Tomorrow comes the Dog Days, no matter you are rich or poor, remember to eat these "Three Treasures" and eat in season to enjoy the summer safely. July 16th to July 25th is the Dog Days, and the Dog Days will come tomorrow, which means that the hottest dog days of the year have o

2024/06/2609:27:33 regimen 1089

Tomorrow comes tomorrow, no matter you are rich or poor, remember to eat these "Three Treasures" and eat in season to enjoy the summer safely

July 16th to July 25th is the first dog day, and tomorrow will be the dog day, which means the hottest day of the year Dog Days is officially launched. As the old saying goes, "If you eat with your head down, don't call the doctor." It is particularly important to eat in season. So what are the "three treasures"? I guess many people don't know.

Tomorrow comes the Dog Days, no matter you are rich or poor, remember to eat these

As the saying goes, "It's cold in the third nine and hot in the third volt." This year's climate is quite unusual, with most areas experiencing a scorching heat of around 38 degrees Celsius. The weather is hot and humid and you sweat a lot and consume a lot, which can easily lead to fatigue and poor appetite. Therefore, it is particularly important to take care of your body. Food supplements are of course the best choice. If you take good care of your body, you can have a smooth summer. .

Tomorrow comes the Dog Days, no matter you are rich or poor, remember to eat these

As early as ancient my country, people were very particular about what they eat during the dog days. For example, in some places there is a custom of eating a rooster with oneā€™s head down, which means good health for a year. In other places, dumplings, wontons, mutton, and ginger are eaten. In short, because Different regions and different living habits, the customs of what to eat are really different in different places. Next, I will share with you the "three treasures" of Tofu. Let's see which one comes from your hometown?

Tomorrow comes the Dog Days, no matter you are rich or poor, remember to eat these

The "first treasure" of Toufu: dumplings

Northerners love to eat pasta. Whether it is a festival or a happy event, dumplings are indispensable. There is a custom of "Toufu dumplings, second noodles, and Sanfu pancakes and eggs." Moreover, dumplings are very nutritious. The stomach and intestines have poor digestion during the dog days of summer, so easily digestible dumplings are more suitable for nourishing the spleen and stomach.

Recommended recipe: [Leek and Pork Dumplings]

Ingredients: appropriate amount of dumpling skin, 500 grams of leeks, 500 grams of minced pork, a small handful of black fungus, an egg, 2 small spoons of oyster sauce, a small spoon of salt, a little chicken essence

Method: 1 Chop , leeks, and black fungus separately and put them into a large bowl. 2. Add minced pork, oyster sauce, eggs, salt, and chicken essence and mix well. The dumpling filling is ready. 3. Put appropriate amount of dumpling filling into the dumpling wrapper, fold it in half and pinch tightly to wrap. 4. Put an appropriate amount of boiling water in the pot, add the dumplings and boil them, then add cold water three times, boil them again and then take them out and eat them.

Tomorrow comes the Dog Days, no matter you are rich or poor, remember to eat these

The "Second Treasure": Mutton

Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province has the " Fuyang Festival", the custom of eating mutton with one's head bent. Many people may question when they see mutton. Mutton is warm and easy to get angry. Wouldn't eating mutton on a hot day add fuel to the fire? In fact, there are certain things to pay attention to when eating mutton in Futian. Mutton meat is tender and warm in nature. After the weather is hot and humid, eating an appropriate amount of mutton at this time can replenish Yang Qi by heating.

However, if you eat mutton during the dog days, try to eat it in soup rather than grilling it. It is best to use mutton soup with some vegetables to neutralize it, so that it will not cause internal heat and will be more nutritious.

Recommended recipe [Cabbage and mutton soup]

Ingredients: 400 grams of lamb chops, 300 grams of cabbage, 4 slices of ginger, 3 green onions, appropriate amount of salt, a little chicken essence, a small handful of wolfberry

Method: 1. Wash the lamb chops and chop into small pieces pieces, tear the cabbage into large pieces. 2. Put the mutton in a pot of cold water, bring to a boil over high heat, and remove the scum until the soup is clear. Take it out and wash the fat off the lamb chops with warm water. 3. Put it into the pot again, add hot boiling water, add ginger slices and green onions, and simmer over medium-low heat until the lamb chops can be inserted into chopsticks. 4. Remove the green onion knots, add cabbage, salt, and chicken essence, and simmer for another 6 minutes. When it is about to come out of the pot, add wolfberry and chopped green onion and turn off the heat.

Tomorrow comes the Dog Days, no matter you are rich or poor, remember to eat these

The "Third Treasure" of Tofu: Monopterus eel

There is a folk saying that "Small Summer eel is better than ginseng". The eel is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the functions of replenishing qi, tonifying the spleen and stomach, and replenishing rheumatism. The toufu is the most plump eel. How can you miss this delicacy when you are nourishing yourself?

Recommended recipe [Braised eel]

Ingredients: 500 grams of eel, 10 garlic, 3 slices of ginger, 2 red peppers, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, 2 tsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of dark soy sauce, 1 tsp of salt, a little chicken essence

Method: 1. Clean the eel and cut it into small sections. 2. Sprinkle the eel with a little flour and mix well. 3. Heat oil in a hot pan, add eel and fry until slightly golden, then serve.4. Heat oil in a hot pan, add ginger slices, chili peppers, and garlic, stir-fry over high heat for one minute, be careful not to add too much chili pepper, add less to remove the fishy smell. 5. Pour in the eel, light soy sauce, and dark soy sauce and stir-fry for 1 minute. Pour in a bowl of hot water, add salt, chicken essence and a little white wine. Cover the pot and simmer until the juice is reduced. Sprinkle in chopped green onion and serve.

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