Firmly carry forward the historical mission entrusted to Jingzhou by the Provincial Party Committee, deepen the understanding of market conditions, re-align goals, re-plan development paths, and re-transform opportunities and advantages, and promote the inheritance, innovation, o

2024/07/0108:55:32 international 1448
Firmly carry forward the historical mission entrusted to Jingzhou by the Provincial Party Committee, deepen the understanding of market conditions, re-align goals, re-plan development paths, and re-transform opportunities and advantages, and promote the inheritance, innovation, o - DayDayNewsFirmly carry forward the historical mission entrusted to Jingzhou by the Provincial Party Committee, deepen the understanding of market conditions, re-align goals, re-plan development paths, and re-transform opportunities and advantages, and promote the inheritance, innovation, o - DayDayNews
Key Summary

Firmly carry forward the historical mission assigned to Jingzhou by the Provincial Party Committee, further deepen the understanding of the market conditions, re-align the target positioning, re-plan the development path, and re-transform opportunities and advantages, and promote the "Five Districts and Five Centers" strategy The system continues to innovate, optimize and upgrade.

On the afternoon of July 15, Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wu Jin presided over a symposium to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Hubei and promote the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the 12th Provincial Party Congress.

At the symposium, 14 comrades, including heads of relevant municipal departments, grassroots representatives, and experts and scholars in related fields, focused on the theme of the meeting, combined with work responsibilities and Jingzhou’s actual conditions, and discussed accelerating the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Hubei and the construction of Jianghan Plain. High-quality Development Demonstration Zone, spoke freely, offered suggestions and suggestions, and put forward many constructive opinions and suggestions.

After listening to everyone’s speeches,

Wu Jin pointed out that

we must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Hubei and the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, grasp the spiritual essence and core essence, firmly hold the provincial party committee Give Jingzhou a historical mission, further deepen the understanding of the market conditions, re-align the goals, re-plan the development path, and re-transform the opportunities and advantages, accurately grasps the direction, focus and focus of Jingzhou’s high-quality development, promotes the "five districts and five "Centre" strategic system continues to innovate, optimize and upgrade.

Wu Jin emphasized

At present, Jingzhou is generally showing the phased characteristics of the policy support window period, the comprehensive advantage reshaping period, and the potential energy burst period of " three phases superimposed on ", and is accelerating across industrial levels, city energy levels and development levels. As a gateway, Hubei has the potential, foundation and responsibility to make contributions in building a pioneering area for a new development pattern in the country. We must completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept of , clarify the goals and missions, make good first moves, take the initiative, and forge ahead in the new journey of building a high-quality development demonstration zone in Jianghan Plain.

Wu Jin asked

to benchmark against the deployment requirements of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, to promote the implementation of key tasks and achieve results. We must adhere to the comprehensive management of watersheds as the basis, establish a negative list for safety management and control by zoning and classification, and coordinate development and safety. must adhere to the "three highlands and two bases" as the guide, promote vertical chains and horizontal clusters, and accelerate the construction of modern industrial system . must adhere to the construction of circulation nodes as the traction, promote the transformation of location advantages into comprehensive transportation advantages and circulation circulation advantages, and create a "new coastal" for inland opening up. must adhere to the Yijing-Jingzhou metropolitan area as the carrier, promote the co-editing of planning, the same transportation network, the co-prosperity of science and technology, the same industry chain, the same use of resources, the same market, the same management of river basins, the same protection of people's livelihood, and promote coordinated regional development. We must adhere to history and culture as the link and build a Jingchu cultural inheritance and development center. We must adhere to the orientation of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, extensively carry out activities to jointly create a better environment and a happy life, and make greater efforts to protect and improve people's livelihood.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor Liu Huiwen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee Xia Guanghong, and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Yang Yunchun attended the meeting.

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