Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body. Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladd

2024/06/2609:58:32 regimen 1568

Summer is stone season!

Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body.

Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladder stones, etc.

A patient once described kidney stones like this:

Only kidney stones can rival the pain a woman feels when giving birth. "Just seeing these three words scared me."

"It's like a red-hot knife scratching back and forth in your urethra."

"It hurts so much that I want to castrate myself."

"After you pass the kidney stones on your own, the pain of a broken love is nothing. ?”

It can be seen from this that if kidney stones occur, only the patient can feel the pain.

Why is summer said to be the season for kidney stones?

In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, damp heat is one of the key factors in the formation of stones.

Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body. Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladd - DayDayNews


From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the internal organs of the human body are divided into exterior and interior, and the liver and gallbladder are the exterior and interior of each other. That is to say, the formation of gallstones is bound to be closely related to the liver.

The liver governs dispersion and can regulate the movement of human qi, thus promoting the secretion of bile. Only in this way can the two work closely together to promote digestion.

If liver qi is not comfortable , the qi movement in the body will not be smooth, and bile cannot be excreted in time. Over time, it will become depressed and turn into heat, and the damp and heat will burn the bile, thus producing "stones".

Gallstones can cause pain in the right upper quadrant, as well as nausea and vomiting, thirst and dry tongue, high fever and chills, and inability to eat. The tongue appearance of this type of patient is usually with yellow and greasy tongue coating . Even the color of the urine is yellow, and sometimes constipation occurs.

Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body. Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladd - DayDayNews

Urinary system stones

If dampness and heat accumulate in the lower Jiao (liver, kidney) and boil the body fluid in the lower Jiao, it is equivalent to refining. The result is that a "stone"-like substance is extracted, which is a urinary system stone.

System stone patients usually urinate frequently, have astringent and painful defecation, and sometimes have blood in the urine or gravel in the urine. Paroxysmal cramping in waist and abdomen.

In addition, there are also symptoms of dampness and heat, such as fever and aversion to cold, thirst without wanting to drink water, dry stool, red tongue and yellow greasy coating.

Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body. Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladd - DayDayNews

also said before that heat and humidity are the key factors in the formation of stones. The weather is hot in summer, especially in the dog days of summer. People are in an environment where they are exposed to the sun above and cooked below, with people in the middle. It can be said that it is attacked by "heat evil" and "dampness evil" at the same time. This is why summer is the stone season. For stone patients, you must always pay attention.

Traditional Chinese medicine also has corresponding treatments for damp-heat type stones. The method is to clear away dampness and heat on the one hand, and to remove stones or fossils on the other hand. When it comes to the combination of medicinal materials, Chinese medicine practitioners mostly like to use the "four golds", which are Money grass , Sea Jinsha , Gallus gallus , yujin.

Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body. Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladd - DayDayNews


Desmodium is sweet and salty in taste, slightly cold in medicinal properties, and returns to the gallbladder, liver, kidney, and bladder meridians. It has the effects of diuresis and jaundice, diuresis and stranguria, detoxification and swelling. Desmodium is cold in nature and can remove heat, while salty can soften hardness, which is fossil.

Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body. Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladd - DayDayNews


Haijinsha tastes sweet and salty, and has slightly cold medicinal properties. It belongs to the small intestine and bladder meridian, and has the functions of clearing away dampness and heat, relieving stranguria, relieving pain, and stopping bleeding. The nature and flavor of Haijinsha are the same as Desmodium chinensis, and they both have the effect of clearing away dampness, heat and fossils. At the same time, Jinhaisha also has the function of discharging stones.

Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body. Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladd - DayDayNews

Gallus gallus gallus

Gallus gallinae is actually the inner wall of the dried chicken gizzard. It is sweet in taste and mild in nature. It returns to the spleen, stomach, small intestine, and bladder meridians. It has the functions of strengthening the stomach and digestion, astringing semen and stopping nocturnal emissions, and relieving stranguria.Many people may know this medicine, which is equivalent to the "stomach" of a chicken. Sometimes chickens will eat stones to digest food, which shows how powerful it is. This medicine can act alone on stone patients. Specifically, it needs Doctor dialectics.

Speaking of stones, I believe many people should be familiar with them. In medicine, stones refer to solid blocks formed in the cavities of organs or ducts in the body. Stones vary in size and are formed in various locations, such as gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, bladd - DayDayNews


Turmeric tastes bitter and pungent, and has cold medicinal properties. It returns to the lungs, liver, heart meridian , and has the functions of activating blood and relieving pain, promoting qi and relieving depression, clearing the heart and cooling blood, promoting choleretic and reducing jaundice. When treating gallstones, it is often combined with turmeric, which can both promote gallbladder and protect the liver.

Of course, Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, so when urinary system stones cause symptoms of liver qi discomfort, turmeric will also be combined with turmeric to promote qi and relieve depression, activate blood circulation and relieve pain.

Specifically, doctors still need to differentiate and treat offline. After all, everyone’s symptoms are different. In addition to medication, stone patients should also replenish their body with enough water, which will help expel stones.

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