Wu Wenbo, Hebei Shijiazhuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital 1. Concept of Raynaud syndrome (Raynaud syndrome), formerly known as Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's phenomenon, is a disease induced by cold or emotional factors and is characterized by episodic pallor, cyanosis

2024/05/2419:34:32 regimen 1008

Wu Wenbo Hebei Province Shijiazhuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital


Wu Wenbo, Hebei Shijiazhuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital 1. Concept of Raynaud syndrome (Raynaud syndrome), formerly known as Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's phenomenon, is a disease induced by cold or emotional factors and is characterized by episodic pallor, cyanosis  - DayDayNews


Raynaud syndrome (Raynaud syndrome), formerly known as Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's phenomenon, is a type of episodic paleness and paleness of the skin of the hands induced by cold or emotional factors. is characterized by cyanosis, and flushing changes. This sign is caused by episodic spasm of the finger arteries. is more common in young women and is more likely to occur on the hands and fingers, but can also involve the feet and toes. The cause of this disease is not yet clear, but may be related to genetic, immune, environmental and other factors. It can be treated through daily care, medication, surgery, etc.

2. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of Raynaud's disease

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Qi deficiency and blood stasis , Yang deficiency and cold excess are the main factors of the disease, while emotional stimulation and the attack of cold evil are important conditions for the disease. The disease is a syndrome of deficiency in origin and excess in excess. Qi deficiency and Yang deficiency are the root causes, and qi stagnation and blood stasis are the symptoms.

Syndrome differentiation and treatment of Raynaud's disease: 1 Spleen and kidney yang deficiency , 2 Yang deficiency and cold coagulation, 3 Qi stagnation and blood stasis , 4 Qi deficiency and blood stasis, 5 stasis and heat blocking the collaterals

2.1 Astragalus Guizhi Wuwu Decoction (spleen and kidney yang Deficiency type) " Golden Chamber Synopsis " volume

composition dosage: three liang of astragalus [9g], three liang of peony [9g], three liang of cinnamon twig [9g], six liang of ginger [18g], twelve jujubes pieces [12 pieces] (one side has ginseng). To apply the medicine, boil two liters of six liters of water and take it warmly for seven days, three times a day.

Functions and Indications: Restoring Rongwei, dispelling wind and dispersing evil spirits; replenishing temperature and meridian, harmonizing blood and relieving paralysis. blood paralysis . Both yin and yang are weak, and the external syndrome is numbness of the skin, like wind paralysis. The cun mouth is slightly closed, the middle part of the foot is tight, and the pulse is slightly astringent and tight.

2.2Danggui Sini Decoction (yang deficiency and cold coagulation type) " Treatise on Febrile Diseases":

Composition and dosage: Angelica 9 grams, Guizhi 9 grams (peeled), 9 grams of peony, Asarum 3 Grams, licorice 6 grams (broiled), Tongcao 6 grams, 5 jujubes. Add 800 ml of water to the medicine, boil 300 ml, drain, and drink warmly in two portions.

Functions and Indications: Nourishing blood, dispersing cold, warming meridians and unblocking meridians. Mainly due to typhoid due to yin, coagulated blood, cold hands and feet, thready pulse; or bowel sounds, abdominal pain, and persistent lowering; or yin and hernia, testicular pain, and traction in the lower abdomen. is currently used in Raynaud's disease , thromboangiitis obliterans , sciatica , rheumatoid arthritis , waist, leg, and ankle pain, gastroduodenal ulcer , chronic urticaria , varicocele, female amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, chilblains, chapped , etc. belong to blood deficiency and cold coagulation of meridians.

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