At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish: "I hope my parents will forget me as soo

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At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, 29-year-old Zhang Di, a master's degree student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away.

A year ago, Zhang Di was diagnosed with leukemia . At the moment he fell ill, he came up with the idea of ​​donating his body. As he said: "When a person dies, only a box of ashes is left, so why not make some contribution to medicine and society."

Due to the dangerous condition, he had to undergo surgery twice Relapse occurred and Zhang Di voluntarily gave up treatment. But he was destined to disappear, but he gently comforted the sad people around him: "Don't be too pessimistic. My life is short and fulfilling, and I am very satisfied."

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

When Zhang Di and his mother

were dying, their family and friends burst into tears. However, Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

"I hope my parents will forget me as soon as possible, and then tell grandma that his grandson has gone to study abroad and cannot go back to visit her often."

A life that should have been smooth, after all, Unable to withstand the attack of disease. Faced with the choice between low-quality survival and abandoning treatment and accepting death, Zhang Di decisively chose the latter.

Life may seem short, but it is filled with infinite colors and is thought-provoking. Let us walk into Zhang Di’s story together.

Excellent academic master first grew up

Zhang Di was born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1990. Both of his parents were ordinary working-class people and their family conditions were average.

Zhang Di loved reading when he was in preschool. He often read it without sleeping or eating while holding an extracurricular picture book. When he was in elementary school, Zhang Di passed the double hundred exams many times and was awarded the certificate of "Three Good Students" all the year round.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di

Zhang Di's rich knowledge accumulation and broad vision made Zhang Di more and more comfortable in his studies. He easily stood out and came out on top. With his excellent results, he was admitted to the city's key middle school - Shenyang No. 2 Middle School .

In school, Zhang Di served as a class committee member every year and was loved by teachers and classmates because of his willingness to help others. In his spare time, Zhang Di also actively explores hobbies, including playing piano and basketball.

After studying hard for three years in high school, Zhang Di was neither arrogant nor discouraged, and worked hard to enter Northeastern University.

While in school, Zhang Di actively participated in student union and club activities. He often spent time in the library studying engineering knowledge and won scholarships every year.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

In his junior year, Zhang Di had already started preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, with the goal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University . During the preparation period, Zhang Di was down-to-earth, balanced work and rest, and never failed.

Success will never disappoint those who are prepared. In the end, under the spotlight, Zhang Di won a postgraduate spot at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

That day, my parents cried with joy, and the whole village was excited. The villagers beat gongs and drums, lit fireworks, and warmly welcomed this well-deserved "proud son".

"What's the secret to your child's success from childhood to adulthood?" Folks in the countryside lined up to learn from it.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di

"We rarely care about him, basically free-range education. Excellence is a habit, and you will be more willing to work hard when your efforts are rewarded. He has an innate interest in knowledge, and with the addition of good With good study habits and methods, it will be easy to make progress.” parents proudly shared their experience.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Di seems to always have smooth sailing, but only he knows that success is not inevitable, but is made of countless thorns and sweat.

On the day of admission, Zhang Di excitedly walked into Jiaotong University with his admission notice , and was instantly infected by the strong campus culture. Stepping into the laboratory and seeing the full array of instruments and tools, Zhang Di couldn't wait to conceive every step in his mind.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

A photo of Zhang Di and his classmates

Among the students on campus, each one is better than the other. Zhang Di may not be the most eye-catching one, but he is definitely the most diligent one.

In July 2018, Zhang Di successfully graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University and seamlessly joined the local scientific research institute to work.

Sudden terminal illness seems to have no way out

"Son, mom is so proud of you. Your monthly salary now is more than your dad and I combined. I will rely on you to support our family in the future!" The mother joked, smiling from ear to ear. road.

"No problem, parents, just wait and enjoy your happiness!"

Who could have imagined that as soon as the promise was made, bad luck struck this lucky but unfortunate boy.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di and his parents

Not long after joining the company, one ordinary morning, when Zhang Di was washing himself in front of the mirror, he suddenly noticed something strange about his body.

I saw a few dark red spots popping up on my chest. They were not itchy, painful, or swollen.

Zhang Di frowned and muttered in his heart: Is bitten by a bug?

Since the spots did not cause any discomfort, Zhang Di did not pay attention and went to work as usual. Unexpectedly, the next morning, instead of fading, the spots spread to my thighs, arms, and even palms.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di

Zhang Di felt flustered: Could it be that he was allergic to ?

Before going to work, he went to the drugstore to buy a dose of ointment and applied it hastily. During a break from work, Zhang Di took off his clothes and checked again, and found that these red spots looked like cells dividing into cells. Within a few seconds, another large area grew out, dotted and densely packed, which was very scary.

Although it didn't itch, Zhang Di still scratched it a few times. Unexpectedly, those small red spots directly connected into a large area, forming a large area of ​​ecchymosis, which was red and purple, as if blood was oozing out.

At the moment, Zhang Di felt uneasy, thinking that he must be sick.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di

After get off work, Zhang Di hurried to the hospital. During the consultation, Zhang Di stretched out his palms in embarrassment and said anxiously: "Doctor, my whole body is covered with this. It looks like an allergy, but it's not itchy or swollen."

When the doctor looked at it, his eyes He was startled, as if he had guessed something. In order not to cause panic among patients, it is better to follow the official procedure: "Let's get a checkup first!"

A few hours later, Zhang Di received the diagnosis report, which had several big words: acute leukemia.

Acute leukemia is a stem cell clonal disease caused by damage or loss of function of hematopoietic stem cells in the patient's body. Clinical manifestations include anemia, bleeding and fever. The erythema on Zhang Di's skin is also a common symptom.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

When Zhang Di saw the word "leukemia", his hair stood on end, his heart was filled with panic, as if he was suffocating, and he could not react for a long time.

"Doctor, is it really leukemia? Did you make the diagnosis correctly?"

Zhang Di asked this question several times, unwilling to believe anything he said. He always pays attention to health care and exercise. He eats three meals a day and rarely catches a cold or fever. How could he suffer from leukemia?

Faced with Zhang Di's unbelievable look, the doctor also expressed regret and said solemnly: "Young man, you are suffering from acute leukemia, which is different from ordinary leukemia. This disease is dangerous, and the sooner it is discovered, the better."

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

The pupils of Zhang Di's eyes suddenly shrank, his mouth grew wide, his fingers curled up, and every pore on his body showed shock.

"Doctor, I have always been in good health, why did I get this disease?"

"The exact cause cannot be determined yet, but there are only four causes of acute leukemia, genetics, viruses, radioactive factors or chemical substances. For example, If a worker is exposed to construction materials for a long time and inhales a large amount of benzene, it is easy to cause abnormalities in hematopoietic stem cells."

Before Zhang Di could react, the doctor gave him another blow.

"Young man, your illness has reached an advanced stage..."

Treating alone without telling your parents

"Doctor, is there any hope?"

Zhang Di's breathing was heavy and rapid, his teeth couldn't help chattering, and he asked in a hoarse voice.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di

"The current treatment methods are mainly chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplant. In any case, it is better to be hospitalized first!"

When the disease approaches, no matter how desperate or depressed the person is, they will burst out with a strong desire to survive. , not to mention a successful person like Zhang Di with a bright future.

Zhang Di spent the night adjusting his emotions, decisively asked for leave from the institute, packed his clothes, and quickly went through the admission procedures.

In the hospital, there is a strong smell of disinfectant floating around, and the cry of babies can be heard from time to time. Zhang Di walked through the corridor with heavy steps, passing by people wrapped in bandages and in wheelchairs, and felt desolate inside.

After taking off his plaid shirt and putting on a black and white striped hospital gown, Zhang Di truly felt like a patient.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

After several days of planning, Zhang Di still couldn't muster the courage to tell his parents about his condition.

In his spare time, he recalled the first half of his life over and over in his mind. From elementary school to high school, and then from college to graduate school, everything went smoothly. He has always been the pride of his parents.

Nowadays, it is not easy to become a talent, and it is powerful enough to reduce the burden on the family. Who would have thought that, jealous of talents, a sudden illness would cut off the grand blueprint that Zhang Di had already conceived.

Zhang Dis thought about it and decided to remain silent. First, he was worried that his parents would not accept it, so he was worried in vain. Secondly, he was afraid that this matter would be spread to the ears of his grandma. The old man was already old and could not withstand the stimulation.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di

Zhang Di has always been filial. Whether he is studying or working, he maintains the habit of talking to his family every day.

After being admitted to the hospital, he often endured the pain, changed into casual clothes, and reported "safe" to his parents, even though he was not safe.

However, the disease develops faster than people imagine. Zhang Di's face completely lost all color, as white as a piece of paper. At the same time, the mouth began to bleed, accompanied by severe pain in the bones.

Zhang Di had to shave all his hair for chemotherapy. He could no longer make video calls with his family and could only use "busy" as an excuse.

After learning about this, friends donated generously, tried their best to collect medical expenses, and encouraged Zhang Di to actively receive treatment.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

A few days passed, but the doctor had not seen Zhang Di’s family and was very confused.

"Have you told your family about your leukemia?"

Zhang Di pursed his lips and replied slowly: "No, I don't dare to say, I'm afraid they won't be able to bear it, and I'm afraid they will be disappointed in me."

The doctor sighed and said: "In your current situation, the only treatment is hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The operation requires bone marrow donation from immediate family members. The closer the blood relationship, the higher the match."

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di was still hesitant. Definitely, the doctor continued: "To put it bluntly, if you really can't hold on any longer and your parents learn about your death from others, they will probably be even more upset!"

After listening, Zhang Di's His brows were a little loose, and he nodded, acquiescing to what the doctor said.

Donating bodies to create value

"I received a call when I was at work. The hospital said that my son had leukemia. I felt like the sky was falling and my heart was about to jump out." Zhang Di's father, Zhang Chunsheng, said painfully .

After learning the news, Zhang Chunsheng and his wife immediately put down their work, bought tickets overnight and rushed to Shanghai to meet their son who was suffering from illness.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di’s father

mother couldn’t hold back on the spot and burst into tears. While stroking Zhang Di's cheek, she burst into tears and said: "Son, why don't you tell your parents that you want them to live a lifetime worse than death?"

On the other side, Zhang Chunsheng found the doctor and pleaded desperately: "Doctor, Please, save my son, I will do whatever I want, and I will donate the bone marrow!”

At first, the doctor declined because Zhang Di’s parents were old, but Zhang Chunsheng almost knelt down and begged. In desperation, the doctor had no choice but to agree because he did not have a suitable bone marrow model.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

On January 7, 2019, the Zhang family and his son were both pushed into the operating room. A few hours later, they were pushed out safely.

"Congratulations, the operation was successful!"

Mother Zhang, who was waiting anxiously alone, finally breathed a sigh of relief and shed tears of excitement.

From the day of surgery to the end of March, Zhang Di's physical condition recovered well.To celebrate their son's new life, the family also planned to go to the beach to watch the sunrise.

However, the good times did not last long. The disease seemed to have never left, but was only temporarily contained.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di

Soon, erythema began to appear on Zhang Di's body again, accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, fever, and bleeding. His condition was more severe than the first time.

"The malignant cells have spread throughout the body, and no chemical drugs have any effect. Even if another bone marrow transplant is performed, it will not be cured and the life can only be extended for 6-9 months. Moreover, the risk of surgery is very high, and the patient may not even have surgery. I can’t survive it,” said the doctor.

Since being admitted to the hospital for treatment, the Zhang family has spent a total of 500,000 yuan, almost wiping out their family savings. If a second operation is performed, due to the high risk factor, an additional medical fee of 700,000 yuan will be required, which is nothing more than adding insult to injury.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di's mother

"Doctor, let's do the surgery. I will do it even if I am trying to sell iron!"

Faced with his son who was wandering on the edge of life and death, Zhang Chunsheng had lost his mind and desperately wanted to extend his son's life, even if it was only for a few months.

"Dad, Mom, I am dead. Don't waste money on me. Let's go home. I want to spend my last days with you."

Zhang Di has always been filial, rational, and knows how to analyze the pros and cons. There is no way he would let his parents For myself, I have to bear hundreds of thousands of foreign debts.

Later, Zhang Di solemnly made a decision - to donate his body. Apparently, this decision was strongly opposed by parents. But he said: "I want to accompany you in another way. This is the only thing I can do for this world."

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Zhang Di signed the "Voluntary Form for Body Donation"

Not long after signing the "Voluntary Form for Body Donation" , Zhang Di's condition worsened until he reached the end of his life. Before he died, he told his parents: "Mom, dad, don't tell grandma about this, just tell her that I went abroad."

With these words, Zhang Di stopped breathing and completely left this world. Unexpectedly, this white lie has become grandma's verbal concern every day.

In the last week of his life, Zhang Di's family of three came to Dalian, Liaoning Province. They saw the sea that they missed so much, enjoyed the sunshine and felt the sea breeze, which was extremely comfortable.

The scenery of nature seemed to have wiped away Zhang Di's physical and mental pain, making him calm and transparent. Even in the face of death, he could face danger without fear, be optimistic and kind.

At 8:30 pm on May 7, 2019, Zhang Di, a 29-year-old master's degree student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passed away. When he was dying, his family and friends burst into tears, but Zhang Di calmly expressed his regret and only wish:

Everyone is destined to die, but Zhang Di's life was particularly short, which is indeed heartbreaking. However, the value of a person's life is not in its length, but in its thickness.

Even on his deathbed, Zhang Di still did not forget to do his part for society. This attitude and mind are admirable!

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