Today is the 165th/200th day of daily writing. Hello, I am Xilu Huaxu. Welcome to my reading and writing world. The book I want to share with you today is "Li Dan's Talk Show Work Manual". 1 This book was originally a manual written by Li Dan to his colleagues and then released t

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Today is the 165th/200th day of daily writing. Hello, I am Xilu Huaxu. Welcome to my reading and writing world. The book I want to share with you today is

Today is the 165th/200th day of daily writing

Hello, I am Xilu Huaxu, welcome to my reading and writing world.

The book I will share with you today is "Li Dan's Talk Show Work Manual".


This book was originally a manual written by Li Dan to his colleagues, and then released to the public.

In the book, Li Dan unreservedly shares his talk show work experience, online and offline experience, in front of and behind the scenes, methods of creating high-quality copywriting content, and precautions for collective creation. Overall, it is practical and full of personal content. style. The questions involved in

are: How to start

? How to tell a story?

Does it depend on the audience or the camera?

html How to write a 05-minute talk show?

Why must we grow up in public?

What is the correct way to hold a manuscript reading meeting?

Why should everyone learn to sell their ideas?


In addition, he also shared his work attitude.

At the end, there is a talk show and work Q&A, which is his further answer to the previous work principles and methods.


This book is not only a good guide for talk show work, but also inspiring for other types of creative work.

Talk shows not only require wonderful performances, but also high-quality copywriting.

The creativity of talk show copywriting is not only mental work, but also physical work.

These copywriters not only have to write verbatim drafts, but also write drafts every day. It can be said that it has changed from physical work to hard work.

However, if you cannot bear the mental and physical pain in the creative process, how can you reap the creative results? The overall content of

is not much. If you are interested, it is recommended that you read the front part and you can skim the Q&A at the back.

Today is the 165th/200th day of daily writing. Hello, I am Xilu Huaxu. Welcome to my reading and writing world. The book I want to share with you today is


This manual on talk show work is also very useful for writing. I have extracted some inspiring sentences and shared them with you.

01) This is a job. If you are a professional, don’t do things that amateurs can easily do.

The so-called method is the most basic pursuit of creation.

02) No matter what, take action first and start writing. If you can’t write well, can you still write well? Only with the bad can there be the good.

03) Please check your manuscript and follow one principle: delete the words until they can no longer be deleted.

04) Find someone better than you to help you revise the manuscript.

When you watch someone revise a draft, you can see his choices and his thinking process. This is the fastest way to learn.

Learning is always about learning ideas and learning how he thinks. Don't worry, you will never think like him. Don't worry about losing your personality.

05) If you can’t write independently, every time you write a manuscript, write a manuscript for guests, or write a business manuscript, it is an opportunity to practice. There is still money to be paid, so don’t let it go.

06) The purpose of presenting your own values ​​is to find people who agree with you, not to change as many people as possible.

07) Your weaknesses are human weaknesses, and your emotions are emotions shared by human beings.

08) Stay professional and be professional at all times, so that people who come into contact with you will not look down upon you and will be willing to trust you.

09) It’s not that you can’t deny others, but please use clear opinions and better creativity to deny them.

10) You have to "sell" your ideas to your leaders, colleagues, your guests, platforms and customers.

Today is the 165th/200th day of daily writing. Hello, I am Xilu Huaxu. Welcome to my reading and writing world. The book I want to share with you today is


After reading this book, I have two thoughts:

01) Start writing and keep writing, which is better than just thinking about not writing.

"If I can't write well, why can't my writing be bad?"

If I only remember one sentence in the whole book, it would be this sentence.

Recently, I always use this sentence to encourage and drive myself to write, even if I am short of time, even if I start with one sentence.

Give up the illusion of perfectionism, start writing first, and complete a first draft. Even if it is average, there is still room for optimization.

But if you always have the obsession to achieve excellence, and your words are not amazing, then no matter how good your creativity is, it will only remain as an idea in the end.

02) Be professional and don’t let yourself down.

If you want to do a good talk show, you need professionalism.

If you want to do any job well, you need to be professional.

No matter what profession you are engaged in, you will inevitably have to deal with big things and small things. Of course, you have to continue to invest time and energy. There is a time cost and an opportunity cost.

Now that you have done it, take advantage of the opportunity to develop your professional abilities and make yourself more and more professional as much as possible.

Otherwise, wouldn’t your experience be wasted?

The above is today’s sharing, refill.

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