As the saying goes: "After fifty-one, you don't dare to mention that thing!" Which thing is it that you don't dare to mention? Many people don't know what it is, so there is a common saying: "Back then, I peed three feet against the wind, but now my shoes are wet when the wind bl

2024/05/1905:39:32 regimen 1223

As the saying goes: "After fifty-one, you don't dare to mention that thing!", which thing is it that you don't dare to mention? Many people don't know what it is, so there is a common saying: "Back then, I peed three feet against the wind, but now my shoes are wet when the wind blows". Now you all know what happened!

As the saying goes:

Speaking of this, it’s quite disturbing, but what! Basically every man will have that day. Except for a few who have different talents and constitutions, everyone is similar, but they can't discuss it. It's quite difficult to talk about. The final result is that Wan Aike has become the last stubbornness of men. .

In fact, as long as we maintain a normal schedule and good living habits, pay attention to the following key points , then in fact, this symptom can be delayed for a long time, so what key points should we pay attention to? Let’s go through them one by one below.

1. Nicotine and alcohol

Many men smoke and drink, which has little impact on the body in the short term, but over time, will lead to functional decline and dysfunction , which is worthy of our attention. Therefore, we should exercise restraint on smoking and drinking in daily life. This does not mean that we should quit completely. Although that is fine, many people do not have the willpower to quit completely. So we can only say that we should exercise restraint as much as possible and reduce the original one pack of cigarettes a day to One pack every two days, and then down to one pack every three days. Reduce the original half a catty of wine a day to three ounces, and then slowly reduce it to two two one ounces. In this way, the quantity is gradually reduced. When the amount is low to a certain level, The harm to the body is minimal.

As the saying goes:

2. Stay up late and overwork

Men! The responsibility is great, and you have to work hard and make money. When you were young, you relied on your youth and strength to work day and night. Basically, you were trading your lifespan for money. I can't feel it when I'm young. As I get older, the price of these early overdrafts comes one after another, and various illnesses and obstacles follow.. Although it is said that you should endure more hardships when you are young, it is one thing to endure hardships and another thing to risk your life. They cannot be confused. Act within your ability and maintaining a healthy body is the key. If you overexert your body when you are young, you will suffer from it when you are older. It will be beyond your capabilities.

As the saying goes:

3. Unrestrained indulgence

It is said that people should not be romantic in their youth. Although this is true, it does not mean that you will become the king of Neptune. If you overindulge without restraint when you are young, you will soon feel the same as you get older. To the point where it’s beyond your capabilities. The price of being greedy for temporary pleasure is that you will no longer be able to be greedy if you want to be greedy later. This is the difference between a full meal and a full meal. Therefore, you must learn to exercise restraint when you are young. is full of entertainment and entertainment all day long, and your body is exhausted early. When you get older, you will do everything in .

As the saying goes:

4. Drug dependence

Originally it was normal, all functions were normal, but I wanted to be braver and more exciting, so I took the medicine. I felt good after taking the medicine, and continued to feel good until the effectiveness of the medicine gradually declined. I found that the normal functions were no longer normal, and I was in trouble. I thought about heaven and hell. Therefore, medication should be used only when needed, and drugs should not be used in large quantities for a long time. must follow the doctor's instructions and use drugs correctly.

As the saying goes:

5. Postscript

Men love food and sex, which is understandable, but it must be done in moderation, not overindulged, let alone obsessed. When people live, they live for "essence, energy, and spirit." Excessive consumption will inevitably lead to depression and illness. Men, you can’t wait until you are middle-aged to regret your mistakes. Now is the time, let’s start from now!

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