During our previous diagnosis and treatment, a girl who was in her senior year of high school came. In some stressful situations of her own, she felt that she was depressed or had a tendency to be depressed, and she also wondered whether she was suffering from depression, so she

2024/06/2415:19:32 psychological 1805

During our previous diagnosis and treatment, a girl who was in her senior year of high school came.

In some stressful situations, she felt that she was depressed or had a tendency to depression . She also wondered whether she had depression , so she sent a paragraph to her mother to explain her situation.

During our previous diagnosis and treatment, a girl who was in her senior year of high school came. In some stressful situations of her own, she felt that she was depressed or had a tendency to be depressed, and she also wondered whether she was suffering from depression, so she  - DayDayNews

The general content of this passage is as follows: She feels that many things she does are very challenging. When she fails to do it, she feels very incompetent, a failure, and painful. She is a loser. At one point, she simply broke the pot. I have endless thoughts and impulses. Under this kind of pressure, I feel that my mood and condition are getting worse and worse.

When I told her mother about this, she was actually the questioner. When she received this sentence, she didnā€™t know how to face or respond to her childā€™s situation. It was also very strange. My good child It turned out like this.

In fact, in our diagnosis and treatment process, this situation is very common. When a child encounters serious emotional problems, the child himself will be particularly uncomfortable, and the parents will also be worried.

During our previous diagnosis and treatment, a girl who was in her senior year of high school came. In some stressful situations of her own, she felt that she was depressed or had a tendency to be depressed, and she also wondered whether she was suffering from depression, so she  - DayDayNews

Because children are often desperate and helpless, especially when they have some depression, tendencies to depression, or have risen to depression, the feeling of despair and worthlessness is particularly great.

The things that may have supported them, the things they were confident about and the things that were valuable, suddenly disappeared without a trace in that state.

Suddenly, whatever I do is meaningless and valuable. I donā€™t want to do it. I feel very isolated. I donā€™t even want to socialize and just stay at home.

However, when this happens, parents often donā€™t know how to deal with it. Some children may not be as serious as what we encounter clinically.

But as their parent, I will feel that my child has experienced emotional fluctuations or some substantial unusual behaviors, and the pressure cannot be underestimated.

Many parents will tend not to believe it at first, or think that this is something that can be tolerated, and you can just tolerate it.

During our previous diagnosis and treatment, a girl who was in her senior year of high school came. In some stressful situations of her own, she felt that she was depressed or had a tendency to be depressed, and she also wondered whether she was suffering from depression, so she  - DayDayNews

This kind of pressure may happen often. Everyone will have it in our life. If you endure it for a while, it will pass, and you will feel that it is not important or you donā€™t pay much attention to it.

Another way is to think that the child is just looking for an excuse. The child is escaping and does not want to face it.

But in fact, parents do not realize that when we give such a response to our children, we do not give him emotional support.

This means that many times, when a child is in emotional trouble, or in need or frustration, the response we give does not really help him. In the end, the result of ineffective communication may appear to be the child's The demand has been solved or suppressed by you.

In fact, this matter has become a buried landmine. Things may develop in an unpredictable direction, but as parents, we have no idea.

Because when you seem to be giving some advice, you still say "just bear with it", or you are unilaterally preaching. In fact, if he can really bear it and can bear it, he will not give it to him. The parents spoke.

During our previous diagnosis and treatment, a girl who was in her senior year of high school came. In some stressful situations of her own, she felt that she was depressed or had a tendency to be depressed, and she also wondered whether she was suffering from depression, so she  - DayDayNews

Because for a child, parents are still the most important person he can trust, although as he grows up, the child will gradually develop his peers.

But in the family, he will still be willing to choose to believe his parents, when he has the courage to tell you that his emotions are very bad and uncomfortable, he feels very broken, and he needs help.

Maybe as a parent, you donā€™t need to give some advice immediately. Children are not appendages of their parents. They are also individuals who can think independently. More often, you listen to them and your children to see what kind of person they have met. Things, what kind of situation.

gave him an opportunity to express himself in a safe atmosphere, and to express his suppressed emotions without hindrance, instead of just saying "just bear with it" or "I know, but this Itā€™s all what you have to do.ā€

For a child, giving him a chance to express and be listened to may be more important than simply suggesting what he should do. Many times, what children lack is emotional support, not necessarily your rationality. suggestions.

I am psychiatrist Jiang Xueqin. I have 40 years of clinical experience in psychiatric psychology. If you have depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and other related issues, you can consult me. You are welcome to follow my headlines and leave a private message. I will Taking the time to reply.

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