1. Check whether the cemetery procedures are complete. my country’s cemetery management system can divide existing cemeteries into three categories: The first category is cemeteries built privately. This type of cemetery does not have any legal approval procedures and is illegall

2024/06/1813:42:32 news 1705

1. Check whether the cemetery procedures are complete

my country's cemetery management system can divide the existing cemeteries into three major categories: The first category is privately built cemeteries. This type of cemetery does not have any legal approval procedures and belongs to Illegal land use will be included in the cleanup list.

The second category is cemeteries built by rural townships or villages, which have legal procedures. However, this type of cemetery can only bury local villagers and is not allowed to be sold to outsiders or engage in other paid business activities. Selling it to external parties is also illegal.

1. Check whether the cemetery procedures are complete. my country’s cemetery management system can divide existing cemeteries into three categories: The first category is cemeteries built privately. This type of cemetery does not have any legal approval procedures and is illegall - DayDayNews

The third category is commercial cemeteries, which are public cemeteries built with the approval of the civil affairs department at or above the municipal level. This type of cemetery is the type of cemetery we can purchase. When purchasing a cemetery, you should check whether the operating procedures are complete. In addition to the business license, there should also be a "Cemetery Business License Certificate" issued by the civil affairs department. The absence of this document means that there is a problem with the cemetery.

1. Check whether the cemetery procedures are complete. my country’s cemetery management system can divide existing cemeteries into three categories: The first category is cemeteries built privately. This type of cemetery does not have any legal approval procedures and is illegall - DayDayNews

2. On-the-spot observation of the cemetery environment and management

In addition to understanding the operation, management and environmental construction of the cemetery, we should also focus on services. You can spend money to plan the environment, but you can't pretend to serve your customers wholeheartedly. The level of cemetery culture and taste depends on this. On-site observation also includes looking at the actual management and environmental construction of the cemetery. Some cemeteries often exaggerate their own advantages in order to promote sales. Only on-site inspections can we see the real situation. On-site observation also depends on traffic conditions. Generally, cemeteries are built in suburbs. Whether transportation is convenient and whether roads are easy to walk are also factors we should examine.

1. Check whether the cemetery procedures are complete. my country’s cemetery management system can divide existing cemeteries into three categories: The first category is cemeteries built privately. This type of cemetery does not have any legal approval procedures and is illegall - DayDayNews

3. Find out whether there are funeral and funeral services

A warm, loving, noble and extraordinary funeral service can give each deceased a beautiful final farewell, and condense all the blessings, thanks and blessings for each unique life. Respect. In addition to providing different funeral services, a good cemetery can also provide funeral services of different specifications. The sales service of funerary objects can better avoid customers' time consumption of scattered purchases, and the price/performance ratio is often higher.

1. Check whether the cemetery procedures are complete. my country’s cemetery management system can divide existing cemeteries into three categories: The first category is cemeteries built privately. This type of cemetery does not have any legal approval procedures and is illegall - DayDayNews

4. Ask the price carefully

The price of the tomb may be determined by various reasons such as orientation and location. Since the price gap between different tombs is not small, before choosing a tomb, you must consider it based on your actual situation and budget. You can choose a cost-effective tomb that is moderately priced but has good conditions. Some tombs may be located in relatively remote locations, but they have the benefit of being close to nature.

1. Check whether the cemetery procedures are complete. my country’s cemetery management system can divide existing cemeteries into three categories: The first category is cemeteries built privately. This type of cemetery does not have any legal approval procedures and is illegall - DayDayNews

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