Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: How do you stop what you want? First, do you really want to stop wanting something? Because if i

2024/05/2122:55:32 psychological 1480

link: Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: How do you stop what you want? First, do you really want to stop wanting something? Because if i - DayDayNews

You really have to ask yourself these questions so you can get some ideas. If you've already made your decision, you can follow the steps below.

1. Stop thinking. It's easier said than done. Trust me, it's really easy when you get used to it. You have to master how to control your thoughts. Distract yourself in every possible way, but only in a healthy way that brings you something positive. Get busy.

2. Make sure your lifestyle is healthy. Don't think this is related to your problem? If you can't even take care of yourself, how can you not want it? You need it.

3.Always distinguish between needs and desires. This way, you can handle it more easily.

4. Do you believe in "think about it for three days"? You should try it. Give time to consider the decision. As they say, it takes time.

I hope my answer can help you.

User B replied:

Want is a conscious decision, not a need like food, unless you are talking about a woman, then I suggest you focus on other things and time that you like first.
If it's a thing the solution is the same but usually involves a lot less time and heartache
Try imagining yourself now in the future and ask yourself if this will change your life when you are 10 years older Make an impact?

Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: How do you stop what you want? First, do you really want to stop wanting something? Because if i - DayDayNews

User C replied:

Realize that's not what it's all about, think about why you want it. What is it that is not being fulfilled in your life that causes you to want this? Is there any better way to handle or solve this problem? Or...go get what you want.

User D replied:

This question is a bit vague. First of all, I want to understand what you want. For the purposes of this discussion, let's say you want a car, a specific type of car. These desires never go away, and there is no reason to stop your desire unless it becomes so obsessive or delusional that it takes over your daily life. Stalking said car, committing theft to obtain said car, lying to others about your means and what you did just to satisfy your urge to see that car becomes a problem that perhaps only professional help can afford.

If you are wondering how to stop craving the aforementioned car, in this case there are many alternatives that can help achieve this goal, however, you have to truly want the end goal to be true and not just what you tell yourself Something because you believe it's what others want, or you think it's the right thing to do. If you know that wanting this car has become an obstacle in your daily life, and you want to move forward without clinging to something that is clearly out of your reach, then, and only then, can you truly stop wanting something, as What you said.

The goal is to distance yourself from things that remind you of the object in question. For people who are recovering from drugs, they must first seek treatment to rid their body of physical cravings, and then change their environment so that they are not reminded of past events, which may trigger relapse. This includes getting rid of potential sellers' phone numbers, hookups, and even friends who have indulged with them in the past. The further away you are from something, the harder it is to get it, so desire will start to wane over time.

Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: How do you stop what you want? First, do you really want to stop wanting something? Because if i - DayDayNews

Of course, what I'm talking about is just a hypothetical situation, however, it can apply to anything or anyone who wants something and can't focus on other things. The point of my answer is that if you keep yourself busy enough, or think about the reasons behind your wants, you might discover the real truth. Maybe the answer is as clear as the friends you keep, or finding hobbies that occupy your mind in more useful ways than just obsessing over one thing.

User E replied:

by starting to want something else.
tries to question everything. It will keep you busy, it will keep you thinking, it will keep you free.
"Why do I want this?" "Because I like it" "Why I like it" "Because it looks good" "It may look good, but is it really mine? Do I really need this ? Maybe there is something comparable to this, maybe it is me."

User F replied:

By understanding that you are enough and don't desire anything material. What matters is how you view life and yourself. Always look inward to see what is hidden within you, rather than focusing on your surroundings. By increasing your mental capacity by training to focus on one thing in your life every day, you will achieve your goal, which is to stop cravings.

User G replied:

To stop wanting something, you have to stop feeling entitled to what you want. You have to appreciate that when you touch someone else's skin, the skin touches you back. You should think of touch as a gift, not as a truth about nature. You have to realize that you don’t deserve anything, and then everything life gives you becomes a luxury.

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