In recent years, it is not uncommon for children to develop psychological problems. Due to pressure or parents' education methods, some children have psychological problems of varying degrees. At this time, professional psychological counselors are needed to help them. So what do

2024/05/2108:12:33 psychological 1465

In recent years, it is not uncommon for children to have psychological problems. Due to pressure or parents' education methods, some children have psychological problems of varying degrees. At this time, professional psychological counselors are needed to help them. So what does children's psychological consultation need to do? Let’s find out more with the counselors at the Qizhai Public Welfare Psychological Counseling Hotline.

In recent years, it is not uncommon for children to develop psychological problems. Due to pressure or parents' education methods, some children have psychological problems of varying degrees. At this time, professional psychological counselors are needed to help them. So what do - DayDayNews

First, when children receive psychological counseling, parents need to give their children the right to speak. That is, whether outside the consulting room or in the consulting room, parents need to let their children actively express themselves instead of interfering in the communication between the psychological counselor and the child. Because in child psychotherapy , the main thing is the child, rather than letting parents and psychological counselors discuss the child's problems in detail. Only by letting the child talk more can the psychotherapist understand the child better and discover the child's psychological problems. Therefore, when your children receive psychological counseling, as parents, do not let yourself become the "protagonist". You need to listen to a counselor's advice, which can be helpful for your child.

Secondly, since the child already has psychological problems, it is obviously unwise for parents to be anxious or angry with their children. When children receive psychological counseling, parents need to organize their language as much as possible, describe their children's situation realistically, and do not "partialize" their children so that the real problems are not exposed. Especially when counselors ask parents to stay with their children, they should not lose the opportunity to learn. See how counselors win children's hearts, how children who are silent in front of their parents become active, and how counselors train children with appropriate methods. This is where parents need to learn more.

To sum up, what parents need to do seems very simple, but it is very helpful for the psychological treatment of their children. Only when parents treat their children's problems with a correct attitude can the child's treatment effect be better.

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