I have been away from home for many years, and the people and things in my hometown are always in my heart. Especially my grandma’s old house, I spent too many happy childhood moments with me, which is still unforgettable.

2024/06/2221:26:32 news 1526

I have been away from home for many years, and the people and things in my hometown are always in my heart. Especially my grandma’s old house, I spent too many happy childhood moments with me, which is still unforgettable. - DayDayNews

My hometown is Caokan Village, Luanzhou Town, Luanzhou City, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. I have been away from home for many years, and the people and things in my hometown are always in my heart. Especially my grandma’s old house, I spent too many happy childhood moments with me, which is still unforgettable.

went back to his hometown on Sunday, just in time for the old house at home to be renovated. My elder brother had to pack his things, so I went with him to take a look.

Speaking of the old house, it is not the house where my parents lived, but the house where my grandparents lived. It is the real "home" in my heart. Grandma married into Lao Li's family at the age of 16 and lived there until she died of illness in 1996 at the age of 77. Later, the uncle who never married lived here alone. After the uncle passed away, the old house became idle. This three-room house was severely damaged during the Tangshan earthquake in 1976. What you see now is that it was rebuilt after the earthquake.

The current old house is sandwiched between the surrounding new-style bungalows and two-story buildings. It looks low, dilapidated and narrow. The old house that remains in my heart is not like this.

The courtyard door at that time was made of six wooden boards. It made a squeaking sound when pushed, and the lock hook on the door swung back and forth. On the left side of the yard is a pigsty, and on the right is a long open space that used to be grandma's vegetable garden. The vegetable garden is fenced with straw, with a small door for entry and exit. There is also a lock on the door. This not only prevents chickens, dogs, and cats from running in and harming the vegetable seedlings, but also prevents naughty children like us. The fence is divided into small vegetable beds, and the water from the pressure well flows into the garden along the ditch to irrigate the vegetable fields. At the beginning of spring, when the earth revives, a small clump of purple-flowered ground clover will appear beside the sunny wall, a bitter hemp plant, and green buds of leeks and green onions will appear. These are the messengers of spring. The smell of moist earth and the gradually warming spring breeze all convey the desire for vigorous growth of life. Cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, beans, cabbage, radishes, and radishes are planted in the garden. There are shorter vegetables all over the house. The cucumber rack and the string bean rack are at the far south.

In the summer, the vegetables in the vegetable garden are the most abundant. In this small green garden, there are green, half-red, all-red tomatoes, purple eggplants... The shelves as high as one person are covered with cucumbers and beans. , when you want to pick, you have to crawl into the shelf, which makes your head and body covered with spider webs, dead insects, dry leaves and dust. Some fruits grow so tall that you can't even reach them with your feet.

Grandma was very fond of the vegetable garden. She could clearly count the number of cucumbers on the cucumber stand, the nearly ripe tomatoes on the tomato seedlings, and the number of radishes in the radish patch. She would pick each one only when it was big enough for her to eat. Some seeds need to be saved, but they will never be harvested. Take cucumbers, for example. The melons that have been seeded should grow until the melon skin turns yellow and is completely ripe in autumn. Cut them in half with a knife, take out the seeds, dry them in the sun and save them. The remaining pulp is also called old cucumbers and can be used to make dumplings, Or fried and eaten, it has a unique flavor.

We children always look for things that interest us through the gaps in the fence. Grandma always watched us as if she were on guard against thieves, fearing that naughty children like us would run around and break the seedlings, knock off the flowers, and ruin the fruits. We are always too impatient to wait for the fruit to grow, so when she goes out to visit, when she is not at home, or when she is taking a nap, we sneak in and pick the favorite melon flower, and pick one as long as an adult's middle finger with the top Take a bite of a prickly cucumber, or pick a half-red and half-green tomato. If you take a bite, it will be sour and unpalatable, and you will throw it on the ground.

When grandma found out, she complained to our parents, and chased us all over the yard with her three-inch golden lotus little feet, calling us "little bastards" loudly, but there was no way she could catch up with us. When I go home at night, my parents will not let me go, and they will inevitably get a few slaps on my butt. Despite this, the vegetable garden still attracts us and is our childhood paradise.

There are ventilation holes in the windows of the main room, and swallows have built nests beside the rafters in the middle of the beams.In the summer, when eating under the house, swallow dung would sometimes fall to the ground with a "plop" and splash, forming a black and white flower. Sometimes it would fall on the head and stick to the hair. The swallow gave birth to young swallows. The five young swallows have not yet fully grown, and they stretch out their small yellow mouths with white edges to beg for food. The whole family was chattering and living happily. Grandma is always reluctant to chase them away, saying that they are auspicious birds that stop us from being naughty and prevent us from poking the nests with sticks, digging out the eggs, and causing damage.

When grandma lived, the old house was always fresh and clean. The long red cabinet is locked every day and is a very mysterious object. The sitting clock on the cabinet was polished by grandma, and the pendant swung rhythmically. When the hour was reached, it chimed with a "ding-dang". It was also the most valuable thing in the house. The windows are in two layers, the lower layer is glass and the upper layer is wooden lattice. The glass on the lower floor was polished to a shiny finish, and grandma always sat on the kang, listening to what was going on in the yard, and craning her neck to look out through the glass window. The small grids above the windows are covered with snow-white window paper, which must be replaced every year before winter. I always wonder how that thin layer of paper can keep warm? When I was a child, I was naughty. I secretly poked the window paper with my fingers dipped in saliva, which caused a lot of yelling and scolding.

There are hooks in several places on the beams in the house. The hook on the kang is used to hang baskets and is also a place to store delicious food. It was said to be delicious, but maybe it was just a few large pieces of fruit. We were poor at that time, so how could there be so many delicious things? Grandpa has a bit of asthma, so it was left to him to suppress his cough.

When I was very young, there were so many children at home that we couldn’t fit them all on one kang. The eldest sister had been living at grandma’s house for a long time, and later I came too. My house and grandma's house are four or five houses away from each other on an east-west street, crossing the north-south main street. Grandma's house is on the street next to the first house on the north side of the street.

After dinner at home in the evening, I went to live at my grandma’s house. Before entering the hospital, call me "grandma". In order to save electricity, grandma was reluctant to turn on the lights when it got dark. When she heard my cry, she responded with "Alas" and pulled the light cord to turn on the lights and let me enter the hospital. Through the window, the courtyard was suddenly filled with warm light. When I saw the little lights in the distance, I felt no longer afraid and opened the courtyard door happily. There was a dark brown urine jar placed on the low wall of the pigsty in the west of the courtyard. I carried it into the house and placed it next to the stove under the edge of the kang. Grandma praised me, "I'm lucky to have a granddaughter!" while beckoning me to get on the kang.

The stove is in the house. In winter, whole sour pears are always cooked on the stove. The cooked pears are rotten and the soup is thick and melts in the mouth. There are always a few pieces of sweet potatoes buried in the ashes in the furnace pit. The fragrance is permeating the air and can be smelled as soon as I enter the house. It tempts my nerves and teases my "greedy bug".

I have five sisters, and my father is the only one who can work hard. I can make a living, but where are the snacks? Not every granddaughter can eat the food at grandma's house, nor can she eat it to her heart's content. But because grandma loves me, she always secretly leaves some for me.

Later, I went to junior high school. When I had weekends off on Saturdays and Sundays, I went home and stayed at my grandma’s house. There was no writing desk in the house, so I had to do my homework lying on the kang. The kang was hot and the sun was shining warmly. I finished writing. I lay on my grandma's lap and caught up on my sleep. Grandma pulled my hair to see if there were any lice, and if there were any, she would squeeze them with her nails.

In the summer, everyone gathered at the door to enjoy the coolness after dinner. They burned moxa sticks on the ground to repel mosquitoes. Grandma always kept a cattail leaf fan in her hand. While shaking it to blow away mosquitoes, she talked about the shortcomings of her family and how the old Wang family next door once came from a pig pen. He ran into the excrement port and passed the golden rooster, and later became rich; he told about the three uncles next door who didn’t even have time to put on his pants when they escaped from the Tangshan earthquake; about the second grandfather who ran away from the customs and did not come back; about the weasel who became a spirit Come to confuse people; talk about three years of natural disasters, my father was so hungry that he could only eat grass seeds, so he had to be sent to serve as a soldier; talk about people walking at night, encountering ghosts in the cemetery, breaking the wall , and they can't wander out for a long time. ...

As the days pass, life gets better day by day.Grandma's old house has completed its mission and will be demolished and rebuilt. The old bricks and tiles will no longer exist. However, every corner of the old house has memories left to me by my grandma. I will keep the good times, warmth and happiness I had in the old house in my heart, and I will live happily with these memories and warmth. The rebuilt house will also glow with new vitality and vitality, and continue to write a new story with a new look. Li Xiaoling

(The author is from Caokan Village, Luanzhou Town, Luanzhou City, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, and is now an employee of Qian'an Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau)

I have been away from home for many years, and the people and things in my hometown are always in my heart. Especially my grandma’s old house, I spent too many happy childhood moments with me, which is still unforgettable. - DayDayNews

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