he suddenly sits up from the bed, Why is it so painful when you say you can’t stand it? I guess it must be very painful!”

If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that

How long does a gout attack usually last? Why hasn’t it healed in a month?

Usually If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that weeks will gradually improve, but if it has occurred many times, the pain will worsen and the time will be extended, generally no more than 2 weeks.

If it has not healed for more than a month, it may be related to two reasons:

Firstly, the patient has not received standardized treatment and the nursing work is not good enough. During the pain period, you should rest as much as possible and do not move the affected area. At the same time, you should keep warm and avoid freezing in cold seasons. The most important thing is to take anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs under the guidance of a doctor. It's not enough to carry it on your own.

The second reason is related to the patient's diet. Some people take medicine on their own, so they start to indulge in their mouths again. Even because they don't understand the condition, they blindly drink broth and chicken soup for nourishment, resulting in high uric acid levels and a natural condition. It was extended.

When it comes to diet, some people will say that it is said on the Internet that soy products cannot be eaten because they are the culprit of gout. Does this statement make sense?

If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that

I got gout because I ate too many soy products?

The "2017 China Gout Status Report White Paper" shows that there are 80 million gout patients in China. In fact, many of them are young people, and their proportion has increased year by year.

Many people begin to regret it after a gout attack. They feel that it is all the fault of XX food for not controlling their mouth well. Among them, many blame soy products.

Many people here have made two mistakes:

One: You can and cannot eat what you can and cannot eat if you have gout. Do not simply look at the purine content of food. Some people have strong metabolisms and may be fine if they eat high purine foods. Some people have poor metabolism and are prone to problems if they eat too much in a short period of time.

Second: Dried soybeans are very high in purine and , but they are still very different from the soy products we eat. After soaking, grinding, adding water and making, most of the purine has been dissolved in the water and has been reduced from high to high, so don't worry too much.

Take tofu and dried tofu as an example. One is 55.5mg/100g, the other is 66.5mg/100g, which is very different from the 218mg/100g of dried soybeans.

Soy products not only do not induce gout, but also reduce the risk of high uric acid. It does not matter if you eat them normally, just don't deliberately eat more.

If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that

Research has found that patients with gout and high uric acid really need to eat less of these two types of food

Hebei Medical University conducted a trial with a total of 4,855 participants. The trial summarized 5 dietary patterns, including a healthy plant-based diet. patterns, but also less healthy processed food patterns and animal-based eating patterns.

After experimental analysis, the researchers concluded that a plant-based diet has the least impact on uric acid and is the most friendly to gout patients, while an animal-based diet will increase the risk of disease attacks.

——Animal-based diet

includes animal offal, aquatic seafood, livestock meat, etc., and its calories are relatively high, which will affect metabolism. Therefore, it must be properly controlled at ordinary times. But that doesn’t mean you can’t eat even one bite. Food made through boiling, stir-frying and other methods can supplement nutrition and avoid gout attacks by eating a small amount. The key is not to be greedy and use less seasoning.

If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that

- Sugary drinks

Sugar will hinder the metabolism of uric acid and reduce the filtration capacity of the kidneys. Drink as little as possible. It is no less harmful than beer. There are many "sugar-free" drinks on the market now. I advise you to buy them with caution, because they are still very high in calories and will increase the purine content. It is not recommended to drink too much, and the same is true for juice.

Someone asked whether tea and coffee can be drunk.

Gout patients should drink more water, up to If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that 000-3000 ml per day. Although tea and coffee are both liquids and can replenish water, their essences are different and their ingredients are more complex.

If the pain community holds a competition, I believe that

Whether drinking tea and coffee will affect uric acid metabolism is currently still controversial.

In a study by Hebei Medical University, high tea or coffee intake will increase uric acid. However, in a study by Central South University , it was found that drinking more tea every day will reduce the risk of gout, and the same is true for coffee.

Although the research results are different, you don’t have to be too entangled. No matter what you drink, as long as is not excessive , it is fine. You can’t drink it hard. If you are worried, just drink the simplest boiled water!

If you do not want gout to attack, you should get rid of bad habits. Do not eat uncontrollably or drink excessively. Do not lie down after meals, stand up and walk around, and exercise appropriately to enhance metabolism. Only by keeping the uric acid level below 360 μmol/L can gout occur. It’s less likely to happen.


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[2] Gout and Swelling What is the fastest way to relieve pain? How long does a gout attack usually last? · Physician’s News Rheumatism Channel.2020-10-06

[3] Soy milk and dried beans do not have high purine content. How should patients with gout eat soy products? · Health News.2017 -04-22

[4] What should gout patients not eat? The "Fengyou" diet "trilogy" is here·Healthy China.2018-03-06

[5] Tea, milk, coffee, good drinks for gout patients·Life Times.2020-04-02

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