Speaking of boredom, many people are familiar with it. When it comes to World Boredom Day, some people may not know much about it. World Boring Day is celebrated on July 5 every year. It is a spontaneous entertainment activity for bar friends.

2024/06/0207:47:33 psychological 1878

Speaking of boredom, many people are familiar with it. When it comes to World Boredom Day, some people may not know much about it.

Speaking of boredom, many people are familiar with it. When it comes to World Boredom Day, some people may not know much about it. World Boring Day is celebrated on July 5 every year. It is a spontaneous entertainment activity for bar friends. - DayDayNews

  World Boring Day (World Boring Day) is July 5th every year. It is a spontaneous entertainment activity of bar friends.. By collecting the views of the majority of bar friends on "the things you find most boring", it arouses the resonance and enthusiastic participation of the majority of netizens, and disseminates it through the Internet and other media, forming a youth culture with a Tieba atmosphere.

On June 29, 2016, Brother Huangyu, the former owner of Li Yi Bar and now the owner of Neihan Bar, published an article on Neihan Bar, in which he made an in-depth analysis of boredom, put forward a boredom level table, and asked, "Why is there no such thing?" One person invented World Boredom Day, can you think about it for us rich people?" Calling for the launch of World Boredom Day.

Immediately, Baidu Tieba users spontaneously launched the topic "#WorldboringDay# What do you think is the most boring thing is ___". After the topic was posted, it attracted the participation of Everbright users, and successively posted in Li Yi Bar, Neihan Bar, 20 god-level bars such as Funny, Hilarious, Goddess, Beauty, and World of Warcraft triggered heated discussions, and World Boredom Day was born.

Speaking of boredom, many people are familiar with it. When it comes to World Boredom Day, some people may not know much about it. World Boring Day is celebrated on July 5 every year. It is a spontaneous entertainment activity for bar friends. - DayDayNews

The birth of World Boredom Day illustrates the universality of boredom to a certain extent. From the elderly to children, from abroad to China, people from various regions and industries have experienced the feeling of boredom to a greater or lesser extent. From a psychological point of view, boredom is a psychological experience when the object of attention is not in line with one's own values ​​. Regarding the causes of boredom, many psychologists have conducted research and provided their own analyses.

In the late 1930s, psychologist Joseph Barmack of the City School of Psychology in New York pointed out that boredom is a feeling similar to sleep. He once conducted a psychological test. He found a group of college students, randomly divided them into two groups, and assigned them some monotonous and repetitive tasks. The first group of students must complete the tasks as required without any payment; the second group of students can get paid after completing the work. The results found that the working status and work efficiency of the second group of students were significantly better than those of the first group. From this, Joseph concluded that boredom is a compound product of stimulation and lack of motivation.

Speaking of boredom, many people are familiar with it. When it comes to World Boredom Day, some people may not know much about it. World Boring Day is celebrated on July 5 every year. It is a spontaneous entertainment activity for bar friends. - DayDayNews

At work, some people’s work is monotonous and repetitive, such as some workers on the assembly line. When they first start working, there may still be some freshness and challenges. After they are familiar with their work content, they will easily feel bored if they continue to do the same work for a long time every day. This is because the work content is difficult to stimulate them. Some athletes feel lack of motivation when competing with lower-level opponents, often seem not excited enough, and may also feel bored.

  Australian psychoanalyst Otto Fenichel believes that boredom is caused by the suppression of people's inner drives and desires, and can lead to an obvious sense of goallessness. Through research, he found that people tend to feel bored when they have to do things they don’t want to do and when they can’t do things they want to do.

Nowadays, many children are on summer vacation, and parents and children may have disagreements about summer vacation arrangements. In order not to let their children fall behind or to allow their children to overtake in corners during the summer vacation, some parents will schedule their children's time to a full schedule. If these arrangements are made without the children's consent and they have to do it, the children will easily become numb, tired and bored. They can neither do things they like nor do things they don't like, and the level of boredom is even higher than when they were in school.

Speaking of boredom, many people are familiar with it. When it comes to World Boredom Day, some people may not know much about it. World Boring Day is celebrated on July 5 every year. It is a spontaneous entertainment activity for bar friends. - DayDayNews

Psychologist Norman Sendeboer and his student Richard Farmer co-invented the 28-question Boredom Tendency Scale. They used scales to test people's tendency to feel bored in different situations. The results show that almost everyone has experienced a brief moment of boredom when they are unable to escape from a repetitive, monotonous, and depressing environment. The frequency and degree of boredom vary from person to person.

 Some people like to seek more excitement in life. They get bored more easily than the average person. They like to accept challenges and accept new things. There are also some people who have a lot of time and energy but don’t know how to arrange their lives, which leads to boredom. There are also some people who feel bored because of the emptiness in their inner world, such as being unable to find the meaning of life and lacking goals in life.

  In the 20th century, psychologists mainly attributed the causes of boredom to two factors: one is external stimulation, and the other is one's own ability to regulate. Because of their desire for external stimulation, extroverts are more likely to fall into boredom. Eysenck, a psychiatry researcher in London, UK, pointed out that in monotonous work, extroverts become slurred earlier than their introverted colleagues. This is because extroverts need continuously changing stimuli to reach their peak performance. Optimum arousal level.

Speaking of boredom, many people are familiar with it. When it comes to World Boredom Day, some people may not know much about it. World Boring Day is celebrated on July 5 every year. It is a spontaneous entertainment activity for bar friends. - DayDayNews

Under the condition of similar external stimulation, people with different adjustment abilities also have different frequency and degree of boredom. Some people who are also housewives arrange their daily life to be fulfilling and happy, full of a sense of value and happiness. Some people find such a life monotonous, boring, and intolerable. Typically, people who have a wide range of hobbies and are creative, as well as those who can make a difference in a variety of environments, are less likely to fall into boredom.

Occasional boredom will not have much impact on people. Some people will seriously reflect on their lives and find new inspiration and ideas when they are bored. If you often feel bored, it will cause negative emotions such as confusion, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, in the face of boredom in , people need to do something to change this state. Because the causes of boredom vary, so do the methods of regulating it.

If a person's boredom is caused by the monotony and repetition of work, you can consider changing jobs. This is the most direct solution. If you have to change your job for some reason, you can try to find the meaning and value of your job. For example, some people work to save money to realize certain wishes. Thinking more about their wishes while working will generate motivation.

Speaking of boredom, many people are familiar with it. When it comes to World Boredom Day, some people may not know much about it. World Boring Day is celebrated on July 5 every year. It is a spontaneous entertainment activity for bar friends. - DayDayNews

  If a person is bored because he does not know how to spend his spare time, he can try to develop some of his own interests or hobbies or learn some mental skills, join some clubs, etc. . Through these activities, you can enrich your spare time. As long as there is something to do, people will have no time and mind to feel bored.

In addition, psychological research has found that people can also reduce boredom through some relaxation training . Psychologists from the University of Melbourne in Australia reported that after 10 days of Vipassana training, people's attention and memory improved significantly, and negative emotions were alleviated.

  It should be noted that in order to cope with boredom, people try to avoid TV, online games, etc. when choosing relaxing activities and entertainment methods. These junk happiness can only make people feel short-term happiness, but hinder the development of people's ability to cope with boredom. Therefore, we should try our best to choose activities that can stimulate thinking and imagination.

This article was originally created by "Guo Lifang Psychological Studio". You are welcome to follow, like and comment. Reprinting of the article is prohibited.

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