Scaling your teeth can make the gaps between your teeth wider and make your teeth more sensitive. Do you still need to wash your teeth if you brush your teeth every day? This is oral health care that everyone should perform regularly. Brush your teeth every day, do you still have

2024/05/2306:14:33 regimen 1871
Scaling your teeth can make the gaps between your teeth wider and make your teeth more sensitive. Do you still need to wash your teeth if you brush your teeth every day? This is oral health care that everyone should perform regularly. Brush your teeth every day, do you still have - DayDayNews

Teeth cleaning is good for dental health

But some people are worried

Teeth cleaning will make the gaps between teeth larger and make the teeth more sensitive

Are these statements true?

Come and learn some oral health knowledge


Do you still need to wash your teeth if you brush your teeth every day?

The professional term for teeth cleaning is periodontal scaling

The purpose is to remove tartar, plaque and pigment on


It can prevent and treat periodontal disease

It is oral health care that everyone should perform regularly

See here

I wonder if you want to ask

if you brush your teeth every day, do you still have dirty things to wash?

Experts introduce

Dental plaque will continue to form

and be distributed in every corner of the tooth surface and intraoral restorations

Brushing your teeth carefully cannot remove all the dental plaque

The dental plaque that has not been removed

will fade over time The movement of calcification to form tartar

Scaling your teeth can make the gaps between your teeth wider and make your teeth more sensitive. Do you still need to wash your teeth if you brush your teeth every day? This is oral health care that everyone should perform regularly. Brush your teeth every day, do you still have - DayDayNews

Tooth cleaning uses professional dental techniques

and various instruments

to remove plaque and tartar attached to the tooth surface

Periodontal disease can be controlled

Don’t be afraid! Teeth cleaning will not cause the gaps between teeth to become larger.

Experts say

Some people are worried that the gaps between teeth will become larger after teeth cleaning. In fact, these people often suffer from periodontitis. The accumulation of tartar

is not easy to detect

When the tartar is removed by scaling, the gaps between the teeth are exposed

It is not that the gaps between the teeth become larger after teeth cleaning

It is a sign of periodontal disease

Scaling your teeth can make the gaps between your teeth wider and make your teeth more sensitive. Do you still need to wash your teeth if you brush your teeth every day? This is oral health care that everyone should perform regularly. Brush your teeth every day, do you still have - DayDayNews

In addition, the gums are red and swollen

It is also an important clinical manifestation of periodontal disease

When the tartar is removed, the gum swelling

will also feel that the gap between the teeth has become larger

For people with healthy gums

After teeth cleaning, the gap between adjacent teeth

It is filled by the gum papilla

If you already have periodontal disease before cleaning your teeth

After cleaning your teeth, you may feel that your teeth are loose

This is not because the teeth have become loose due to "washing"

but because the teeth are already there. Looseness appears

Before teeth cleaning, large pieces of calculus accumulate around the teeth

It is like a "splint" to cover the teeth

But the patient may not know it

In addition, some people report that

the teeth become loose after teeth cleaning. More sensitive

What's going on?

After the tartar is removed, the teeth will be sensitive for a period of time

This sensitivity is transient

It can be improved over time

It should be noted that

The more severe the periodontitis, the more serious the sensitivity will be

Pay attention to oral health. Be careful!

The frequency of tooth cleaning varies from person to person.

Normal population: 1 to 2 times per year.

High-risk groups for periodontal disease: 2 to 4 times per year.

Coagulation disorders. People with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The overall condition should be taken as priority.

Reprinted from :CCTV-1 "Life Circle"

Source: CCTV set of

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