When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn.

2024/05/1820:18:33 news 1079

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some small vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

Corn is actually a kind of miscellaneous grains. Corn is rich in starch. The raw meat powder or tender meat powder that we usually use when cooking is actually corn starch. So we don’t want to eat staple food anymore, for example You can eat some corn appropriately when eating rice or noodles. corn has high starch content and is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and increase the feeling of satiety.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

What everyone doesn’t know is that corn is actually an alkaline vegetable, and there are many ways to cook corn. When we are too lazy to cook breakfast, we can just put the corn directly into the pot and simply steam it. You can eat sweet and soft corn, and sometimes you can peel off the corn kernels and use them to stir-fry bacon or lean meat . After chewing, the plump corn kernels burst with juice in your mouth and taste delicious. The taste is also very sweet and rich in texture.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

However, the most common way to cook corn is to boil it directly. Many friends don’t know how to boil corn correctly. They always feel that the corn cooked by themselves is not as sweet as the corn sold outside, so sometimes they cook corn by themselves. When cooking, a small amount of white sugar will be added to the pot, but the taste of corn cooked with white sugar will lose the original sweetness of corn. So how should you cook corn to make it sweet and soft? Nuo, why won’t the sugar be lost? Today I will share with you tips on how to cook corn in the article. only needs to add one more step when cooking corn, then the cooked corn will be sweet, soft and waxy, and taste better than the ones sold outside. Specifically How to do it? Let’s take a look.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

[Boiled corn]

Prepare ingredients:

3 pieces of corn with skin.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

Production method:

Step one: When we choose corn, we should also pay attention to it. Peel off the coat of corn, and then press the corn kernels with your hands. If the corn kernels are full, firm and elastic, it means that This corn is relatively fresh and tender, and if the corn kernels are very hard and have little moisture, it means that it is a very old corn and will not taste good, so don't choose it.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

Step 2: After buying the corn home, you only need to peel off the outermost 2-3 layers of older leaves. Many people are used to peeling off all the leaves of the corn when boiling the corn, but in fact, we keep a few leaves when boiling the corn, which can lock in the moisture and sugar of the corn, and the corn's The leaves can also add flavor to the corn, so don’t remove all the leaves of the corn, leaving only a relatively clean inside, 1 to 2 layers is enough.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

Step 3: Take the pot and add more water. Then add a small spoonful of edible salt to the pot, then cover the lid. Boil the water in the pot until small bubbles appear. At that time, can put the corn in the pot.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

When boiling corn, many people put the corn into the pot with cold water. But in fact, during the process of gradually heating the corn with cold water, the sugar will also be lost into the water, so when we eat it later When the corn is cooked, the sweet taste will no longer be available, so when we cook the corn, we need to put it in warm water. This can prevent the excessive loss of sugar in the corn, and at the same time, it can also lock in the nutrients inside the corn and improve the taste. It will be sweeter. When we cook corn, adding a small amount of edible salt can also improve the taste of corn and make it taste sweeter.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

Step 4: After putting the corn into the pot, you can also add a small spoonful of edible baking soda . Let the baking soda melt in the water and then turn on the high heat and cook the corn until it is cooked. It’s ready to be cooked.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

When cooking corn, adding an appropriate amount of baking soda can double the release of niacin in the corn. At the same time, baking soda can also help retain the vitamins in the corn, which can prevent the loss of nutrients in the corn. , then When we eat corn, we can not only enjoy the sweet and soft texture of corn, but also retain the nutrients in the corn to a great extent. Therefore, when cooking corn, everyone should also remember to add a small amount of edible baking soda.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

The boiled corn cooked in this way tastes very fragrant and sweet. It is even more delicious than the boiled corn that costs 5 yuan a piece outside. Because of the carefully selected corn and the chef’s cooking skills, the cooked corn will naturally be more delicious. After learning this method, if you want to eat boiled corn in the future, you can make it at home. Simple and delicious.

When the weather starts to get hotter and hotter, we can also see some vendors riding tricycles selling vegetables in the streets and alleys. This vegetable sells very cheaply, and there will be many people gathering around to pick it. This vegetable is corn. - DayDayNews

Cooking Tips:

1. When cooking corn, adding a small amount of salt and baking soda is a commonly used method in restaurants outside. This will make the cooked corn taste better and have a higher sweetness.

2. If you choose waxy corn , after adding baking soda, the corn will taste more fragrant, waxy and softer, and if it is sweet corn, it will taste crisper.

3. Nowadays, corns on the market are sold for one yuan each. When choosing, remember to choose young corns, so that the cooked taste will be the best. Old corns will be very hard and will not cook no matter how hard they are cooked. soft.

So I shared with you this method of boiling corn. Have you learned it? Corn is a rare alkaline food , and the price is cheaper now. Friends who like it should try it at home!

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