A model sets up a flag, and an example sets up a benchmark. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee decided to award 40 comrades including Shi Jinong, posthumously award the title of "Outstanding Comm

2024/07/0116:21:32 international 1702

A typical person sets up a flag, and an example sets up a benchmark. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee decided to award 40 comrades including Shi Jinong, posthumously award the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Hefei City" to 3 comrades including Ang Zhichun, and award the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Hefei City" to 40 comrades including the Party Branch of Dianbu Town Central Health Center in Feidong County The first party organization was awarded the title of "Hefei Advanced Party Organization". From now on, the Hefei Pioneer WeChat public account will focus on displaying the advanced deeds of a group of "Outstanding Communist Party Members of Hefei City" and "Advanced Party Organizations of Hefei City" commended this time. We hope that the majority of grassroots party members and cadres will follow the example of advanced models and be loyal, dedicated and determined. Be enterprising, brave in innovation, willing to contribute, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions!

uses action to write and take responsibility, and uses hard work to polish the background!

He Liang, male, Han nationality , is from Lu'an, Anhui, and a member of the Communist Party of China. He joined the army in December 2004 and served in the General Administration of Agency Affairs of the Central Military Commission. In November 2021, he was transferred to the Hefei Postal Industry Safety Center. During his service, he was awarded third-class merit twice, 11 commendations, was awarded the title of "Training Model" twice, and the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member" three times. In 2020, he was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual in Fighting the New Coronavirus Epidemic" by the Central Military Commission. "Honorary title.

A model sets up a flag, and an example sets up a benchmark. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee decided to award 40 comrades including Shi Jinong, posthumously award the title of

Since entering his new position, Comrade He Liang has maintained the hard work of a Communist Party member, starting from scratch and quickly entering the state. Pay attention to learning on the front line, cooperate with the Municipal Postal Administration to conduct an inventory of express market operating entities, and comprehensively clean up and rectify violations such as failure to renew certificates upon expiration, failure to cancel licenses after cessation of operations for more than 6 months, and failure to register express delivery terminal outlets, etc. Interviewed 14 company leaders and urged terminal outlets to register 20 times. Five companies with illegal charges were investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law. The special clean-up and rectification work is trivial and complicated. While He Liang handles the logistics support work carefully and thoughtfully, he also plays the multiple roles of driver and safety officer. He always feels that although daily work is ordinary, doing it to the extreme is a big undertaking. He is always the first to come and the last to leave every day. He often works overtime without complaining. He always strictly demands himself according to the standards of a party member and truly achieves what he does, loves and excels in.

"What you take off is the military uniform, but what remains unchanged is the original intention." In the face of the epidemic, in order to firmly guard the frontier of "foreign import prevention" in the urban express delivery industry, as a retired soldier, a Communist Party member, and an industry "waiter", He Liang obeyed the overall situation, obeyed the command, and did his best to We will do a good job in industry safety supervision, build a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control in the postal express industry, and actively implement the original mission of "People's Postal Service for the People".

A model sets up a flag, and an example sets up a benchmark. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee decided to award 40 comrades including Shi Jinong, posthumously award the title of

Fearless "vanguard"

html Since the severe epidemic situation in March, He Liang, as the liaison officer of the city's postal express industry epidemic prevention inspection party member commando team, took the initiative to give up his rest days and insisted on fighting at the forefront of the industry's epidemic prevention work. He went to the distribution center and terminal outlets for front-line inspections 398 times, basically achieving full coverage of outlets in the city. In view of the 314 hidden risks in 123 business premises, we established a problem ledger by category, and through return visits, we urged the enterprises to complete rectifications within a time limit to ensure quality and quantity. We implemented closed-loop account cancellation management to minimize industry risks, and used practical actions to interpret the role of Communist Party members. original intention and mission.

A model sets up a flag, and an example sets up a benchmark. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee decided to award 40 comrades including Shi Jinong, posthumously award the title of

An enterprising “doer”

During the epidemic, He Liang was often busy until late at night because he was responsible for collecting statistics and connecting corporate vaccinations, nucleic acid testing and other data. The child always asks why he can't see his father. The mother explains, "Dad is protecting the safety of the courier uncle, and he is also trying his best to protect the safety of the city." The child nodded in understanding, his eyes full of understanding for his father. and worship. During a field inspection, He Liang was accidentally injured, and half of his fingernails fell off. He endured severe pain. After simple treatment, he carried forward the spirit of continuous fighting and immediately devoted himself to the emergency work... Since then, his dedicated, down-to-earth and rigorous work style has been highly praised by his leaders and colleagues.

A model sets up a flag, and an example sets up a benchmark. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee decided to award 40 comrades including Shi Jinong, posthumously award the title of

A "combatant" who dares to be true

In daily inspection work, he loves to be "true". In his own words: "Being true" means being responsible, and "being true" is the guarantee of safety. It must be reasonable and well-founded, and it is called enterprise Take it heartily. During the epidemic prevention and control period, he worked continuously for more than 90 days. Every time he went to a company, he asked carefully about monitoring, checking various accounts, and health codes. Once he went to the company to inspect and found safety hazards and inadequate implementation of the epidemic. , he visited many times to supervise the rectification, but the rectification and implementation were not in place, and he kept watching until the rectification was completed before letting go. All the postal express companies he inspected all had return visits, and they all had to close the loop. At the same time, it also gave a warning to the express delivery industry, "As long as the companies he targets will not let go unless they make corrections." Some people say he is stubborn, and some people say he is serious, but he said: "Industry safety is no small matter, even if the company has complaints. Even if we are serious, we have to do the same.”

A model sets up a flag, and an example sets up a benchmark. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee decided to award 40 comrades including Shi Jinong, posthumously award the title of

(Source: Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department)


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