Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019 "I stand on the top of the mountain, watching the Yellow River roll, rushing to the southeast..." Recently, a video of a visually impaired girl touching Braille and reciting "Ode to the Yellow River" affectionately appeared o

2024/05/1820:19:34 news 1860

Author | Uncle Dai

Source | Feng Meng

ID | fengmeng2019

"I stand on the top of the mountain, watching Yellow River roll, running to the southeast..."

Recently, a visually impaired girl touched Braille and recited " Yellow River" affectionately The video "Ode to " was on the hot search list and was reprinted by mainstream media such as CCTV, Xinhua News Agency , People's Daily and other mainstream media.

Some netizens commented under the video: "She told us that we are born toward the sun, and everyone has mountains and seas in their hearts!"

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

This visually impaired girl is named Zhang Huiyu. She is 16 years old and is from Wulong Town, Maiji District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province. A native of Zhangqiang Village, he studied at Tianshui Special Education School. She suffered from congenital cataracts since childhood. Although she had undergone surgical treatment, her vision still did not improve much.

Zhang Huiyu said in an interview:

"During the exam, I could only see the brackets on the test paper clearly, and I didn't know what the questions were about. I wrote all the knowledge I had into the test paper."

At the beginning, she also learned plain text, and the teaching materials were enlarged versions of Chinese characters. However, due to poor eyesight, she almost had to press her eyes against the book to read, which often caused pencil dust to appear on her nose.

As her studies continued to deepen, Zhang Huiyu was worried that she would not be able to keep up in the future, so she made up her mind to switch to Braille. She often reads until after 11 or 12 p.m. before going to bed. She also uses screen reading software on her mobile phone to listen to some e-books on weekends.

In 2021, her reading volume reached an astonishing 100 books. Her name is densely written on the borrowed books in the school's Braille reading room. The bookshelf of mobile e-books also records her footsteps in exploring the world.

Zhang Huiyu said: "I accept my disability and imperfection, but I demand myself with the mentality of a healthy person."

In her spare time, she often goes online to teach herself recitation skills, imitating the pronunciation of hosts on TV, and reciting herself Share your works on the platform.

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

Picture source: Panoramic Vision

In Zhang Huiyu’s view, although visual impairment brings inconvenience to life, she hopes to pass on a sunny and upward attitude to everyone.

Life may have some hardships for us. The key is not the amount of hardship, but the size of our dreams.

Everyone's life is like a small sailing boat, and dreams are the mountains, rivers and seas, carrying the hope of our lives.

Having dreams makes life more vivid.

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

In August 2011, cartoonist Xiong Dun was diagnosed with " non-Hodgkin lymphoma ".

During his illness, Xiong Dun drew cute cartoons about his battle with tumors. This is "Get Out!" Tumor King".

In this comic book , she used bright colors, vivid brushwork, and a self-deprecating way to record every detail of her medical treatment.

And her strong optimism when facing the disease made netizens often "cry while reading every update with a smile."

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

Picture source: Panoramic Vision

On November 16, 2012, Xiong Dun passed away. Just the day before, she had smiled and told her friends to dress well.

Zhou Guoping once said:

"The density of life is more worthy of pursuit than the length of life. The most precious things for people are life and soul. If you take good care of your life and settle your heart, your life will be complete."

We can't decide The length of life, but we can work hard to expand the width of life;

We cannot change our own appearance, but we can work hard to change the eyes of others;

We cannot predict the life of tomorrow, but we can take advantage of the life in front of us.

Zhang Jie is an ordinary primary school teacher in Yichang City.

In 2010, she was diagnosed with a malignant tumor and underwent chemotherapy 6 times and radiotherapy 28 times. Patients in the same period passed away one after another, and she also fell into thinking.

She decided to live towards the sun and bloom her life.

Zhang Jie established the Yichang private public welfare student aid group. For 11 consecutive years, it has carried out 159 student aid activities, assisted 1,320 students, traveled more than 300,000 kilometers, and funded 95 poor students.

It is precisely because Zhang Jie continues to carry out public welfare undertakings that she is known as the "Study Aid Leader". Zhang Jie said in an interview: "These sponsored children have given me a second life!"

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

Picture source: Panoramic Vision

I once saw this sentence on the Internet:

"Sunflower, she is not what she looks like on the outside. The sun is bright, but the heart is full of strength. When facing difficulties without being knocked down, you can still hold your chest high when you are stuck in a swamp and keep smiling towards the sun. "

If your heart is sunny, you will not be afraid of the storm. Even if it is full of twists and turns, you will overcome obstacles along the way and let the flowers of your dreams bloom brightly.

All efforts will not be in vain, and all the distance will eventually come.

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

In life, many ordinary people are not content with the current situation, but always look towards the sun, looking for their own poetry and distance.

"Wenzhou Plastering Brother" Shi Jianguo is a post-90s generation. In his spare time, he devoted all his energy to practicing calligraphy.

Shi Jianguo built a simple "study" for himself on the dusty construction site.

His four treasures of the study were also made from local materials. Rectangular wooden boards were placed on discarded shelves to become desks and painting desks . Broken kettles were used as brushes to wash . Broken small teacups were used as ink cartridges. The wooden blocks and iron blocks of are used as paperweights of .

In such an environment, he continued to practice calligraphy for decades.

For such a long time, he has also been questioned by his fellow workers: What is the use of migrant workers practicing calligraphy? He made no excuses, just to realize his dream of calligraphy.

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

Picture source: Panoramic Vision

In 2018, after paying attention to Shi Jianguo, Henan Puyang Painting and Calligraphy Academy decided to appoint him as a special calligrapher and painter of the Municipal Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and issued a letter of appointment.

If you have mountains and seas hidden in your heart, your life will be infinitely broad. As long as you have a dream and persist in taking action, everyone can create your own happiness.

In April 2017, an article " I am Fan Yusu " became popular all over the Internet. The author of the article Fan Yusu is a 44-year-old childcare nanny who graduated from junior high school.

Fan Yusu was born in a rural family in Xiangyang, Hubei Province. She once worked as a private teacher in a rural primary school. Because she loved reading as a child, she particularly longed for the vast world in books.

So, in 1993, she came to Beijing. "The world is so big, I want to see it."

While working, she formed a literature group with dozens of other workers who were interested in literature, and slowly tried to write. In her own words, this is to satisfy her spiritual desires.

After "I am Fan Yusu" became popular, many publishing houses wanted to sign a contract with her to write a book. But in her opinion, that's not what she wants.

She has her own literary dream, but it is definitely not to cater to the market, but to her own heart.

In Fan Yusu's heart, there is a mountain and sea of ​​its own, its own poetry and a distant place.

Even if it is ordinary, even if it is ordinary, we should be born towards the sun, not afraid of difficulties, with mountains and seas in our hearts, and the vast world will let me do whatever I want!

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

likes a saying:

“Life does not have to turn against the wind, but it must be born towards the sun.Only when we walk through the dark night can we see the dawn. No one needs to give us the sunshine, we are our own sun! "

In front of ordinary but great people such as the visually impaired girl Zhang Huiyu, anti-cancer cartoonist Xiong Dun, student aid team leader Zhang Jie, Wenzhou plaster brother Shi Jianguo, poet Fan Yusu, what we see is that they "cannot Be afraid of all the difficulties in the world, and be unyielding to the thorns; not tired of worldly affairs, and never forget the dreams in your heart."

From today on, I will be born towards the sun, with mountains and seas in my heart.

The light will shine on others, and I will light a light for myself that will never be extinguished.

Author | Uncle Dai Source | Fengmeng ID | fengmeng2019

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