01Before 2020, my life was almost a joke. Unhappiness, depression, anxiety, and breakdown are the background of my life. At that time, I often hid in a place where no one was around and cried hard. I keep asking myself, why do people want to live? Why am I always unhappy? No one

2024/07/0220:46:33 psychological 1183


Before 2020, my life was almost a joke. Unhappiness, depression, anxiety, and breakdown are the background of my life.

At that time, I often hid in a place where no one was around and cried hard. I keep asking myself, why do people want to live? Why am I always unhappy? No one told me the answer.

I am afraid of the sun rising every day, and I like to cry myself to sleep every night. As long as I fall asleep, I can temporarily feel less pain.

There have been many times when I have thought about death. At that time, when I thought of my elderly parents and my lovely children, I felt so reluctant to let go.

What is life worse than death? Even if there is no physical pain, this kind of inner torture makes me deeply aware of it. I want to die but cannot die, I want to live but cannot live well. This half-dead life!

I am an undergraduate from a key university, with a high degree of education, a good job, and a high income. Parents who love me to the core, a husband who dotes on me and loves me, and a handsome and adorable child. To outsiders, everything looks perfect. In the eyes of outsiders, I am a person favored by God.

But I am not blessed enough to enjoy it.

If you are sick, you can go to the hospital. My heart is sick, what should I do? I have read countless psychological books and understood a lot of principles, but I still cannot live this life well.

01Before 2020, my life was almost a joke. Unhappiness, depression, anxiety, and breakdown are the background of my life. At that time, I often hid in a place where no one was around and cried hard. I keep asking myself, why do people want to live? Why am I always unhappy? No one  - DayDayNews


By chance, in 2017, I read the book "A Turn of Thought". The author of this book was in the same pain as me and didn't even have the strength to brush his teeth. But she counterattacked her life by questioning her thoughts and became the happiest person.

At that time, this was like a life-saving straw for me who was in the abyss of pain. I followed the methods in the book and worked hard to do my homework. I have to admit that during that year, my condition did get better, and I often even felt a little bit happy.

A lot of people's pain is caused by us believing our own wrong ideas. Questioning these ideas can indeed prevent us from being led away by these ideas.

Moreover, I know many people who have relied on this method to change their lives. However, I don’t know why, but this method no longer works for me.

Because, sometimes, I am clearly in pain, but I don’t know what thoughts I am suffering from. Gradually, I stopped doing my homework so diligently. Soon, I was brought back to my original state.

Perhaps, I am destined to suffer a lifetime. At that time, could I have any other ideas? Because, I really tried too many methods. I have used the method of gratitude, the method of affirmations, the method of crossing zero limits, and the method of exercise. However, even though so many people have changed through these methods, they cannot change me.

Pain is pain, otherwise, what else can I do? One day at a time! Anyway, no matter how painful it is, I will not end my life easily. I will live for my parents and my children, even if I am a walking corpse. Hey, God, is it fun for you to torture me like this?

01Before 2020, my life was almost a joke. Unhappiness, depression, anxiety, and breakdown are the background of my life. At that time, I often hid in a place where no one was around and cried hard. I keep asking myself, why do people want to live? Why am I always unhappy? No one  - DayDayNews


In pain, I became almost numb. When I have nothing to do every day, I just scroll through my phone and watch TV shows. But the more I scroll, the more irritated I become and the more I scroll, the emptier I feel. Indeed, how could scrolling through my phone cure my depression? Otherwise, there would be no unhappy people in the world!

Because everyone is swiping their mobile phones.

The only benefit of flashing your phone is to stop your random thoughts for the time being.

Until one day, a college friend of mine suddenly recommended a book to me, "The Ultimate Guide to Happiness". She said the book changed her forever. She is unhappy just like me, but not as much as I am. She can only be considered mildly depressed.

To be honest, I don't have any hope. I was already planning on living my life in pain. Anyway, more than 30 years have passed, half of my life has passed, and the rest of my life will be like this in pain. Otherwise, what else can I do?

I tried so many methods, but none of them worked for me.What hope could I have?

A few days later, I suddenly received a courier package. It was the book sent by a friend. I was very touched by my friend's thoughtfulness, but I was not interested in watching it. Later I thought about it, I have read so many books anyway, so why not read another one. I have already tried so many methods, so I might as well try another one. Let’s treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

01Before 2020, my life was almost a joke. Unhappiness, depression, anxiety, and breakdown are the background of my life. At that time, I often hid in a place where no one was around and cried hard. I keep asking myself, why do people want to live? Why am I always unhappy? No one  - DayDayNews


However, unexpectedly, this book made me lose control.

Everyone is pursuing happiness and happiness. Is not it? Why do you study hard? Why go to a good university? Why find a good job? Why find a good partner? Why work hard to make money?

There is only one final answer: to let yourself live a happy life.

But, I obviously have all this, why is it so painful? And how many people in this world are like me, everything seems so perfect, but they break down and cry every night?

Happiness really must rely on money, fame, wealth, power, and love? The answer is obviously no.

So, how can people be happy? The book

says that you must regard happiness as the most important thing. You must skip money, fame and fortune, and love, and just make yourself happy. Happiness should be unconditional. Happiness is an inner matter and has nothing to do with the outside world. We must work hard from the heart.

In fact, everyone is born happy. Look at those children, how carefree and happy they are. It's just that as we continue to grow, everyone has too many emotions accumulated in their hearts, which makes them feel so painful. These emotions are like garbage and make our insides stink.

Therefore, if a person wants to be happy, he must clean up the garbage inside himself and unblock the accumulated emotional energy, instead of constantly seeking outside. Happiness is an internal project, it is never outside of you. How to do

specifically? Experience emotions.

What is experiencing emotions? To experience emotions is to face them directly. Experience whatever comes. If you are depressed, experience depression; if you are anxious, experience anxiety; if you are sad, experience sadness. It's that simple. How do you experience

? First, we need to understand what the nature of emotions is.

Emotions are actually composed of two parts: one part is the thoughts and ideas in the mind, and the other part is the body's feelings.

For example, if someone says something bad about you, the mind may say, "How could he say that about me?", "That's so uneducated" and so on. The physical sensation may be that the chest is blocked and the breathing becomes heavier.

When experiencing emotions, first learn to package all the thoughts in your brain, put them aside first, and say in your heart, "I will package the thoughts in my head and put them on the shelf." Then, bring your attention to the sensations in your body. If your heart is blocked, experience how blocked it is, how thick the blocked energy is, and what shape it is. What is the frequency of breathing?

For example, when you are nervous, your heart beats loudly. How often do you experience this beating? Continuously experience the sensations in your body and bring yourself into the present moment. In fact, no matter what the emotion is, no matter what label you put on it, its essence is formed by some thoughts and the energy movement of the body. Put your thoughts aside and experience the sensations in your body.

This is the best way to deal with emotions, don't escape, face them directly.

Emotions have their own lives. They appear and disappear. Just experience it quietly. Allow it to pass through you like the wind instead of trying to escape and suppress it.

No matter what emotion you are feeling, you can handle it this way. Allow the emotion to complete itself and experience whatever emotion arises. Experience the feeling of blockage in the heart and mouth, and experience the feeling of bloating in the head.

Because our bodies are always in the present moment, as long as we experience the feelings of the body, we are actually bringing ourselves back to the present moment.

However, this method is a bit difficult to operate at the beginning. It is easy to be carried away by various thoughts in the mind, and it is difficult to focus on the feelings of the body.

Therefore, we must learn to train our awareness. Normally, our body will always feel some soreness, numbness, swelling, pain and itching, so try to experience it more. Many people suffer from shoulder pain, grief, and headaches. If you try to experience these painful, bloating, and itchy feelings more often and pay more attention to your body, your mind will stop wandering and you will forget about your worries.

You can start with 5 minutes of practice every day, and then slowly increase the time. Until you taste the sweetness, you can practice it anytime and anywhere, focusing on your body and your mind will stop thinking randomly. Even if some uncomfortable thoughts come to your mind, ignore them. Slowly, the worries will become less and less.

In fact, there are no so-called positive emotions and negative emotions. Emotions are emotions, which are composed of some thoughts in the mind and some feelings in the body. This feeling can also be regarded as a force of energy. People always like those positive emotions, such as the feeling of happiness and joy, but reject negative emotions, fear, anxiety, and depression.

However, in this world, if there is day, there must be night. No one has only positive emotions. Everyone has more or less negative emotions. It is part of life.

The more you reject it, the more powerful it becomes. What most people do is reject, escape, and suppress negative emotions, just like myself.

Let the negative emotion finish its life. Every time when negative emotions come, tell yourself, don’t be afraid, it is just an energy. Quietly experience the feeling of your body, let this energy flow through you, and allow this energy to complete itself.

Deal with various emotions, do not escape, learn to experience it, accept it, let it become a gift of life, face the emotion, experience it, coexist peacefully with it, treat it as a part of life, and life will be full of joy.

01Before 2020, my life was almost a joke. Unhappiness, depression, anxiety, and breakdown are the background of my life. At that time, I often hid in a place where no one was around and cried hard. I keep asking myself, why do people want to live? Why am I always unhappy? No one  - DayDayNews


I am lucky after all. Relying on this method, I really pulled myself out of the abyss of pain. Finally tasted the taste of happiness.

My mentality is becoming more and more peaceful, and my temperament is becoming more and more peaceful.

This does not mean that I will not be unhappy or have negative emotions every day. On the contrary, I also experience a variety of emotions every day.

The only difference is that whenever I feel the slightest discomfort inside, I sit down, feel myself, and feel the energy until I feel happy inside.

Making yourself happy has been regarded as the kingly way by me! It has become my life creed to make myself feel comfortable anytime and anywhere!

And I am becoming happier and happier. I feel very happy and joyful every day!

Experience the emotions, yes that’s my secret recipe, it’s so simple? isn’t it? The road to simplicity. These simple methods are often the most effective.

In my opinion, in fact, when you experience emotions and feelings, you use your body to bring you back to the present moment. And living in the moment is the only secret!

When you become truly happy, you will find that the world is really beautiful, beautiful, and the world is worth it!

Like it, may we live happily in this beautiful world together!

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