The old party secretary ■ Yi Heng looked at me with a smile, his face glowing red, and there was also a slight smell of alcohol. When he got closer, the taste was sauce-flavored, about 40°. This is what I saw when I visited the old party secretary in the ward. "You still drink wh

2024/05/1719:13:33 news 1060
The old party secretary ■ Yi Heng looked at me with a smile, his face glowing red, and there was also a slight smell of alcohol. When he got closer, the taste was sauce-flavored, about 40°. This is what I saw when I visited the old party secretary in the ward.

Old branch secretary

■ Yiheng

He looked at me with a smile, his face glowed red, and there was also a slight smell of alcohol. When he got closer, the taste was sauce-flavored, about 40°. This is what I saw when I visited the old party secretary in the ward.

"You still drink when you are hospitalized?" I asked.

"In my whole life, I have never drank more than three taels a day. I just drink often. How can I drink when I am hospitalized." It seems that he is not like the villagers who drink alcohol. He drinks wine, appreciates culture, nourishes his temperament, and moisturizes his face. He said it with a smile, his teeth not showing but his dimples showing. The villagers supported him for his affinity. Of course, there were also people with ill intentions who called him " smiling tiger ". I don't believe it. No one can pretend to smile all his life. It will tire you out. Besides, he is still smiling when he is asleep, so you are pretending.

html One hour of close contact, I still have an impression. There are no mature men in my family, and my grandma lacks a sense of security. Unlike the villagers, she always locks the door for the night. One day I got up early and saw the door open. I was very frightened. I opened the door suspiciously and checked the whole house. Nothing was missing. In fact, there was nothing valuable. I was still afraid and took me to the old party secretary's house. He was sitting in his courtyard, his face shimmering, smoking bamboo cigarettes and puffing out mist. When he saw his grandma, he put it down leisurely and shouted: "Auntie, you are here." Grandma felt at ease and became calm when she told the story. He comforted grandma, then hugged me, and went to the scene to "criminal investigation" as if solving a case. He said to grandma: "Don't worry, I will handle it." Two days later, he sent a lock and a long hardwood, the former was used to go out during the day. Lock, the latter is used to seal the door at night. From then on, the poor house was impregnable, and grandma could sit back and relax. She told me many interesting things about him in my childhood and admired him endlessly.

Maybe it’s because he is the eldest son and grandson in his family, maybe because he was different from the villagers since he was a child, he was born fair and rosy; maybe because he was smart and well-behaved since he was a child, he was loved by the second generation of his family, and his title was different from that of his peers. People in the village all call him "Boss, Lao Er" or "A Mao, A Gou", while the two generations above him call him "Nong Zai, Bao Zai". He has opened his mouth and stretched out his hands since he was a child, and has never done any work. , does not do housework, the villagers call it a spectacle: "The poor are raising cute babies." He went to elementary school at the age of eight and graduated from high school. He neither worked very hard nor slacked off, and lived his youthful years with a rosy smile. Don’t worry if you can’t go to school, don’t worry if you can’t leave the farm, don’t worry if you go home and have nothing to do, and enjoy the happiness of “Nong Zai, Bao Zai”. As the only high school student in the village, he soon became the clerk and accountant of the brigade. He sat in the office with a smile, making plans, filling out forms, writing, smoking pipes, and was content.

Of course high school students love to read newspapers. The front page of " Nanfang Daily " has a report on Leizhou Peninsula planting Casuarina combating desertification. That peninsula can be done, and so can the heroic peninsula where I am. My thoughts were shaken, and I thought of Xu Zhishu of the brigade. Xu Zhishu was so impressed that he led the people on the peninsula to start desertification control. They fought hard to become heroes. I dare to call the heroic peninsula a new chapter and deeds. It also appeared on the front page of "Nanfang Daily", and the title of the long newsletter on the front page of "Hainan Daily" was "Heroes from the People Present Heroes".

In the past few years, the people of the peninsula have used their sweat to turn the endless beaches green and peel off several layers of skin. Only he is ruddy and fair. It’s not that he doesn’t work or be active, but Party Secretary Xu said that good steel is used on the blade. He is educated, knowledgeable, and smart. He is specifically responsible for nursery work and provides technical guidance for nursery work. He uses brain power instead of physical strength. Especially in the later period, after Party Secretary Xu led the people of the Hero Peninsula to report heroic deeds, organizations at all levels asked for materials and various media interviews, and Party Secretary Xu handed them over to this most proud talent, so Party Secretary Xu said that he had a great contribution. Treating him as a counselor, a right-hand man, a close friend, and advice on how to take advantage of the situation, the two of them decided to build a sea dike to reach the sea outside the dike and transform the sea-alkali land into fertile farmland. After several springs and autumns, the peninsula had vast tracts of fertile land, and the people's lives were like sesame blooming. The people were grateful to Party Secretary Xu, organized the organization to reuse Party Secretary Xu, and promoted him to be Secretary of the Gangbei Commune. Party Secretary Xu naturally recommended him as Secretary of the brigade, with a term of thirty years. , turned out to be an old branch secretary.

The old party secretary ■ Yi Heng looked at me with a smile, his face glowing red, and there was also a slight smell of alcohol. When he got closer, the taste was sauce-flavored, about 40°. This is what I saw when I visited the old party secretary in the ward.

The old party secretary is the same as another good party secretary praised by the people of the peninsula. They both have good conduct and benefit the people of the peninsula, but their governing style is different. For example, the good party secretary is personally involved in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline fishery, and the old party secretary grasps the big ones and lets go of the small ones, and governs by doing nothing; A good party secretary likes to plant rice and go to the sea, while an old party secretary likes to squat in the fields and give guidance. When it comes to going to the sea, he usually doesn't go, and the divisional production team leader is responsible. Some villagers said that he had been like this since he was a child and was afraid of drying out and getting tanned, otherwise he would be so rosy and fair. He is silent and always smiles. He often sits in the office, reads newspapers and makes phone calls. He often goes to the county commune for meetings and holds meetings himself, grasping the general direction, coming up with ideas and employing cadres. They are both the pinnacles of the peninsula, each showing his style. Decades have passed. When I went home during the Spring Festival, the older generation of peninsula residents came to chat. When talking about the changes in the peninsula, they all unanimously commented: These are the two party secretaries who are the most capable, courageous and contributory in the history of the peninsula.

It’s not that the old branch secretary doesn’t go deep into the grassroots. He often goes to the fields, but he just doesn’t take off his shoes. He looks at the irrigation, the growth of the crops, and smiles and chats with the working peasant women. Usually he doesn't go to the beach to pull the net with the fishermen, but at night his courtyard is often full of people, all dark and sturdy fishermen, talking and laughing happily. From here, he understands the situation and strengthens his relationship. The fishermen brothers listen to his teachings and see his smile. Smoking his pipe. A scholar knows everything about the world without going out. When you raise your head, you will not see them, but when you lower your head, you will see them. If you don't see them during the day, you will see them at night.

It’s not that the old party secretary doesn’t care about village affairs or production. There were two things he clung to. First, he planted and protected forests and greened the beaches. He contributed his technical guidance and managed the nursery to keep it as green as spring. He often cultivated and dug the trees with his bare feet, like pampering his own children, and laughed heartily at the saplings. He loved to visit the slopes. When he saw someone cutting down trees, his smile disappeared. The tree cutter abandoned his knife and ran away. The next day he went to the office to listen to his reprimand. When the trees are all gone, he immediately tells the nursery staff to transplant the seedlings and make the slope as green and picturesque as the hair on his head. The second is to protect the embankment and fertile farmland. He likes to walk along the embankment, his eyes are like a pathfinder, looking for gaps and repairing what is lacking, resolutely. Every year during the slack season, people from the peninsula are organized to work hard and skillfully for more than ten days, laying stones, filling mud, filling gaps, and giving the seawall a new look, despite the violent storms and waves.

The old branch secretary is really a "smiling tiger" secretary.

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Editor | Yin Yingzi

Editor | Ni Dexin

Duty Manager | Zhong Hao

The old party secretary ■ Yi Heng looked at me with a smile, his face glowing red, and there was also a slight smell of alcohol. When he got closer, the taste was sauce-flavored, about 40°. This is what I saw when I visited the old party secretary in the ward.

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