[Source: Nanchang Human Resources and Social Security] The adjustment of the basic pension for retirees in our city in 2022 has been successfully completed~~ The Nanchang Municipal Social Security Center follows the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Secu

2024/06/3012:45:33 international 1761

[Source: Nanchang Human Resources and Social Security]

[Source: Nanchang Human Resources and Social Security] The adjustment of the basic pension for retirees in our city in 2022 has been successfully completed~~ The Nanchang Municipal Social Security Center follows the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Secu - DayDayNews

Our city’s adjustment of basic pensions for retirees in 2022 has been successfully completed~~

[Source: Nanchang Human Resources and Social Security] The adjustment of the basic pension for retirees in our city in 2022 has been successfully completed~~ The Nanchang Municipal Social Security Center follows the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Secu - DayDayNews

Nanchang Municipal Social Security Center, in accordance with the "About Adjustment of Retirees in Jiangxi Province in 2022" by the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Department of Finance In the spirit of the "Notice on Basic Pensions" (Ganren Shefa [2022] No. 17), starting from January 1, 2022, the basic pensions for retirees from enterprises and government institutions in our city will be adjusted.

This year is the first time that the basic pension adjustment for retirees has been implemented after being connected to the national coordination system. In order to ensure that the city’s adjustment of the basic pension for retirees in 2022 is completed on time and with high quality, the Municipal Social Security Center has adopted the following work measures: First, attach great importance to, Prepare in advance. Timely forward the Provincial Social Security Center's "Notice on Adjusting Basic Pensions for Retirees in 2022", requiring social security agencies in all counties and districts to attach great importance to it and take practical measures to clean up the benefit items and test the system in advance. Preparatory work such as adjusting the waiting function, accurately calculating the required funds, and proactively connecting with the competent authorities will ensure that this treatment adjustment work is carried out in an orderly manner. The second is to strengthen leadership and organize carefully. A working group for the implementation of the adjustment and payment of basic pensions for retirees in 2022 was established in Nanchang City, and based on the actual situation of the city, a specific work plan for the payment was formulated, the division of responsibilities was clarified, and safeguard measures were implemented. The third is to clarify the requirements and strictly implement them. Strictly follow the requirements of the Provincial Social Security Center, specify dedicated personnel for docking, implement daily scheduling according to each time node, carefully check the transfer data, submit the unified expenditure plan on time, and organize the distribution as soon as possible.

On the afternoon of July 14, all the adjusted and reissued basic pension amounts for retirees from enterprises, government agencies and institutions in our city from January to July have been paid in full, benefiting 648,200 retirees from enterprises, government agencies and institutions in the city, with a total of 501 million yuan in reissues. , the city has successfully completed the adjustment of basic pensions for retirees from enterprises, government agencies and institutions in 2022.

Contributed by: Municipal Social Security Center

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