I am Teacher Ajin. Click "Follow" on the upper right to share with you things about education and professional titles. Flowers in spring are good for you, so you need to start studying early; when the flowers bloom and fall, you will grow old easily. With the opening of Guangxi's

2024/05/2522:47:33 news 1965

I am Teacher Ajin. Click "Follow" on the upper right to share with you things about education and professional titles.

I am Teacher Ajin. Click

Spring flowers are good for you, so you need to learn early; when the flowers bloom and fall, life is easy to grow old.

With the opening of Guangxi’s application system this year, teachers in several cities applying for deputy senior professional titles have become busy again.

Many teachers fill in forms and systems, and many of them can’t figure it out. They ask, Teacher Ajin, how to fill in this, how to fill in which, why to fill in this, why to fill in this, they keep asking, and never think for themselves. I never familiarize myself with the files or the system.

To apply for a professional title, you must first be familiar with the review conditions. In our case in Guangxi, it is Document No. 47. You must study it and become familiar with it. See if you meet the requirements and what you need to prepare. The answers will be given in the document.

I am Teacher Ajin. Click

Again, it depends on the requirements of your own city. Declare according to Document No. 47 and combined with the specific requirements of your own city.

Then, fill in the system and upload materials according to Document No. 47 and your city’s list requirements.

When we entered the system, there were prompts on the system about what you should put and how to put it. However, many teachers did not read the prompts and were always asking, how to fill in, what to fill in, and what to upload. , never read the prompts.

always relies on others and always complains. It's just a job title. It's so complicated. Just make it simple, upload a resume and copy a few honorary certificates, and that's it.

is so complicated and torturous, haha.

I am Teacher Ajin. Click

But, otherwise, can we know your overall ability? Only in this way, through understanding all aspects, can we know whether you have reached the level of associate senior teacher. Where can the judges know this? They can only know it from the system.

Therefore, the most important thing is to be familiar with the system and upload materials according to the system requirements.

Of course, some teachers don’t want to do anything, but they also want to be promoted to professional titles. They ask them to write their own real class cases, and they don’t want to write about their practices and measures as a class teacher. Also, some teachers asked him to type according to his honorary certificate, but he didn't even want to type.

I am Teacher Ajin. Click

However, they complained that this was not made public and that was not made public.

Someone was promoted to deputy senior officer, but he was not promoted, and he sighed again, there is no hope. Sora has a lot of talent.

The question is, do you really have a talent?

said that if you want to be able to do it, it is best to do it yourself. If you really don’t understand, ask again, instead of just asking without looking at anything or doing anything.

Just like the sentence in "The Oil Seller": The old man said: "There is no other, but you are familiar with your hands."

Therefore, we want to improve the passing rate of applying for deputy senior professional titles. Only if you are familiar with the files, the system, and put them in the right place can you have a greater chance.

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In short, it’s the same sentence. If
has not been declared, make various preparations according to the document requirements. When applying, prepare the materials; if
has been declared but failed, find out the reasons for the failure, make targeted preparations, and fight again this year.
Only by making various preparations and submitting the application materials according to the documents can we improve the passing rate.

Teachers who want to apply for deputy senior professional titles, are you ready?

Hello, I am Teacher Ajin, a front-line teacher, a key teacher of Nanning , a winner of Nanning Quality Course, a member of Nanning Writers Association, and a member of China Law Society. He has published more than 200 articles of various kinds in print media, and published a collection of poems called "The Sound of the Flute in the Distance". I like to talk about education. If you also like it, please follow me. Ajin looks forward to communicating with you! Especially regarding the application for professional titles, please communicate more, and I hope all the teachers who apply this year will pass.

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