How to cultivate "social bullying"?

2021/10/0420:25:02 psychological 1490

First of all, understand that we need to be social masters and have "social bully"

This point is brought up because any "routine" is no match for our true self.

Want to have "social irritation" Generally speaking, want to establish more contact with the outside world. Many people like being followed by others and being able to interact with others, which may mean that part of our sense of value comes from the recognition of others. It is easy for us to lose ourselves if we want to exchange for the approval of others. And this is another taboo of social interaction.

Therefore, letting yourself let go of the expectation of being recognized by others and show your true self is a shortcut to get "social horror syndrome". At this time, you can take advantage of your positive and optimistic, social and expressive advantages. .

Secondly, recognize that there are various interesting souls, and find the closest one to imitate and transcend

Some people watched some small videos of social cowboys, and really envied them, whether they are Shopping for food is still a stranger. Without too much design and politeness, they can become their home court in a few words. You can get to know a half-carriage person once you take a train.

Among them, perhaps we have also noticed that the language styles and interactive forms of these social experts are also different. With a particularly strong personal touch. Different personal touches are precisely what they have in common.

Therefore, continue to the previous one, find your own personal strengths and characteristics, and find one or two favorites among the many social experts, which are also the closest to your personal style. You can try to imitate and finally form your own unique advantage.

Finally, review your successful social cases and consider what useful lessons they can bring to your future social interaction

Whether it is a kind of social hypnosis or not, all social skills and routines are used. It can't last long, and it's easy to flow on the surface, and it's fleeting.

Advanced social skills are not the ability to have an instant desolation. It is the sincere interaction and mutual attraction between people. And this part also arises from real personal characteristics.

It is also a "shortcut" to imitate and surpass yourself.

Review your favorite and most successful social experiences in the past. Take a look at what makes you such a success. If you want to expand your social circle, copy the exercises using these models that you have already succeeded in.

Deliberate practice, constant trial and error summary, is applicable to any field.

How to cultivate


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