Promote psychological education and protect the mental health of adolescents. On July 2, a team formed by members of the Muguang Growth Mental Health Association of the College of Animal Science and Technology of Henan Agricultural University participated in the "Three Downs" wit

2024/05/2619:15:32 psychological 1586

Promote psychological education and protect the mental health of adolescents

On July 2, a team formed by members of the Muguang Growth Mental Health Association of the College of Animal Science and Technology of Henan Agricultural University participated in the "" with the theme of "Promoting psychological education and protecting the mental health of adolescents" The "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice activities are in full swing. Team members promote mental health education knowledge to residents of all ages in their communities and surrounding areas. The main methods include face-to-face inquiries and explanations and distribution of promotional documents.

Promote psychological education and protect the mental health of adolescents. On July 2, a team formed by members of the Muguang Growth Mental Health Association of the College of Animal Science and Technology of Henan Agricultural University participated in the

The picture shows team members answering mental health issues for the elderly

With the rapid development of society, people’s pace of life is accelerating, competition is becoming more and more fierce, and interpersonal relationships are becoming more and more complex. Due to the rapid progress of science and technology, knowledge has increased explosively, forcing people to constantly update their knowledge. "Humanity has entered an era of emotional burden." People's concepts, consciousness, emotional attitudes are complex and ever-changing. Problems of adaptation to the new environment, conflicts between ideals and reality, handling and learning of interpersonal relationships, conflicts in love, etc. How to enable people to avoid or eliminate psychological stress, psychological crisis or psychological barriers caused by the above-mentioned psychological pressures, improve physical and mental health, adapt to the current and developing social environment with a positive and normal psychological state, and prevent mental illness With the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases , strengthening people's mental health education has become an urgent need and a common concern of society.

The occurrence of mental illness has a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Paying attention to people's mental health, we should pay attention to preventing and eliminating various factors that cause mental illness to prevent the occurrence and development of the disease. Most of people's mental illnesses are gradually formed due to the influence of various social factors during their growth.

Promote psychological education and protect the mental health of adolescents. On July 2, a team formed by members of the Muguang Growth Mental Health Association of the College of Animal Science and Technology of Henan Agricultural University participated in the

The picture shows team members promoting mental health education to residents.

The team is committed to solving people's psychological problems and helping to prevent the occurrence of mental illness. If it is found during the activity that some people have a tendency to suffer from mental illness, the team will propose effective solutions. Protect their mental health.

Promote psychological education and protect the mental health of adolescents. On July 2, a team formed by members of the Muguang Growth Mental Health Association of the College of Animal Science and Technology of Henan Agricultural University participated in the

The picture shows team members taking a group photo in the psychological consultation room

For teenagers, mental health education is particularly important. Adolescence is an important period for the formation of various concepts. If correct guidance can be given during this period so that students can establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, it will be beneficial to the students throughout their lives. In this process, schools and teachers play a very important role. In the daily teaching process, they provide timely psychological intervention to certain students so that they can embark on the right path and become qualified successors to socialism.

But in some relatively backward areas, mental health education is a loophole in schools. Team members will pay closer attention to students in these areas to prevent young people from developing mental health problems and going astray.

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