Everyone has moments when they are in a bad mood, but everyone handles it differently. Although bad moods can help us relieve stress, it is not good to lose our temper often, so women still need to "escape the heat" from their bad moods. ”, let’s discuss with you the three most c

2024/05/2713:27:32 psychological 1560

Everyone will have bad mood moments, but everyone handles them differently. Although bad moods can help us relieve stress, it is not good to lose our temper often, so women still have to "avoid" their bad moods. "To escape the summer heat", let's discuss with you the three most common types of stress and summer escape guidelines

Everyone has moments when they are in a bad mood, but everyone handles it differently. Although bad moods can help us relieve stress, it is not good to lose our temper often, so women still need to

"Retarded" people who often compete with themselves

Character: It takes a long time to identify bad emotions, and you will only find out when the anger has accumulated to a certain extent. People with this type usually only discover their anger when they are alone, and it is easy to fight with themselves, especially in the summer when they are more likely to "attack".

Guide to summer vacation: According to research by psychologist J. Pennebaker, whether it is life, death, or obstacles in communication, if you can write down these painful things, it will be healthier than keeping them in your heart. This is Therapeutic collaboration can help you get out of a bad mood at a critical moment.

How to relieve stress: Prepare an "emotion log" for yourself to record your emotions every day, what happened today, what you think, and how you feel. It should be noted that no matter how little you feel, you cannot ignore it, and Also think carefully. It is best for the mood diary to include these three parts: what happened, thoughts, and emotions.

Everyone has moments when they are in a bad mood, but everyone handles it differently. Although bad moods can help us relieve stress, it is not good to lose our temper often, so women still need to

A "Type A" strong woman who must always be strong

Personality: "Type A" refers to personality and behavior, including strong competitiveness. If you multitask at the same time, you will be irritable, want the best in everything, and are prone to others. People are aggressive and first-rate, and are very strict with everyone, including themselves. People are also prone to stress. For a long time, they may have problems such as high blood pressure and chronic headaches. Therefore, "Type A" actually causes harm to themselves. Behavioral characteristics that make oneself exhausted and unhappy.

Guide to summer vacation: "Type A" personalities are more casual and may become irritable due to sudden busyness or hot weather. At this time, we need to teach ourselves stress-resistance lessons.

How to relieve stress: When you have a "Type A" personality, you should learn to slow down. For example, when you are very busy at work, you should learn to slow down a little. You can go to the toilet, make a cup of tea, and eat lunch slowly. Walk slowly to prevent yourself from being in a high-pressure state, so stress reduction is the key point for "Type A" people.

Everyone has moments when they are in a bad mood, but everyone handles it differently. Although bad moods can help us relieve stress, it is not good to lose our temper often, so women still need to

The "turtle type" people who lack exercise

Character: go out in trucks, go up and down stairs and take the elevator, sit for a long time at work, sit still after get off work, do not do exercise, the only daily exercise is getting up and eating.

Guide to summer vacation: In fact, some exercises are not that tiring, such as aerobic exercise that is effective in resisting stress. Studies have found that in order to cultivate the ability to resist stress, intermittent intensity cardiopulmonary exercise is more effective than continuous high-intensity exercise, and the more training you have, the better. The effect becomes more obvious the closer you are to real life. For example, you are busy at work, relaxed, rushed to a meeting, and sitting still. Intermittent aerobic exercise is to simulate your real life and exercise your body. Cardiopulmonary capacity, improve your ability to withstand stress.

How to relieve stress: 3 times a week, 30 minutes of intermittent aerobic exercise each time. You can choose to run alternately between fast and slow. After warming up, run fast for 5 minutes and then walk slowly for 5 minutes. This intermittent exercise will burn 3 times more calories than continuous exercise!

Everyone has moments when they are in a bad mood, but everyone handles it differently. Although bad moods can help us relieve stress, it is not good to lose our temper often, so women still need to

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