If you can't even hold on for 17 seconds, why do you expect to climb over the wall and cross the border to conquer yourself? You know, there are no accidents in the universe. 17 seconds of pure thought = 2000 hours of action.

2024/07/0220:31:32 news 1233

Practice Circle

If you can't even hold on for 17 seconds, why do you expect to climb over the wall and cross the border to conquer yourself? You know, there are no accidents in the universe. 17 seconds of pure thought = 2000 hours of action. - DayDayNews

If you can't last even 17 seconds, why do you expect to climb over the wall and cross the boundary to conquer yourself?

You must know that there are no accidents in the universe. You will miss signals from the universe, which means you are still resonating with blocking thoughts more than your desires.

7 seconds of pure thought = 2000 hours of action

The meaning of the "17 seconds of pure thought" theory is: 17 seconds is the critical point for thoughts to become matter: if you can focus on what you want for up to 17 seconds, and there is no No distracting thoughts, then your goal will be achieved soon!

This theory holds that:

7 seconds of pure thought is equivalent to 2000 hours of action

34 seconds of pure thought is equivalent to 20000 hours of action

51 seconds of pure thought is equivalent to 200000 hours of action

68 seconds of pure thought is equivalent to 2 000000 hours of action

First time listening When the above-mentioned equation of pure thoughts and actions is exchanged, most people will be surprised. Why is it so far? Is it such an exaggeration? Frankly speaking, the above exchange equation is difficult to prove and can only be verified by oneself.

When you continue to do this, you will find that there are fewer and fewer things to handle, and more and more things are completed. There will be fewer and fewer things that you need to do directly, and your goals will be achieved faster and faster. What you want will soon appear in your life.

When you say you want a thought or a desire without overturning yourself, when you continue to focus on it for 17 seconds, Law of Attraction will bring you a same-frequency and homogeneous idea. Because these two thoughts are of the same frequency and substance, they will merge together to form a more active, powerful, and faster-vibrating thought. If you can still focus so purely in the next 17 seconds, the next thought of the same frequency and quality will be attracted and merged together. Once again, this fused thought is now more evolved and advanced than the previous one. It is also more active, powerful, fast-moving and energetic than the previous one.

If you can't even hold on for 17 seconds, why do you expect to climb over the wall and cross the border to conquer yourself? You know, there are no accidents in the universe. 17 seconds of pure thought = 2000 hours of action. - DayDayNews

Now, if you continue to focus purely like this for 17 more seconds, with these extra 17 seconds, your pure thoughts will reach the critical state of 68 seconds! At this time, these spiritual thoughts begin to cross the wall and enter the stage of material manifestation. In other words, the transformation of spirit into matter has just begun at the critical point, taking the crucial first step.

html After 168 seconds of pure thought, as long as you can maintain a state of letting go when thinking of your wish, the General Manager of the Universe (the law of attraction) will take over all subsequent management and arrangements. All the resources that can help make this dream come true will be attracted, and all the people, things, time and space that can make your dream come true will come together in the right combination.

Do you need to do anything specifically in this process? No, you just need to maintain a state of joyful and expectant reception. You don’t have to think about it all the time (which is very different from Success Learning, which requires you to constantly self-suggest, fearing that the subconscious programming is not deepened enough), as long as you don’t activate blocking thoughts when you think of it. The universe will continue to strategize and direct for you. When the time comes, you'll receive a series of can't-miss "eureka moments" calling you to deliver the final kick, and you're done, ready to harvest your creation.

Before all the necessary conditions come together in the right combination, if you take action rashly, you will often get half the result with half the effort or in vain, because this is a world of "the harmony of causes and conditions", and it is not about relying on your own actions alone or blindly. , it can be done. To accomplish something, you need the cooperation of many causes and conditions. It will be useless to act rashly before these conditions are met.

If you can't even hold on for 17 seconds, why do you expect to climb over the wall and cross the border to conquer yourself? You know, there are no accidents in the universe. 17 seconds of pure thought = 2000 hours of action. - DayDayNews

So many people will start to worry: What if I miss the signal given to me by the universe and fail to kick out when I should make a final kick? What if I kick out at the wrong time? What if I kick out with the wrong force (kick too lightly or kick too hard)? What if... what if...

There are no accidents in the universe. You will miss the signal from the universe, which means that you are still resonating with the blocking thoughts more than your desires, so when the signal comes, you do not receive it because the signal is blocked by the blocking thoughts! If you encounter any other situation, the problem is the same: because your resonance with the blocking thoughts is stronger than your resonance with the desire!

What you have to do is still: harmonize the energy, close the frequency difference, and find the next thought that feels better; strengthen the resonance and resonance with your desires, and reduce the magnetism of blocked thoughts to you. In this way, the fulfillment of wishes will be inevitable and missing out will be impossible.

What is pure thought?

Pure thinking is to propose an idea without self-destructive follow-up ideas. Most people's minds are accustomed to self-destruction. Whenever they say they want something, the next sentence will immediately explain why they can't get it, and list various factual basis to support this statement, making this explanation seem reasonable. They don't know that doing so is a kind of self-overthrow and destruction of the realization of their wishes.


“I want to buy a car, but I can’t afford the down payment.”

“I want to buy a car, and even though I can afford the down payment, I’m still not sure that I can afford it every term. ”

“I want to buy a car, but gasoline is getting more and more expensive, and I have to pay a lot of traffic taxes and maintenance fees, which is a big burden in the long run. ”

“I want to buy a car, but I have to pay a lot. I don’t want to be a slave to cars and work for a bank.”

“I want to buy a car, but the traffic conditions are getting more and more congested, the traffic jams are getting worse, and the time spent commuting is getting longer and longer.”

“I want to buy a car. Buy a car, but what if someone steals it? "

"I want to buy a car, but what if my relatives and friends ask me to borrow the car? Who will be responsible if they crash it? He said that after I bought the car, I started to look down on people. It’s not the same if I borrow it from them, but it’s not the same if I don’t lend it to them. "

"I want to buy a car, but the value of the car will start to depreciate instead of increase in value. This expenditure is not an asset but a liability. If this continues, money does not work for me but I work for money, and I will only become poorer."

"I want to buy a car, but it doesn't feel necessary to take the bus. It seems pretty good too. "

If you look at the above-mentioned thoughts from a transcendent perspective, you will find that they all follow this pattern: "I want, but."

When you say "I want", your thoughts run in one direction; but when you immediately say "but", your thoughts immediately run in the opposite direction.

When you say "I want", the energy of the universe is created in one direction; but when you then say "but", this energy immediately offsets the previous energy against .

Imagine you want to move a stone. When you say "I want", you move it one step forward. When you next say "but", you move it one step back.

The distance between this step of moving backward and the step of moving forward is exactly the same. In this case, the stone remained in place in the end, as if it had never been moved at all. No different.

The reason why most people cannot get what they want is because their energy has already lost creativity due to self-overthrow at the beginning of its activation. As soon as they say what they want, they immediately reject it with some factual basis in the next sentence. In this way, energy never has a chance to start the "cyclic reinforcement" snowball effect of . If the accelerator and brake are pressed together, the car will not go anywhere; if the water is turned off before it boils, the pot of water will not boil in ten thousand years.

Let’s see if the following example is familiar to you:

“I want to change, but change is difficult.”

“I want to buy it, but it is too expensive.”

“I want to support the genuine version, but I have limited financial resources and cannot support it.” "I want to enter the fanatic hall to study, but I'm afraid so-and-so knows."

"I want to start a business, but I have no funds."

"I want to seek personal guidance, but I can't afford the guidance fee."

Whenever When you say "I want" and then follow it up with a "but," you kill the creativity of that idea with your own hands. When you cannot recite pure thoughts for seventeen seconds, what you want will not come.

Now you should begin to understand why even if the universe is willing to grant whatever you ask for, you may not get it. That's because: if you can't even pass the 17-second "second barrier", then you don't have to expect that you can successfully translate it. The wall has crossed the boundary, crossing four "mental and physical critical points" of 17 seconds (68 seconds).

It doesn’t matter whether the self-overthrowing thought is a fact or not. It doesn’t matter whether it is about the past, present or future. As long as it makes you feel negative emotions, it has caused your energy to collide, and its damage to you is real. .

In other words, no matter whether your self-overthrowing idea is true or not, its negative impact on you is real. Therefore, investigating where this idea comes from, whether it is true, and whether it is true is a deviation. The point, the point is: as long as it makes you feel negative emotions, it causes energy collision, and its effect on you is very real! Knowing this is enough.

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If you can't even hold on for 17 seconds, why do you expect to climb over the wall and cross the border to conquer yourself? You know, there are no accidents in the universe. 17 seconds of pure thought = 2000 hours of action. - DayDayNews

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