Not long after Sullivan's statement, U.S. President Biden also began to send strong warning signals to Iran. During his visit to Israel, Biden pointed out in an exclusive interview that if Iran refuses to accept U.S. suggestions on the Iranian nuclear issue, Then the United State

2024/07/0215:55:32 international 1876

On July 11, local time, according to US media reports, US National Security Advisor Sullivan issued a warning that day about Iran’s plan to provide drones to Russia, bluntly saying that if Iran insists on doing so, it will face serious consequences. as a result of. Not long after Sullivan's statement, U.S. President Biden also began to send strong warning signals to Iran. During his visit to Israel, Biden pointed out in an exclusive interview that if Iran refuses to accept the United States' Iranian nuclear issue According to the above suggestions, the United States will not rule out the final use of military means to solve this problem. As soon as Biden's words came out, they immediately aroused great attention from countries around the world. They are also very eager to know whether the United States will really use tough means and measures to force Iran to carry out the Iranian nuclear program as Biden said. Make compromises and concessions on issues.

Not long after Sullivan's statement, U.S. President Biden also began to send strong warning signals to Iran. During his visit to Israel, Biden pointed out in an exclusive interview that if Iran refuses to accept U.S. suggestions on the Iranian nuclear issue, Then the United State - DayDayNews

Faced with Biden’s “war threat” against Iran, Iranian President Raisi also responded strongly by saying that Iran will never surrender to the United States. And Leahy also specifically pointed out the core of a key issue to Biden, that is, the United States should learn from the lessons of the past and not always repeat the failed policy of using "maximum pressure" on Iran. Since the Islamic Revolution broke out in Iran, relations between the United States and Iran have deteriorated across the board, approaching the edge of war. Taking into account the danger of using force in the Middle East, the United States has tried to make Iran give in to the United States by imposing all-round sanctions on Iran, including kicking Iran out of the international economic and trade market, imposing a weapons and high-tech blockade on Iran, and so on. But this did not make Iran choose to compromise. On the contrary, Iran also used its unique geographical location and Russia's military assistance to "fight back and forth" with the United States in the Persian Gulf.

Not long after Sullivan's statement, U.S. President Biden also began to send strong warning signals to Iran. During his visit to Israel, Biden pointed out in an exclusive interview that if Iran refuses to accept U.S. suggestions on the Iranian nuclear issue, Then the United State - DayDayNews

Although successive US governments have understood that if they want to deal with Middle East issues , they must ease relations with Iran, but no president has chosen this approach. Although during the Obama administration, the United States reluctantly reached negotiations with Iran on the Iranian nuclear issue, after Trump took office, the United States withdrew from the Iranian nuclear negotiations, and the Iranian nuclear issue once again became the most important issue troubling Middle Eastern countries. Major trouble. Iran's current request is very simple, that is, the United States re-signs an agreement with Iran and lifts sanctions on Iran. However, the United States requires Iran to first fulfill the contents of the Iran nuclear agreement and then negotiate. It is precisely in this situation Under this situation, the two sides have never been able to reach a unified consensus, which ultimately led to the deterioration of the situation in the Persian Gulf. Some analysts pointed out that Biden's consideration of using force against Iran may be a small-scale operation to clear nuclear facilities. As for another Gulf War, it is absolutely impossible. First, the United States has been unable to defeat it, and second, Iran is not Iraq. .

Not long after Sullivan's statement, U.S. President Biden also began to send strong warning signals to Iran. During his visit to Israel, Biden pointed out in an exclusive interview that if Iran refuses to accept U.S. suggestions on the Iranian nuclear issue, Then the United State - DayDayNews

However, it is not easy for the United States to use force against Iran. Not only Iran's own strength cannot be underestimated, but Russia's attitude cannot be ignored either. According to news released by the Kremlin recently, Russian President Putin will go to Tehran on July 19 to participate in the trilateral summit with Leahy and Turkish President Erdogan, and will be there Hold bilateral meetings. Through this move, Russia is also telling the United States not to act rashly. Iran does not have no support in the international community. In the past, the United States would have dismissed Russia's warnings, but today is different. Russia's special military operations against Ukraine are still continuing. Unless the United States really intends to break up with Russia, the United States wants to It is difficult to launch a conventional local war in the Middle East. However, some experts believe that compared with the so-called "war threat" of US President Biden, Israel is more likely to launch military force on its own.

Not long after Sullivan's statement, U.S. President Biden also began to send strong warning signals to Iran. During his visit to Israel, Biden pointed out in an exclusive interview that if Iran refuses to accept U.S. suggestions on the Iranian nuclear issue, Then the United State - DayDayNews

On the one hand, it is because Israel and Iran are "feuds", and Israel is most afraid of Iran's nuclear weapons . After all, once Iran's nuclear weapons are successfully equipped, it will directly change the geopolitical structure of the Middle East and even the world.On the other hand, Israel has the experience and technology for "targeted removal" of nuclear facilities. Previously, the nuclear facilities of Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq were destroyed by the Israeli air force. Therefore, if the United States really intends to take coercive measures against Iran, it is very likely that the United States will provide weapons and equipment in the end, and Israel will be responsible for sending people to carry out the attack mission. But as a result, the possibility of renewed war in the Middle East will increase infinitely.

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