Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book "Learn Some Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang together. Today is the chapter "Chapter 1 of Learning to Recognize Your Own Psychological Effects" in the book. Giant

2024/05/2910:56:33 psychological 1782

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book "Learn Some Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang together. Today is the chapter " Chapter 1: Learn to recognize your own psychological effects " of the book.

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book

Giant Shadow Effect 1 - Learn to look at yourself in a low profile

According to legend, there once was a giant who was tall and led his villagers to cultivate a field and plant crops. Although the giant is very tall, he suffers from night blindness and cannot see at night, even in poorly lit places. For a while, things were always missing in the village, but the giant felt that as he was so tall, if anyone wanted to walk into the village and steal something, he would be able to see it at a glance, but he did not see any suspicious people stealing anything.

Just when everyone was worried about this, a man in the village said that he had seen a dwarf in the shadow of the giant. It must have been this dwarf who stole things. When the giant heard this, he was furious: "So I brought him in? I didn't see it at all. Stop making up nonsense here!" Not long after, the giant was walking on the road, and the villagers around him pointed at the giant's The shadow shouted: "The dwarf, that's the dwarf!" The giant looked around, looked back, saw nothing, and angrily told the villager to shut up. Later, these villagers left the village one by one and left the Giant Village.

The Giant's Shadow Effect: The fable of the Giant's Shadow was later summarized by psychologists as the "Giant's Shadow Effect", which refers to the fact that people are often most likely to ignore their own shortcomings and fail to examine themselves correctly and comprehensively, especially the more capable they think they are. The more difficult it is for people to discover their own shortcomings, and thus make the mistake of having too much ambition and too little power.

In real life, everyone has their own shortcomings, and those who have certain advantages are often unable to bend down and examine their shortcomings. When others point it out, they strongly reject or deny it, or even care that other people's words, deeds, views and opinions are contrary to their own ideas. Instead of considering whether they have done something inappropriate, they reject others without hesitation. This phenomenon is more obvious in people with stronger abilities. We must understand ourselves correctly. No matter what abilities we have or how strong our abilities are, we must learn to analyze ourselves comprehensively and lower our original high-mindedness in order to see clearly. You can't be like the giant who doesn't want to admit that he suffers from night blindness, but still insists that he is right.

Everyone has heard the story of Newton when he was a child. When Newton was a child, he was a child who loved making handmade models. Once he brought his windmill model to the class to show it to everyone. When many people were admiring it, a classmate asked Newton to explain the principle of the rotation of the windmill, but he said He didn't come out, so he was laughed at by all his classmates. Newton kept this incident in mind. He did not feel great because he could make models. Instead, he always warned himself in his future study and research, and eventually became a great scientist.

We must see our own strengths and be brave enough to face our shortcomings. There is nothing to be afraid of if you have shortcomings. Accept them and correct them. No one will laugh at you for it. On the contrary, those who insist on going their own way, are self-righteous and unwilling to face up to their shortcomings can only live under the halo created by themselves, and the flowers and applause of the crowd will never be with you.

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book


The difference between the giant shadow effect and the Su Dongpo effect is that the giant thinks that he is too tall and powerful, and he is dismissive of other people's opinions and suggestions, and he challenges his own authority, and the result is his own The original prestige was lost bit by bit, and everyone became isolated and alone. There are many examples of

from ancient times to the present.During the Three Kingdoms period, Yuan Shao fought with 110,000 troops against Cao Cao 's 40,000 troops. He was so arrogant that he thought he could pacify the Central Plains in one battle, but in the end he only had 800 remnants left. He died of illness the next year; Overlord of Chu Xiang Yu, insisted on his own way. , arrogant and arrogant, "besieged on all sides" is an allusion about him, and finally committed suicide on the bank of Wujiang At that time, there were only 8,000 soldiers in the Eastern Jin Dynasty to fight, but Fu Jian was defeated miserably in the Battle of Feishui, and was eventually beheaded.

There are many examples of modern enterprises that have grown from strength to failure. There are many examples of underdogs defeating strong teams in sports competitions.

"There is heaven outside the world, and there are people outside the world." Anyone who is proud and complacent and despises others will surely fail in the end, just like the failure of Li Zicheng and the Jiang family dynasty.

Therefore, the "giant shadow effect" in psychology is not groundless, it is a truth that we must keep in mind as we grow throughout our lives.

July 5, 2022

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