Nowadays, middle-aged and elderly people are aware of health care and pay great attention to health care in life. However, due to limited cognition, many people do not grasp the essence of health care. The five behaviors mentioned in the article not only fail to maintain health,

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Nowadays, middle-aged and elderly people are aware of health care and pay great attention to health care in life. However, due to limited cognition, many people do not grasp the essence of health care. The five behaviors mentioned in the article not only fail to maintain health, but may also bring good health. The crisis requires everyone's attention.

The first major behavior [wrong morning exercise]

Morning exercise is too early

The elderly sleep less and wake up very early in the morning. They have nothing to do at home, so they like to go to the square or park early for morning exercise. We even went out at 4 or 5 o'clock before it was bright.

Some people may say that morning exercise should be done early, right? Moreover, it is summer now, the temperature is not low in the morning, and the sun rises early. What problem can there be in exercising?

The human body's biological clock is regular. Blood pressure shows an upward trend after getting up in the morning and slowly decreases after 10 o'clock. However, the blood vessels of middle-aged and elderly people lack elasticity and the rules have been broken. Most people's blood pressure is in an unstable state. Going out to exercise immediately after getting up in the morning is very harmful to the heart, brain and kidneys, and the risk of stroke and cerebral infarction is very high.

In addition, the joints of middle-aged and elderly people are not very good and the joints are a bit stiff after waking up from sleep. They are not suitable for climbing stairs, walking long distances, or engaging in strenuous exercise, which can easily damage ligaments and joints.

Nowadays, middle-aged and elderly people are aware of health care and pay great attention to health care in life. However, due to limited cognition, many people do not grasp the essence of health care. The five behaviors mentioned in the article not only fail to maintain health,  - DayDayNews

Treat morning exercise as a task

Older people also have a comparison mentality. When they see others going to morning exercise, they will go too, and go earlier. They also regard morning exercise as a task, stipulating how many steps they must walk and how long they must run every day. , regardless of physical condition. Even if the weather outside is bad and not suitable for exercise, I will insist on going out. This mentality is not advisable. More is better is a thing of the past.

Regarding the number of steps: "Lancet Public Health" research shows that people under the age of 60 can walk 8,000 steps a day, people over the age of 60 can walk 6,000 steps a day. Excessive use is not beneficial.

About running: Research from the Massachusetts General Hospital affiliated to Harvard University shows that jogging for 12 minutes a day for the elderly can not only have a beneficial impact on the heart and cardiovascular system, but also improve metabolism and reduce body mass index.

For the elderly, do not stay at home for a long time, walk or cycle instead of taking a car. Taking a proper walk every day can improve your health. There is no need to compare with others.

Nowadays, middle-aged and elderly people are aware of health care and pay great attention to health care in life. However, due to limited cognition, many people do not grasp the essence of health care. The five behaviors mentioned in the article not only fail to maintain health,  - DayDayNews

Not choosing the right morning exercise program

Middle-aged and elderly people have a variety of morning exercise methods. Some people do diabolo, some practice horizontal bars, and some leg press stretch Jin, challenging difficult movements. Exercise is a good thing, but you should pay attention to protecting yourself and being careful about harming your body. You should avoid the following behaviors:

Climbing stairs and climbing mountains - it will increase the wear and tear of the knee joints, causing pain and discomfort.

Leg-pressing and stretching - It is easy to damage ligaments and tendons, increasing the risk of falling. People without foundation should not try difficult exercises easily.

Turning the head quickly - may damage the cervical vertebra , cause dizziness and discomfort, and even cause plaque in the carotid artery to fall off.

Nowadays, middle-aged and elderly people are aware of health care and pay great attention to health care in life. However, due to limited cognition, many people do not grasp the essence of health care. The five behaviors mentioned in the article not only fail to maintain health,  - DayDayNews

The second biggest behavior is [frequently skipping breakfast]

In order to control weight and blood sugar, some elderly people skip breakfast. This behavior is also a big pitfall in health care.

Increases the risk of dementia

A Japanese study shows that if you often skip breakfast, the risk of dementia will increase by 4 times .

Because the nutrients in food can nourish the brain nerves and slow down the rate of cognitive decline, adequate nutrient supply must be provided every day. Elderly people who do not eat breakfast lack nutrients in the brain nerves and their functions decline faster.

Shorter life span and more likely to become obese

Research in the "Clinical Nutrition" magazine also showed that elderly people who do not eat breakfast have a higher risk of death.

Such elderly people have higher levels of body inflammation, which can aggravate basic diseases such as high blood pressure and induce new inflammation and stones. In addition, because there is not enough energy supply, the body starts to accumulate fat and it is easy to gain weight.

Nowadays, middle-aged and elderly people are aware of health care and pay great attention to health care in life. However, due to limited cognition, many people do not grasp the essence of health care. The five behaviors mentioned in the article not only fail to maintain health,  - DayDayNews

The third major behavior [falling asleep with breath]

When you encounter something unsatisfactory in life, you will comfort yourself and just sleep, but do you know? Sleeping with breath is not good for your health.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that there are three types of sleeplessness, one of which is to fall asleep with Qi, because emotional reactions will affect physiological health, and the mood will not be calm for a long time. Sleeping at this time will affect the movement of Qi and blood in the internal organs, and it is easy to Liver Qi stagnation and damage. The spleen and stomach will also be sad and nerve-wracking.

A study in the "Journal of Gerontology" showed that sleeping when you are angry will make you remember the angry people and things more clearly, and you will be doubly angry when you wake up, that is, the more you think about it, the angrier you will become. Therefore, there can be no overnight feuds. Any problems must be solved on the same day and cannot be left until the next day.

The fourth major behavior [drinking every day to maintain health]

The wine here includes medicated wine made by yourself. Whether it is red wine that is said to soften blood vessels or medicated wine that promotes physical fitness, it is not recommended for the elderly to drink it.

Nowadays, middle-aged and elderly people are aware of health care and pay great attention to health care in life. However, due to limited cognition, many people do not grasp the essence of health care. The five behaviors mentioned in the article not only fail to maintain health,  - DayDayNews

Medicinal wine, is it medicine or wine? In fact, it is more inclined to the former. Since it is a medicine, you need to have certain professional knowledge and understand the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and you cannot just make it on your own. There are many news reports that some people brewed medicinal wine and drank it, resulting in liver and kidney damage, and they regretted it endlessly. I even believed in medicinal wine to maintain health and did not even take western medicine. In the end, it resulted in acute cerebral infarction.

For example, Aconitum , raw aconite, centipede, Realgar , Shandou root, Panax notoginseng , etc., have certain toxicity and need to be combined with detoxifying herbs to offset the toxicity. Non-professionals should try not to concoct them. Especially patients with liver, kidney and cardiovascular diseases should not take medicinal wine casually.

In the traditional sense, medicated wine must be used symptomatically and auxiliary treatment of a specific disease, instead of drinking a little whether you are sick or not. Only by using the right symptoms can the medicine exert its health care effect through the strength of the wine.

Putting aside medicated wine and red wine, patients have other better ways to maintain their health. Liu Songshan, a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Sichuan Province, said that if you don’t drink medicated wine, try not to drink it. The nourishing effect is not necessarily certain, and it is easy to harm the body.

Middle-aged and elderly people should learn scientific health care knowledge and clearly distinguish what is right and what is wrong. Only by adhering to correct health habits can the body benefit and live healthier.


[1] American research shows that people over 60 years old take 6,000-8,000 steps a day, which can reduce the risk of premature death by 53%·Jiupai News.2022-03-15

[2]No Elderly people who eat breakfast are 4 times more likely to develop dementia. Pay attention to these habits·Popular Science China.2022-06-13

[3] Don’t be angry overnight, live happily and live a long life! New research reminds: Don’t be angry with others "Sleep. Life Times.2021-05-20

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