Whether in the past or now, people often discuss the different types of stress they encounter at work, as well as the news of varying degrees of occupational diseases and accidents caused by stress. So, what exactly is work stress? What is work stress? Work stress, also known as

2024/07/0218:01:32 psychological 1408

Whether in the past or now, people often discuss the different types of stress they encounter at work, as well as the news of varying degrees of occupational diseases and accidents caused by stress. So, what exactly is work stress? What is work stress? Work stress, also known as  - DayDayNews

No matter in the past or now, people often discuss the different pressures encountered at work, as well as the news of occupational diseases and accidents of varying degrees due to stress. So, what exactly is work stress?

What is work stress? Work stress, also known as work stress, occupational stress, occupational stress, and work tension, is the stress caused by work or factors directly related to work. For example, excessive work load, changing production positions, time pressure, excessive work responsibilities, irregular working hours, shift work , poor work speed, etc. For example, I once stayed in a department for two and a half years. Every day I worked, I was overworked. At that time, I was in a state of mental and physical stress. People were tense all the time. The work at that time involved a wide range of tasks. , business approval, environmental protection, taking into account various inspections, meetings, trainings, preparations for various meetings during the epidemic, as well as document forwarding, reporting, statistics, and reporting. According to incomplete statistics, I have processed as many as 11,401 documents. , created 367 documents and reports. It shows that these factors are the most important stressors in my daily life, that is, occupational stress and work stress, which increase the pressure. After the psychological pressure increases, my body will have different degrees of waist pain, numbness and pain in my hands, feet, and legs. , and even accompanied by swelling and pain in the buttocks and crotch, I went to the hospital to find out tenosynovitis in my hands; cervical spondylosis in my neck; and lumbar disc herniation in my waist. Therefore, work stress affects our work first, and second, our physical health. Stress is a psychological feeling that manifests as psychological, emotional and behavioral changes, such as depression, anxiety, tension, fear, and varying degrees of loss. Some people even show obvious anger, hostility, and confrontational emotions, and some even have violent emotions and impulsiveness. Aggression and vandalism.

Moderate work pressure can enable people to challenge themselves and tap their potential, but bad pressure and work pressure can cause anxiety, depression, anger and other consequences, lead to various physiological diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, headaches, or cause work problems. Accidents, etc., causing unnecessary losses.

 So, how should we face it, or even overcome it?

 Everyone has experienced it at work, and everyone has encountered more or less pressure from other people or leaders. Why do some people "fall from the sky"? "The appearance remains unchanged", but some people are so fragile that they cannot bear a light blow? This depends on the individual's ability to withstand stress, that is, the ability to face it and overcome it.

When we encounter problems at work, our response is to understand and evaluate the problem based on our own needs, abilities, and experience. The degree of work pressure can be seen from the following two aspects: First, the objective severity of the pressure in handling the event , duration; second, one's own life values ​​and mental health status at that time when facing work pressure. If individuals think that they can handle it properly, they will generally not feel too much pressure; if we feel that the work is difficult to cope with, we will feel pressure.

How to defeat it? When stress occurs or when stress is unavoidable or unbearable, appropriate psychological and behavioral venting and relaxation are necessary, such as using meditation and abdominal breathing to relax the body and mind during work breaks, using thoughts to imply that the stress is reduced, or exercising, without Yelling around others can also have a temporary relaxing effect. My method is:

The first is meditation + yoga. Sit quietly for 5-10 minutes every night, then do 20 minutes of yoga, relax yourself to your heart's content, and tell yourself not to think too much about the uncontrollable future, just seize the present and do your current work.


Second, listen to music when you are under too much pressure. When you accept a big task and can't get started, listening to your favorite music may also come up with new work ideas.

The third is entertainment + training. Put aside the stress temporarily during the weekend and let yourself have a quiet rest. Go hiking, walking and breathing fresh air in the countryside; do an amazing 1000-meter swim every day‍♀️

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