"Old man, let's go for a walk together?" Aunt Song called her husband to go for a walk with her while putting on her shoes. "I don't want to go, my feet hurt when I walk, so I just watch TV at home." When Aunt Song heard that her husband was unwilling to go out, she picked up the

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"Old man, let's go for a walk together?" Aunt Song called her husband to go for a walk with her while putting on her shoes.

"If I don't go, I won't go. My feet hurt when I walk, so I just watch TV at home." When Aunt Song heard that her husband was unwilling to go out, she curled her lips and picked up the key and went out, muttering in a low voice: "What's so good about TV?" ! "

Uncle Huang heard the sound of his wife closing the door, put down the remote control, stood up from the sofa, and came to the window sill. He saw his wife greeting the neighbors loudly, her steps were brisk, and her back did not look like she was almost sixty years old. people.

Can walking really bring health to people?

Uncle Huang couldn't help but sigh. He was obese, panted when he walked, and the soles of his feet easily hurt. He didn't know whether he should walk. I heard from Lao Li on the third floor that he had been walking for more than two months, but he injured his knee while walking, which made him even more afraid to walk. What happened to the old man who insisted on walking?

I walk more and take less medicine!

The famous CCTV host Bai Yansong once had high blood pressure due to overwork and often felt dizzy. Instead of taking medicine immediately, he decided to give himself two days to improve his lifestyle. From then on, he insisted on walking briskly and running. That’s it. After persisting for a while, he found that his blood pressure slowly dropped.

Hu Dayi has been walking for more than ten years. Since he started walking, his blood pressure and blood sugar have gradually returned to normal. fatty liver has also disappeared. It remains good so far, with only a slight increase. And after long-term walking exercise, he The bone spurs and on my waist are gone, my bones and muscles are stronger, and my physical strength is longer lasting.

Walking brings 6 benefits to the body. How much do you know?

One: Walking consumes calories, helps control body shape, People who are afraid of obesity should walk after meals to maintain a balanced diet and not gain weight easily. Obese people can consume excess energy by walking after meals. However, how much energy can be consumed is related to the speed, duration and physical fitness of walking.

Second: A research paper in the journal "Stroke" shows that elderly people who walk for an hour a day reduce their risk of stroke by 30%, while people who walk for more than 22 hours a week have a 66% lower risk of stroke . It can be seen that proper walking for the elderly is good for the body.

Third: For people who insist on walking, joint pain is reduced because synovial fluid between joints increases during walking, friction decreases, and muscle strength is strengthened, which can share the workload of the bones, thereby reducing joint pressure. , you can still walk even if you have bone spurs, don’t worry.

Fourth: People who maintain a certain walking frequency are less likely to get sick, because when walking, they feel relatively relaxed and reduce stress, which helps to repair immunity . In addition, a British study showed that people who exercise five times a week, Colds get better faster because their immunity is stronger.

Fifth: Walking can improve the "three high" indicators and reduce the risk of death from heart disease, fatty liver, cancer . No matter what age group you are, you cannot lack exercise.

Sixth: Walking can improve endurance, mental strength, and creativity . A Russian news report said that walking can bring people more new ideas and creativity. Compared with people who sat still and exercised on a treadmill, people who walked around in the park showed a 50% increase in creativity. This is because the mind is clearer in an active state, and the eyes and brain receive different stimuli, helping us see problems from different perspectives.

What happened to the elderly who insisted on walking?

Aunt Song was not fat when she was young, but because she neglected to exercise, she felt that her physical strength and endurance were relatively poor. This feeling became more obvious after she reached the age of 50. She often felt tired. She felt tired after walking a little distance. At night I still suffer from insomnia and inexplicable anxiety.Her friend was in a similar situation, so the two hit it off and decided to meet up for a walk after dinner.

Over the past two years of walking, Aunt Song has clearly felt the changes in her body. Her physical strength and endurance have improved. She walks every day to buy groceries, carry things upstairs, do housework, climb up and down, and travel, without feeling tired at all. , full of energy at the end of the day . Moreover, my sleep has improved at night and I rarely get up in the middle of the night. Since she started exercising regularly, she has never had constipation again. She has smooth bowel movements every day, and her body feels very relaxed.

Elderly people take walks, the more the better?

There is a saying in " Lu Shi Chun Qiu·Jin Shu " "Flowing water does not rot, door hinges do not become beetles, and it moves." It means that flowing water is not easy to smell, not easy to be turbid, dirty, and often rotates Bearings are not prone to decay and stiffness.

The same is true for us humans. A body that exercises regularly is less likely to get sick, and a brain that learns regularly can constantly have new things. However, due to physical limitations, the elderly cannot exercise unlimitedly. Therefore, they are particular about how much they walk every day.

From the perspective of not injuring bones and bringing health benefits, walking 6,000 steps is more appropriate. Even if it exceeds 10,000 steps, the health benefits will not increase, and there will be a risk of injury, so it is not cost-effective. I feel a little short of breath after walking, but I don’t feel tight in my chest. My forehead and nose tip are slightly sweaty, and I can still chat and laugh with friends and family. This is just the right amount of exercise.

Walking situations are very common in life, such as going down stairs, going down mountains, etc. Which ones are more suitable? To sum up, walks an average of 5 kilometers in one hour. It is okay to walk on flat ground, or go up stairs or down mountains at a slow speed. However, considering the health of the joints, the frequency of going up stairs and down mountains should be less. On flat ground Just take a walk. Do not carry heavy loads upstairs or climb .

Many elderly people like to walk with a shelf, with their hands in their trouser pockets, or with their hands behind their backs. This is not a good way. If you want to walk easily and healthily, you should straighten your waist and tighten your abdomen slightly, look forward, and then walk naturally Move forward. No matter how you go, you have to take it step by step, keep a calm mind, and don't be impatient.


[1] Health Science Hall | Walking exercise can improve immunity. Healthy Shenyang.2022-06-12

[2] Walking 25 minutes a day can get rid of these 10 diseases and live 7 more years! · Health Times .2018-07-09

[3] The more you walk, the less medicine you take! Only after you got sick did you realize that walking is so effective! ·Dahe Health News.2018-07-31

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