Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the "fall", t

2024/05/2218:28:34 regimen 1090

The third volt is approaching. In compliance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you during the midsummer.

The temperature is now high and it will soon be the slight summer, followed by the "fall", which is That said, we’re about to enter the hottest time of the year!

There is a folk proverb that says that "people jump when the house is hot" during the dog days. Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, when faced with a high temperature of nearly 40 degrees, coupled with the abnormally dry weather, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

As long as you do a little activity at this time, you will be so hot that you will sweat. If you do not replenish water in time, you will easily suffer from heat stroke, fatigue, fatigue, loss of appetite or internal heat, especially middle-aged and elderly people with poor physical fitness. People are more prone to the above situations. Therefore, during this critical period, you should start to have some scruples about your diet. In addition to eating less raw and cold food, hydration is also particularly important!

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

Many people like to drink cold drinks to relieve the heat. However, the stimulation of cold and hot inside and outside can easily cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other discomforts in the human body. Therefore, in the hot dog days of summer, it is better to drink cold carbonated or ice-cold beer. While waiting for cold drinks, you might as well drink some chrysanthemum tea, which is refreshing and reduces heat. While replenishing water, it can also supplement the body with various nutrients, allowing people to spend this hot summer safely and refreshingly.

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

1. Yuntai Ice Chrysanthemum

This chrysanthemum tea comes from the ancient Huai Palace (Jiaozuo, Henan). The local area is rich in Huai chrysanthemum and has always been famous for its "nutrition and freshness"! There are many kinds of chrysanthemum tea in Henan, but Yuntai Bingju is even more outstanding!

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

The reason is: Yuntai Ice Juice uses Huai chrysanthemum and its production technology is advanced!

Yuntai ice chrysanthemum is produced on the plains between the Yellow River and Taihang Mountains . Sufficient irrigation water has created fertile soil. Combined with the local sufficient light, this is more conducive to the growth of chrysanthemums. It is convenient for it to continuously accumulate nutrients, so it is more nutritious. It can reduce internal heat, relieve fatigue and improve eyesight, and has won the "Green Food Label".

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

Yuntai Ice Chrysanthemum uses the traditional sun-drying and shade-drying processes, and then combines it with the country's advanced steam baking technology. Without destroying the integrity and nutrition of the chrysanthemum, it is air-dried to make tea. The taste of the brewed chrysanthemum is also It is more mellow and refreshing than ordinary chrysanthemum tea.

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

Its dried chrysanthemum petals are tight and should not be scattered. The flower shape is complete and textured, with a light honey and medicinal fragrance. After being brewed into a soup with hot water, the color of the soup is translucent and slightly yellow. It tastes sweet and thirst-quenching, and the taste is fresh and refreshing. Make your mouth water.

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

2. Gongyi Small phase chrysanthemum

Small phase chrysanthemum is an excellent variety bred from wild chrysanthemums , and Gongyi City has high east and low west terrain and fertile soil, which is very suitable for the growth of chrysanthemums, so Gongyi City The local area has a long history of planting Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, and the quality of Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum locally is the best.

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

Compared with other wild chrysanthemums, the ornamental value and taste of the small chrysanthemum are better. After it is brewed with boiling water, it does not have the bitterness and astringency of other wild chrysanthemum teas. It tastes smoother, and it is glycol and can withstand steeping. You don’t have to worry about the taste becoming diluted if you brew it multiple times.

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

3. Ruicheng chrysanthemums

Ruicheng chrysanthemums are mainly produced in Shanxi Province, my country. It is a famous specialty of Ruicheng County . The local planting area is rich in water resources, the environment is naturally pollution-free, and the chrysanthemums produced are of high quality. Even better, later in 2021, it was included in the national agricultural product geographical indication registration and protection list.

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

Its flower shape is mainly oblate spherical, and the flower shape is larger than that of ordinary chrysanthemums. After harvesting, it is made into dried flowers using traditional fishing, steaming, and exposure techniques. The hot tea brewed by

exudes a light chrysanthemum fragrance. The tea soup has a mellow taste. If you want to improve the taste of the tea soup, you can brew it with rock sugar or wolfberry.

Summer is coming, and in accordance with the solar terms, it is recommended to keep 3 types of chrysanthemum tea to cool down and refresh you after midsummer. The temperature is still high now, and it will soon be the slight summer, which will be followed closely by the

The dog days of summer are about to enter, so you might as well prepare a few cans of chrysanthemum tea at home. While it is refreshing and delicious, it can also supplement the body with a variety of beneficial nutrients, helping us to spend this hot summer refreshingly and safely!

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