Source: [Future Network] On June 28, Niu Chunyu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Northern University, visited the First Affiliated Hospital to conduct research and provide guidance. Vice President Zhang Hui, Director of the Party and Government Offi

2024/05/2408:40:33 regimen 1296

Source: [Future Network]

On June 28, Niu Chunyu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Northern University Niu Chunyu , went to the First Affiliated Hospital to conduct research and provide guidance. Vice President Zhang Hui, Director of the Party and Government Office Yan Weifeng, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Medicine Lv Guoxing, and Executive Deputy Director of the Ministry of Medicine Ren Junxu accompanied the investigation. Members of the leadership team of the First Affiliated Hospital and responsible comrades of relevant departments participated in the survey or discussion.

Niu Chunyu and his party visited the hospital’s student dormitories, student canteens, party building culture and education base, international medical department, fever clinic, nucleic acid collection points, outpatient and emergency departments, etc. to learn more about student management, epidemic prevention and control, Winter Olympics guarantee and other related work. At the same time, opinions and suggestions were provided on the detailed issues discovered during the investigation. A research symposium was then held in the multifunctional hall on the fifth floor of the outpatient clinic.

Source: [Future Network] On June 28, Niu Chunyu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Northern University, visited the First Affiliated Hospital to conduct research and provide guidance. Vice President Zhang Hui, Director of the Party and Government Offi - DayDayNews

At the meeting, Hou Yaxiong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital, expressed his gratitude to the school leaders for their long-term care and support for the hospital. He introduced in detail the hospital's achievements in recent years in party building, party style and clean government, cadre and talent team building, regional medical center construction, medical consortium construction, and performance distribution reform. Hou Yaxiong said that as a hospital directly affiliated to the school and a clinical medical school, the hospital attaches great importance to teaching. Through unremitting efforts, the positioning of the teaching function has been further clarified, and significant progress has been made in the coordinated development of medicine and education. The hospital successfully passed the national teaching work level assessment, teaching work review and assessment, and clinical medicine professional certification. It was successfully approved as a national physician qualification practical skills examination base and a national medical resident standardized training base. Zhang Zhihua, director of the First Affiliated Hospital, made an analysis and report from aspects such as epidemic prevention and control, Winter Olympics protection, medical management, medical quality and safety, public hospital performance appraisal, teaching, and scientific research. He said that by focusing on key points, making up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, and strengthening connotation construction, the hospital has developed rapidly in various tasks, successfully passed the review of grade hospitals and on-site inspections of large hospitals, and the national ranking of public hospital performance appraisal has risen by 166 places. . At the same time, the bottlenecks and difficulties encountered by the hospital during its operation were also reported.

Niu Chunyu made a speech after listening to the report. He fully affirmed the outstanding achievements of the First Affiliated Hospital in epidemic prevention and control, Winter Olympics protection, talent training, scientific research, etc., and expressed praise for the hospital's cultural construction, staff spirit and high-quality services. Regarding the future development of the hospital, President Niu Chunyu put forward five requirements. First, as a provincial-level regional medical center, it should focus on stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, taking into account social and economic benefits, carrying forward advantages, making up for shortcomings, strengthening weaknesses, and promoting multiple Interdisciplinary integration and vigorous development of multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment. Second, as a regional medical talent training center, it is necessary to give full play to the main function of talent training in university-affiliated hospitals, strengthen the integration of medical and prevention, medical management, disciplinary integration, and the integration of basic medicine and clinical medicine to achieve coordinated development of medical, teaching and research. As a national standardized training base for resident doctors, we must strengthen standardized construction and operation, strive to improve the level of the training faculty, standardize training management, strictly supervise and assess, strengthen training effects, strengthen base construction, and continuously improve training capabilities and training quality. Third, as a regional medical research center, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the first-level discipline of clinical medicine, think deeply about the development path, and shoulder the important task and mission of connotative development and high-quality development. While "breaking the Five Onlys", we should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of experts and scholars, produce more high-level scientific research results, and do a good job in transforming scientific research results. Fourth, as a regional social service center, it must determine its strategic positioning. It should not only serve major national strategies, but also proactively connect with local governments. Combined with the needs of the county economy, it should actively leverage its resource advantages to win the initiative and serve local medical and health undertakings and economic and social development. Take the lead and strengthen yourself. The fifth is to coordinate epidemic prevention and control and hospital safety and stability. Improve our political stance, fully understand the importance of epidemic prevention and control and production safety, further improve the epidemic prevention and control plan, consolidate responsibilities at all levels, implement various prevention and control measures, do a good job in investigating safety hazards, resolutely guard the bottom line of safety, and practice based on actual conditions Action to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Niu Chunyu finally emphasized that the First Affiliated Hospital, as one of the first batch of tertiary hospitals in Hebei Province, is the largest hospital, the strongest hospital, the best hospital and the hospital that the people are most satisfied with in the Zhangjiakou region. It will further develop in the future. Positioning and development ideas, dare to compare with advanced hospitals inside and outside the province, and gain a firm foothold in the fierce competition. Currently, the school is planning a series of reform measures around talent cultivation, discipline construction, and serving the society. For example, we integrate the advantages of school resources to establish a rural revitalization college, coordinate school-site, school-enterprise, and school-school cooperation, and promote the integrated development of government, industry, academia, and research. Doing these tasks well requires the joint participation and joint promotion of the affiliated hospitals. He hopes that all levels, departments and units of the school will firmly establish the idea of ​​​​a game of chess between the school and the hospital, and provide more mantras and good suggestions from the perspective of being beneficial to the overall development of the school and hospital. , provide practical measures, the school will continue to support the development of affiliated hospitals and try its best to help solve development problems.

Zhang Hui presided over the symposium. He asked the cadres and workers at all levels of the First Affiliated Hospital to seriously study and study the spirit of President Niu Chunyu’s speech, unify their thoughts into the decision-making and deployment of the school party committee, talk about politics, consider the overall situation, seek development, and take practical actions Make new and greater contributions to the harmonious and rapid development of hospitals and schools. (Correspondent: Wang Zhiqing, Hebei Northern University)

This article comes from [Future Network] and represents only the author’s views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services.


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