I am usually in good health, but whenever the exam is approaching I feel uncomfortable all over, and I even say I am suffocating and nauseous. In fact, the child may not be "pretending to be ill", but may be a somatized illness caused by psychological problems.

In life, many parents find that their children like to "pretend to be ill": everything is normal when doing homework in other subjects, but they complain of eye pain or itchy eyes when doing math problems; they are usually healthy, but feel uncomfortable every time the exam is approaching. , and even said that suffocates , disgusting, etc. In fact, the child may not be "pretending to be ill", but may be a somatized illness caused by psychological problems.

The manifestation of somatization of psychological problems

Somatization reaction refers to a person who has emotional problems or psychological disorders due to stress, such as anxiety, fear, etc., but does not show up as psychological symptoms, but is converted into various physical symptoms.

It is a common phenomenon for students to have somatic reactions due to high study pressure, but when they went to the hospital for examination, there were no abnormal indicators. In fact, the child's illness is superficial, but the root is psychological. Somatization reaction is a cry from the depths of the soul, a cry for help sent by a child who is powerless to reality to adults.

Why psychological problems become somatized

A common reason why psychological problems become somatized is that it is difficult for children to express their needs, unpleasant emotions cannot be vented, and unbearable things cannot be rejected, and can only be expressed through physical problems.

For example, it is very difficult to learn a certain course, but there is no help; you encounter difficult interpersonal relationships and encounter cold violence on campus. If you express your frustration, your parents will not give you enough psychological support. Instead, they will blame: "It's just a little homework, why can't you learn well?" "Everyone else can do it, why can't you?" "How can you be so fragile? "The frustration in the child's heart will continue to be intensified, and even somatic symptoms will appear.

Another reason is that parents’ strict management violates children’s psychological boundaries. In order to manage their children's studies, some parents chatter around their children, do not allow their children to have space for self-control, do not respect their children's independent personality, and restrict their children's entertainment activities, which makes the children feel suffocated and eventually leads to somatic reactions.

How to solve children's somatic reactions

Parents must realize that their children's somatic reactions are signals for help and must be taken seriously to avoid more serious consequences.

To avoid and solve the somatic reaction of children's psychological problems, pay attention to the following points:


Set reasonable goals

Set reasonable learning goals and give up strict requirements. Regardless of the child's actual situation, requiring children to achieve difficult-to-achieve learning goals will only lead to children's physical aversion to academics.


Gain a sense of accomplishment in learning

Help children break down learning tasks and achieve small goals one by one, so that children can gain a sense of accomplishment in the learning process without having to worry about test scores.


Effective communication

Allow children to express their emotions and put an end to parents' "one word" behavior. Parents must learn to listen patiently and communicate effectively with their children to avoid physical and mental illnesses caused by emotional problems in children.

Text: Li Zhengrong (national second-level psychological counselor)

Editor: Li Zhiming

Proofreading: Geng Jing

Review: Ye Dong