Text/Crossing the Border: Each ward in the four districts where I live is allowed to accommodate four patients. There was already one person in my ward before I checked in. He was a young man, very young, from Chaozhou. His parents accompanied him. of. When I first saw him, his l

Text/Crossing the Border

Each ward in the four districts where I live has four patients. There was already one person in my ward before I moved in. He was a young man, very young, Chaozhou , his parents. Came with him. When

first saw him, his limbs were tied to the hospital bed and he was sleeping.

I heard from his mother that this young man has mania and will run away if his hands and feet are not tied. After a few days of treatment, the condition will improve and he can loosen his hands and feet. The reason for this young man's depression was a broken love. This was his second visit to Zhongshan Third Hospital, and his parents had already experienced it.

The subsequent treatment process was just as the mother had judged. After a few days, the young man's mental state improved a lot. A doctor came over and asked him if he would still run. He said he wouldn't run away. The doctor said that if you stop running away, he will untie you, and if you run away again, he will tie it up. The young man said yes.

As a result, he never ran away again, and his subsequent state was no different from that of a normal person.

He and his father both smoke. After I was allowed to smoke, I often smoked and chatted with them. I could get along with them. They are all simple people and very optimistic.

The third person who moved in was a middle-aged man, a few years older than me. He was from Hainan. Like me, he was accompanied by his wife.

The two of them are nice and can chat easily. We called the man’s eldest brother. He said that the cause of his illness was during the 2020 epidemic. He had a meal with a few friends in Beijing or somewhere else (it was from other provinces anyway), and then he started coughing, dry mouth, , Sweating... The symptoms are very similar to those of COVID-19, and it happens when you are anxious.

Later, I heard from my eldest brother’s wife that they have a son and a daughter. The daughter works in Guangzhou and the son owes a lot of money for doing business in Hainan, most of which is from online loans... I think maybe this is what eldest brother is. The real cause of illness.

The fourth person who moved in was a student who had just entered college. After her mother brought him in, she went to work and her brother stayed with her.

The two brothers feel very gentle and polite. I heard from my elder brother that the reason why my younger brother is sick is because he did not do well in the college entrance examination and his scores did not meet the undergraduate standard.

I stayed with these three patients for nearly two weeks. I don’t know why, but I always felt a sense of intimacy towards them. Maybe it’s because we share the same illness!

So for the first review after being discharged from the hospital, we made an appointment at the same time and had a meal together at noon...

Note: I am a pawn, a pawn with ideals. Your likes, collections, shares, and attention to are the best encouragement to me, thank you!